calamus (Acorus calamus or sweet flag) 3
Calochilus (bearded orchids) 188; C. imberbis (naked beard), 190; C. robertsonii (purplebeard) 189; brownbeard 188, 264
camel, 286; ‘Wheelie’ 284, 286
candytuft, giant (Iberis) 228
carnation (Dianthus) 228
canola (rapeseed Brassica) 351
capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) 356
Cardium tenuicostatum (thin-ribbed cockle) 238, 345
case moth (Psychidae) 164
cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) 290
cattle 4, 19–20, 55, 65, 286, 298, 348–350
Ceanothus 347
Chiloglottis diphylla (twin leaf bird orchid) 148; C. gunnii 136
chocolate lily (Dichopogon strictus) 264
Christmas bush, Victorian (Prostanthera lasianthos) 81
clematis, native or supplejack (Clematis aristata) 81
common heath (Epacris impressa) 326
coral tree (Erythrina) 227
correa (Correa) 52, 265
Corysanthes (helmet orchids), 265; fringed red helmet (Corysanthes fimbriata) 87, 148
cotton palm 227
cowslip (Primula veris) 34–35
crested shrike-tit (Falcunculus frontatus) 119
crow, Torresian (Corvus orru) 280
Crowea angustifolia 212
Cryptostylis (tongue orchids) 161, 186, 187; bonnet (C. erecta) 188; pink fairy or small tongue (C. leptochila) 178, 179, 186, 195, 204; slipper (C. ovata) 188, 213; duck or large tongue orchid (C. longifolia now subulata) 119, 187
currant, flowering 16
cuscus (Spilocuscus maculatus) 290
cuttlefish (Sepia) 238, 345
Cyrtostylis reniformis (small gnat orchid) 146, 165, 265
daffodil 235, 326, 327
dandelion 34, 259, 348
date palm 227
delphinium 3
Diuris orchids; donkey (D. pardina) 119, 146, 174, 200; bulldog (D. orientis) 200; doubletail (D. colemanae now D. tricolor) 176, 264
dragonfly 49
dunnart, fat-tailed (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), 4, 115
easter daisy 329
echidna, short-beaked (Tachyglossus aculeatus) 12, 305, 311, 383; ‘Stickles’ 4, 301, 309, 310; ‘Prickles’ 310
Echium plantagineum (Paterson’s curse or Salvation Jane) 353, 356
egret (Ardea) 124
emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 290
emperor gum moth 89, 143
Eriochilus cucullatus (parson’s bands orchid) 319
Eucalyptus, blue gum 78; E. camaldulensis (river red gum) 273; E. botryoides (Bangalay) 359; E. caesia (silver princess) 66; ghost gum 286; grey box 377; ironbark 9, 122, 135, 377; karri 361; manna gum 81, 294; mountain ash 81; peppermint gum, 7; sugar gum 359; stringybark 81, 122, 135, 172, 173, 330
everlasting or paper daisies 210, 265
fairy wren, superb or blue wren (Malurus cyaneus) 52, 119, 237, 385, 386
fantails (Rhipidura), grey or white-shafted (R. albiscapa) 119, 385; rufous (R. rufifrons) 119
ferns (Pteridophyta), bracken 95, 237; maidenhair 81, 227; rock fern 81; sword fern 227; tree fern 81, 87, 95
finch, Darwin’s (Thraupidae) 316; gold (Carduelis carduelis) 386; green (Carduelis chloris) 237
firefly (Lampryridae) 59
fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) 345
flathead, rock (Platycephalus laevigatus) 311
flat spurge or red soldiers (Chamaesyce drummondii) 298
flax 338, 339
foxglove 3
fringed lily (Thysanotus tuberosus) 265
fruit fly (Drosophila) 156
fruit trees 48, 120, 127, 223, 230, 348–350; apple 4, 18, 284, 330, 335, 350; apricot 127, 350; fig 4, 7, 127, 350; mulberry 127, 309; plum 4, 127
fuchsia 3, 7, 380, 390
fungi 81, 119, 204, 220, 326; bracket 81, 119; Dermocybe austroveneta 81; Ramariopsis crocea 81; Boletus protentosus 350; mycorrhizal 220–221
Glossodia major (waxlip orchid) 200
golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis) 237
golden orb-weaver spider (Nephila edulis) 155–157
gorse 356
gooseberry 35
grass, blady (Imperata cylindrica) 352; lady’s-hair 264; mulga (Aristida contorta) 299; shell 264; quaking 356; tussock 265
grass tree (Xanthorrhoea) 231, 264
grevillea (Grevillea) 164, 219, 228, 326
grey shrike-thrush (grey or harmonious thrush) Colluricincla harmonica 119, 385
hawk moth (Sphingidae) 15, 330
hazel (Pomaderris aspera) 81
heath (vegetation type) European 26, 35, 259 Australian 52, 167, 256, 265
heart-urchin (Spatangoida) 345
herbs (various) 3, 34, 35, 120, 127, 136, 259, 322, 347, 348, 386
hermit crab (Paguridae), 40, 238
holly 35
hollyhock 3, 137
honeyeaters (Meliphagoidae), New Holland (Phylidonyris novaehollndiae) 389–390; painted (Grantiella picta) 378; regent (Xanthomyza phrygia) 390, 404; singing (Lichenostomus virescens) 378; spine-billed or Eastern spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris) 387, 390; white-plumed (Lichenostomus penicillatus) 385
honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) 219
honeysuckle 35
horse 18, 99, 102, 107, 270, 280, 340, 351; ‘Dandy’, 349
hoverfly (Syrphidae) Eristalis tenax 153; Simosyrphus grandicornis 153
huntsman spider (Isopedia now Holoconia immanis) 164
hydrangea 3, 145
Indigofera 338
iris 120, 235, 264
ivy 16, 28, 121, 173
jellyfish 345
jilgie (yabby) (Cherax) 227, 311
kangaroo paw (Haemodoraceae) 222, 228, 389–391
lad’s love 34
‘Lady’s leg’ creeper 228
Lathyrus pubescens (blue climbing pea) 145, 380
lavender 3, 16, 34
Leptospermum 348
leucopogon 227
lichen 81
‘lilium convallium’ (lily of the valley) 35
linden tree 17
Lissopimpla semipunctata (ichneumonid or orchid dupe wasp) now Lissopimpla excelsa 161, 180, 186, 195, 196, 204, 213
lotus plant (Lotus berthelotii) 390
magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) 238, 386
marigold 3, 228
marri (Corymbia formerly
Eucalyptus) 359
mice 4, 311
milkmaids (Burchardia umbellata) 200
milkweed 391
millipede, Portuguese (Ommatoiulus moreleti) 352
mistletoe 12, 117, 288, 377, 378, 383; grey (Amyema quandang) 377
mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) 363, 378
Monadenia bracteata (now Disa bracteata) weedy leek orchid 355–357
Moreton Bay fig or banyan (Ficus macrophylla)
moss 80, 81
mulberry, white 78
mulga oats (Monachather paradoxus) 214
musk tree (Olearia argophylla) 81, 136
mynah (Acridotheres tristis) 354
nardoo (Marsilea drummondi) 290, 291
nasturtium 228
numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) 219
oak 78, 261, 359
onion weed 356
Ophrys (bee orchids) 183; bee orchid (O. apifera) 26, 181; fly orchid (O. insectifera), 26; sombre bee orchid (O. fusca) 184; yellow bee orchid (O. lutea) 184; mirror orchid (O. speculum) 184
Orchis (old world orchids); early purple orchid (O. mascula) 26; frog orchid (O. viride, now Coeloglossum viride) 181; lizard orchid (O. hircinum now Himantoglossum hircinum) 181
pandanus palm 288, 289
parakeelya (Calandrinia) 286, 298
parrot 312, 350, 378
paulownia tree 200
periwinkle 35
petunias 3, 15
phasmid or stick insect (Phasmatodea) 4, 12, 143
phycelia 228
pincushion flower (Brunonia australis) 264
pine 351, 352
pink 35
pinkeye 265
pipe-fish (Urocampus carinorostris) 111–113
Pittosporum 3, 7, 391
plum, wild (korputa, probably quandong) 291
poppy 228, 320
possum 29, 136, 227, 237, 281, 284, 311, 350 ‘Bill Baillie’ and ‘Mandy’ 4, 129–130
poultry, 4, 348, 349; Australorps 4, 125, praying mantis or mantid (Manotodea) 4, 329–332
Prasophyllum (leek orchid) 82, 219, 316–317, 356–357; elfin midge (P. archeri or Genoplesium archeri) 118; graceful leek orchid (P. pyriforme) 176, 178, 179; inland (P. macrotys or regium) 407n; lilac (P. colemaniae) 317
Pterostylis (greenhood orchid) 82, 86, 87, 135, 146; banded greenhood (P. vittata) 162, 86, 87; bearded greenhood (P. plumosa) 264; curl-tongued shell (P. rogerisii) 176, 177; jug (D. recurva) 328; nodding (P. nutans) 61, 85–87; rusty (P. squamata) 119; tall (P. longifolia) 86, 87; tiny (P. pusilla) 119; maroonhood (P. pedunculata) 391; now all reclassified to the genus Oligochaetochilus)
Pyrorchis nigricans (redbeak orchid) 265
quoll (Dasyurus) 281
raspberry 81, 347
redcurrant 35
Rhagodia (saltbush) 209, 210, 299
Rhizanthella gardneri (western
underground orchid) 220, 221
rose 1, 3, 7, 35, 41, 66, 120, 127, 173, 299, 331, 380
running postman (Kennedia)