at the shipping manifestI’d memorized the container number of the director’s car—and everyother car on the ship, but Jeremy wasn’t supposed to know I hadthat talent. “I was looking for the information on the kids,” Ifinished lamely.

Jeremy just looked at me expectantly. Heknew what I could do.

“It’s in container AFG 145.”

“Attagirl,” Jeremy grinned, and we set offfor the car, Mikado following along in silence.

We found the container. Luckily it was oneon the end, or we’d have had no hope of getting the car out. Jeremyshot open the lock with one of the guards’ guns, and we wereinside.

I looked at Mikado. “Still have your toolson you?”

He reached for his pocket and pulled themout, a look of absolute shock on his usually stoic face. “I can’tbelieve it, but I do.”

We heard gunfire as the helicopter landed.Someone must’ve looked dangerous to those in the chopper.

We hotwired the car. and I backed it outthen drove it into the chinook.

“Let’s go get those kids.” We raced to thecontainer with the would-be slaves.

I wrenched open the door, and the four ofthem blinked back at me in surprise. I’m sure they weren’texpecting anyone to open the door again so soon.

They were a little hesitant to leave thecontainer, and I couldn’t blame them.

“Don’t worry,” I said, entering thecontainer to grab the girl by the hand. “This time, we have ahelicopter.”

Hope registered on their faces for the firsttime; one of the boys even cracked a smile.

Watching the prisoners climb into thehelicopter made my heart pound with excitement and relief. Jeremyclimbed in last.

As the helicopter pulled away from the ship,I looked back at the carnage behind me and wished I could feelpity. Triumph swelled inside me, and a smile of relief graced mylips. Jericho would never get his chance to hurt me or anyone elseever again. As we flew away, bright lights shone up into the airaround us. I saw the brigadier’s pilots lying dead on the oppositeend of the ship.

Jeremy put headphones over my ears and thentook one of my hands in his. I leaned my head on his shoulder,right in the soft little nook that cradled it so well. His thumbcaressed the back of my hand, and I took a deep breath and closedmy eyes.

Chapter 32

To my surprise, the helicopter didn’t takeus to Division HQ. Instead the pilot landed almost immediatelyafter reaching the shore. When Jeremy questioned him, he told ushe’d been given instructions to take the car, the rescued kids, andMikado back to HQ, but we were to return to the brownstone untilfurther notice. Though surprised, I was grateful not to have todebrief just then. The adrenaline from the battle on the ship hadworn off, and I was exhausted.

Jeremy climbed out of the helicopter,pulling out his phone to call a cab, but I stayed behind a bitlonger.

“Mikado,” I said gently. He looked up at me,his face completely blank, as usual. “What we did tonight,” my eyesflicked over to the group of kids, now lying huddled on the floorof the helicopter, apparently asleep. “It would have beenimpossible without you. Whatever else you’ve done, whatever elsehaunts you, you have to know that you saved lives with yourcourage.”

He blinked once, and I thought I caught agleam of moisture in his eye, though I could have been imaginingit.

“Thank you, Amber,” he said, then his mouthtwitched in a slight smile. “Or whoever you are. For what you’vedone for my family. I won’t forget it.”

He reached out a hand, and I shook it andnodded. There was nothing left to say. I climbed out of thehelicopter, and as soon as I was clear of it, it lifted into thesky.

Moments later, a cab had arrived, and Jeremyand I crawled in. The ride was a blur, and before I knew it we wereback at the brownstone. Jeremy and I trudged up the steps and wentinside. Halluis and Ace were waiting just inside the door forus.

“Young lady, you are way, way past yourcurfew,” Ace said, crossing his arms and looking stern.

After the intensity of the last 24 hours,his comment was too absurd—I started laughing, but it came outcloser to a choked sob. Ace dropped the stern look immediately, hisface melting into panic as I leaned against the entryway wall andcried and laughed hysterically.

“I didn’t mean—I’m sorry—are you—” hefaltered.

“Crétin,” Halluis muttered, pushingpast him to pull me into a tight hug. “Can’t you see our girl hashad a hard time? And here you are making jokes!” He pulled me downthe hall, and I managed to get my hysterics slightly undercontrol.

“I’m f-fine, really—it was funny, Ace, Ip-promise,” I laugh-cried.

“Come, we will make some chocolat,and you will soon feel much better,” Halluis insisted. His kindnessthreatened to undo me again, and I buried my face in my hands,trying to keep a shred of composure.

Ace, Jeremy, and I sat around the table, andHalluis busied himself making hot chocolate. I focused on steadyingmy breathing. Once I had calmed down, I noticed that Jeremy had hisarm protectively around my shoulder. He didn’t seem to realize whathe was doing, and I made no move to call attention to it. Rightthen, I needed his arm around me more than anything in theworld.

Halluis set mugs in front of each of us andsat down.

Jeremy said, “You guys really came throughfor us tonight. I don’t know how you got that chinook, but yousaved the day.”

“That was all Ace,” Halluis saidgenerously.

Ace ducked modestly, then said, “There mayhave been a little bit of illegal maneuvering going on to overridethe resource restrictions we were given. I might have impersonatedan officer of the U.S. military—digitally, at least. I did it, butit was Halluis’s idea, to be completely honest.”

“So you were the ones who gave the ‘order’for us not to go to HQ?” I asked.

“Mais oui,” Halluis nodded. “Wethought you could use a break before facing that.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Impressive.Both of you.”

“But the helicopter would have been uselessif the two of you hadn’t been able to subdue the guards on theboat. Pretty great work, yourselves,” Ace said.

“If you think about it, it was quite themiracle it all worked out.”

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