Wars. His uncle was a Marquis.

“Well, Poppy?”

“I am a bit... a bit confused by your sudden display of interest, Jonathan. We have known each other a long time... and you and I spent a lot of time together during the pre-nuptial activities and at Michael and Effie’s wedding... the better part of a week. But I detected no particular attentiveness on your part toward me. In fact, I believe you were practically engaged to a young woman named Flora Codrington. The daughter of one of her Majesty’s ladies in waiting.”

“Her mother attends Princess Beatrice, actually. But Flora is... how shall I say it? A bit dull. Slightly dim-witted.”

If that were the case, and given the fact that gentlemen like Jonathan rarely cared for women whose intelligence had been encouraged, it surprised me that he and Flora were not already wed with three children.

“You have a keen mind, Poppy. You are progressive. It rather... it rather excites me.”

I considered his proposal and blurted out, “I would consider sharing a meal with you, Jonathan. Perhaps lunch. And there is no need to request permission of my uncle for that.”

“I’d hoped for dinner. Perhaps before going to the theater. Or after a day at Rosherville Gardens.”

Again, difficult memories made their way to the fore. A favorite steamboat, the Princess Alice, running a pleasure cruise from London to the Rosherville Gardens at Gravesend, had sunk not long ago, and I still lamented the seven hundred lost lives, many from the pollution in the Thames rather than drowning. I’d treated the survivors. I had not saved many.

“It is only March, Jonathan, so the gardens are not open to the public yet.” I took a deep breath and said, “However, I will agree to have lunch with you. Perhaps tomorrow? You may decide the when and where and send a page this evening to Uncle’s with the particulars. Good day.”

I turned to leave and he touched my shoulder. “It really was a lovely surprise, running into you today.” Then he stepped aside to let me pass.

I smiled and started down the hallway. He called out, “Have a wonderful day, Poppy!”

Puzzled and perplexed, a little shaken and even a little intrigued, I hurried back to my office.

As the sun had come out from behind the grizzled clouds and the fog had thinned, I took my time going back to my office, so that I could think. I had surprised myself, accepting Jonathan’s invitation to dine with him.

I stopped at Lowther Arcade opposite Charing Cross Station, a bazaar where mosaic jewelry, toys and such were sold, and picked up a few things for little Billy, Wiggins brother. Then I found myself on Pall Mall near the Diogenes Club, where Sherlock’s brother Mycroft spent most of his waking hours and where I’d met with him in secret when he enlisted me to help ferret out some of Britain’s most heinous criminals - baby farmers.

Pall Mall was the heart and lungs of British aristocracy and social advantage, where English gentlemen found their pleasure in quiet discourse. It was like a street of palaces, the clubs being frequented by political celebrities and government officials. It stood out for another reason. Most of London’s most stately building were Gothic in style, but the clubs of Pall Mall were classical to one degree or another. The Reform was Italian, the Carlton next door more florid. Though it was but a stone’s throw away, Marlborough House could not be seen from the street and this was the residence of the Prince of Wales, which stood within the walls of St. James Palace. When meeting with Mycroft during the course of the baby farming investigation, I had often wondered if afterward he had scurried straight over to Marlborough to enlighten the prince as to the progress of our investigation. Next to Marlborough came Beaconsfield, the Guards, the Oxford, the Cambridge, the Carlton, the Reform, the Travellers, the Athaeneum, the Wanderers, and the Kennel. And, of course, Mycroft’s Diogenes, which stood just before Charing Cross, a short walk from Whitehall, the pulse of British government.

I was about to head toward the Strand to make my way back to the office when a cyclist sped past me, skittered by a few other pedestrians, wobbled and very nearly collided with an enormous man whose girth almost filled the entire walkway. I realized it was Mycroft Holmes.

He shouted at the boy and spun around, a feat which must have taken great effort, and shouted again. As I came almost face to face with him, he grumbled, “Damn bicyclists. They totally disregard the safety of others. The prejudice against them shall only be fostered and increased by these feverish riders who needlessly put members of the public in harm’s way. Infernal machines.”

I grinned. “Good day, Mr. Holmes.”

Finally, he tipped his hat to me and said, “Dr. Stamford.” The he added, “Damn cyclists.”

Remembering how Effie and I would ride quite recklessly through the grounds at Oxford, often barely avoiding passersby, I could not resist needling him. “Uncle told me that there is a Bicycle Union now, organised to protect the rights of bicyclists and to watch the legislation of Parliament that might affect the interests of the bicycling public.”

“Yes,” he scoffed. “But do the cyclists that the Council of the Union seek to protect heed any of the regulations and principles recommended to thwart altercations on the roadway? I tell you, they do not. These maniacs best be mindful of them. There was a case just last year, heard by Justices Lush and Mellor... Taylor v. Goodwin, I believe it was... that case imposed great penalties for furious and irresponsible driving. I do not see why we have allowed these strange beasts to invade the streets.”

I lifted my scarf to cover the wide smile on my lips. Anything akin to exercise was most foreign to Mycroft Holmes, as was most evident by his ever-widening waistline. Much like Oscar Wilde, who would rather hail a hansom to cross the street, Mycroft held

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