Carson gave me a cup of punch, and I drankit in a slow, even manner, hoping to be able to hear more fromKarina and Gina. A tremor quaked through me. S-Dub had better notdo anything more to those girls. My entire body stiffened. Theconnection started to cut out the farther away they got from me.Jeremy and Ace would continue to listen in once I couldn’t. Karinawas taking deep, long breaths when the feed cut out completely. Iglanced at my go bag, wishing I could use it to follow the girls.Karina had listened to Gina. Maybe they would be okay. I had tohope.
Chapter 8
My cup was empty, and Carson took it andbegan to refill it without a word.
“Do you think doing nice things like gettingme punch is going to put you in my good graces or something? Youshould know that I’m very hard to please.”
“You? No way.” He held the newly filled cupin front of me.
I chuckled and took the plastic red cup fromhim, bringing it to my lips and counting everyone once again. Wemoved away from the table as other kids approached. I glancedtoward the door Karina had gone out and then to the bathroom door,hoping the girls would suddenly appear or I would hear something inmy earpiece. But I knew it would still be a while before they couldrealistically show up. No one new had left the dance. I wasbeginning to think the phantom two guys were just that,phantoms.
“So. You were hiding?”
“Hiding?” I said, turning my body away fromhim. “I haven’t been hiding.”
“I lost track of you some time in the secondcountry line dance. I couldn’t see you anywhere.”
“What are you, my own personal body guard?”The comment came out a lot harsher than I’d intended, and he leanedback but quickly recovered and played it off. I took a deep breath,trying to push away the worry I felt for Karina and Gina.
“Of course not. I only want to make sure youhave fun tonight.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I’vehad fun tonight because of you.” I made myself smile.
“Really?” One corner of his mouth turned up,and his eyes seemed to shine.
“Absolutely.” I patted his upper arm. Ineeded something to distract me. I took it as a good sign that Ihadn’t heard from Halluis or Ace. I figured that could only meanone thing, the com on the girls was still live. They were simplytoo far away still for me to hear anything.
A strange old slow song played—like ballroomdance music. It didn’t matter. I could keep track of who was thereas we turned in a small circle. “It looks like we’re about to startanother grand dancing adventure.” I walked purposefully to thedance floor. “You up for it?” I glanced over my shoulder athim.
He was grinning. “Of course. We’ll makedancing history.” He caught my arm and led me onto the dance floor.“Get it, history?”
Carson grabbed my hand with one of his andmy waist with the other, effectively positioning us to slow dancethe old-fashioned way or maybe even waltz. Once the music startedthough, he put the hand he was holding up on his shoulder, and hishand fell to my waist.
“I won’t even try to fake you out that Iknow how to dance to such Pride and Prejudice music, but I hope notto embarrass myself.”
Apparently they’d just finished a Pride andPrejudice unit in English and had held a ball of sorts last week. Ibet it had been a laugh. We didn’t just move in a little circle, headded a somewhat sassy style to the dance that fit his personality.I couldn’t help but give him a truly genuine smile before startingmy recount of the guests.
“Do you mock me, Miss Amber?” His pressedsmile showed his dimples. “Something is distracting you.”
“I would never mock you.” I played alongwith his Darcy-esque tone, pulling out my best Lizzy Bennettimpression. “But a girl must be allowed to have secrets, Mr.Carson. Otherwise, the world would be boring and static.” I winkedand then glanced quickly toward the restroom door for the girls. Itwas kind of fun to pretend to be of another age, even in a tiny waylike speaking.
He broke formation long enough to throw hishead back and feign a laugh. He then quickly put his lips to my earand said, “Caution, now. You threaten to win me over in a singlenight.” When he pulled back, his rough cheek brushed my skin, hislips only a whisper from mine.
My heart sped up, and I felt my face burn. Itipped my head down in hopes of hiding it from him. Stupid physicalresponse! It had been too long since I’d felt someone’s lips onmine, and a part of me longed to feel it again. I pushed my mind tothe girls and scanned the room in vain for them again. Still, noone else had returned yet.
Once the song ended, he escorted me off thedance floor. He bowed and walked away. Someone touched my arm frombehind me. I turned, thinking it was one of the other Ambassadors,but it wasn’t. It was Jericho. Jericho was back? I searched theroom for the girls in one wide sweep of my head. That’s when Inoticed all three of the guys from the auto shop were missing. Ifound Mikado, but no girls. They were nowhere. My heart rumbled inmy chest. Where were they? Were they being cigged, whatever thatmeant?
“Looking for anyone in particular?”Jericho’s husky voice called my attention back to him. “Maybe I canfind him for you and introduce you.” There was laughter in hisvoice as he captured my hand in his. “But until then, how about wedance?”
Without waiting for an answer, he moved meonto the floor and gently placed his hand on my waist. Yet again, asong from another era played. His breath was minty, and hisfresh-smelling cologne caught me off guard. This guy had justslapped a tiny girl across the