Viktor. Had he been one of the mentorsI’d seen? I remembered the niggling feeling I’d had as he’d walkedaway from me that day in the cafeteria. That’s what I’d been tryingto recall—I hadn’t seen his face in the auto theft class, just hisback, the way he walked. Now that I was putting the two together,it seemed obvious. I had seen Viktor in Shareweather’s class thatmorning. His strut was unmistakable.

My mind spun, trying to process theimplications. Maybe I wouldn’t have to make nice with Jericho afterall, seeing as I already had a very strong in with Viktor. Ofcourse, he could be just another peon. Still, it was anotheroption. The only question was, was it any better?

I pulled up to the brownstone and put thecar in park. I shook Viktor awake. He wiped a string of drool fromhis mouth then reached his hand out for the keys, making an obviousmove to try for a kiss at the same time.


I pulled the keys out of his reach, and mylips as well. “Nice try,” I said. “But my mom is going to drive youguys home.”

“What the hell, Amber? They’ll know we’vebeen drinking!” I was pleased to see that his face paled a bit.Maybe Ace’s threat had had an impact after all.

“They’d rather everyone be safe than judge.I know my dad came on pretty strong, but as long as I tell him youwere good to me, he won’t shoot you.” I couldn’t resist adding,“Much.”

Viktor swore and made a grab for the keysagain, but he didn’t have a chance to do anything else—Ace and afemale agent I’d never met opened the door to the brownstone andquickly approached the car.

I got out, and so did Viktor. “My wife willdrive you to the subway station,” Ace said in his dad voice. “I’llfollow behind and drive her home once we see you safely on thetrain. You can get your car tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mr. Smith,” Viktor saidawkwardly. “We’re really just a little tipsy—nothing too extreme, Ipromise.”

“Well, I won’t call the cops on you, ifthat’s what you’re worried about. Just go straight home, and therewon’t be any problem.” He paused for a minute, then growled atViktor, “Were you a gentleman tonight?”

“I was, sir,” he said. I had stepped out ofthe road. “I’m sure Amber will verify that.”

“He was, Dad. Please don’t embarrass me anymore.”

“All right, then,” Ace said, and headedtoward another car parked on the street—it must have been the onethe female agent had come in. The agent was already in the driver’sseat of Viktor’s Escalade.

“Good night, Viktor.” I gave him a hug andturned to go into the brownstone. I couldn’t wait to take a showerand get Viktor’s smell off me. Then Viktor called out.

“Wait. You forgot your laptop. I’ll grab itfor you.” He got back in the car and popped the trunk, but insteadof getting out himself, he sent Mikado out. He handed me thecomputer, then leaned in close. “Whatever you do, don’t meet withViktor tomorrow. I can’t say more than that. Just trust me.”

He got back in the car as if nothing hadhappened, and they all drove off, leaving me standing, completelyshocked, in the middle of the sidewalk.

Chapter 15

I showered, scrubbing Viktor off me. I layon the couch, waiting for my team to get back and thinking througheverything that had happened. I fell into a fitful sleep. Viktorand Jericho kept invading my dreams, and whenever I woke up,Mikado’s warning echoed eerily through my thoughts. When Ace wokeme, I grabbed his wrist and nearly pulled his arm out of thesocket. He slammed into the coffee table and swore.

“Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry! I thought… Ithought…” I shook my head.

“Remind me not to ever wake you up.” Hescowled at me.

I sat up. “I’m sorry. I just hardly slept,and when I did, I dreamt of Viktor, Jericho, and Mikado. They makefor terrible dreams. I need to take another shower before school. Ithink I can still smell his cologne on me. Maybe that’s triggeringthe dreams.”

Ace’s scowl deepened, but this time itwasn’t for me. “I get it. To be honest, playing your dad last nighthas made me feel a little more paternal toward you. I don’t likethe idea of you getting involved with those guys any more thanJeremy does.”

I sighed. “That makes three of us.”

“Four,” Halluis said from the doorway.

I squinted over at his silhouette. “What isthis, a morning pow-wow?”

A look passed between Ace and Halluis, thenAce spoke. “Look, we just want you to know we have your back inthis mission. I mean, not that we didn’t before, er, of course, youknow—”

“What Ace is so eloquently trying to sayis,” Halluis cut in, “you’re our girl, Christy. We won’t letanything happen to you.”

I started to speak, then had to cough andrub my eyes, feigning residual sleepiness to mask the tears wellingup. They seemed to get what I was trying to say, and Ace patted myshoulder awkwardly before they both vacated the room.

“Thanks,” I whispered to the empty room.They were my team. I was their girl. Now if only I knew where Istood with Jeremy.

I rushed up to shower again. Sure I’dscrubbed every trace of Viktor off me, I headed down to get a biteto eat. When I saw Jeremy setting fresh bagels on the table I feltthe urge to run to him and let him wrap his arms around me. Thethought brought a flush of heat to my cheeks. Obviously some partof me was still Christy the mouse, searching for a protector—I’dthought I’d left her far behind. Great, Hadden, I thought. That’s aperfect way to prove to Jeremy how capable you are—run to him likea scared little girl. I ducked my head, trying to hide theembarrassing thought from Jeremy and the rest of the team, alreadyseated around the table. Luckily, they were deep in conversation,and no one noticed my discomfort.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, andJeremy looked at me sharply. “Any word from Viktor?”

I nodded. “He’s sent me a few texts already.I’m to meet him at five at a restaurant called Mishka’s.”

Jeremy’s jaw tightened, and he shook hishead, but

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