could, Julia. Keep in mind, though, we’re up against some formidable opponents here. You’re not a stupid woman by any means. You know how things work. I like to think I have clout, but Charles’s law firm practically owns the judicial system in the state. They dump a ton of money into political campaigns. People do ‘favors’ for each other. A judge could stall it for any number of trumped up reasons.”

“How nice that we have a system where the judges have to run for office.” She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice.

“Yeah, but they do. It’s a fact of life. Unfortunately.”

There was a soft knock on her door, it opened, and Claire poked her head into the office. Julia motioned her to come in.

She tightened her grip on the phone. “I guess that’s my punishment for making a poor choice to begin with.” Damn Charles and his privileged circle, anyway. Damn them to hell. “Listen, I’ll be gone for three days next week, but I’ll keep in touch by phone.”

“Try not to worry. I’ll do my best to close the deal while you’re gone.”

Not worry? Hah! She was sure she’d worry about it enough to give herself a stress headache and make her nerves raw.

“I didn’t mean to overhear, but Julia, I swear.” Claire shoved her fingers through her curls in exasperation. “I don’t know why the hell you let him get away with this. He’s a bully who enjoys yanking your chain.” She blew out a breath. “I thought Harry was a shark who ate people like Charles for breakfast.”

Julia fiddled with a pen on her desk. “He is. I’ve been trying to keep this as simple as possible. Not irritate him any more than he already is. To get it over with.”

“Simple? Over with?” Claire threw up her hands. “Honey, it’s been anything but simple. And it’s still not over. That asshole has practically made you beg for everything. What the hell has Harry been doing? He should have gone after him with a jackhammer.”

“Harry got him out of the house,” she reminded her friend, “and worked out the custodial arrangements for the twins the way I wanted them. Charles can’t just pop in and ask for them on a whim.”

Claire made an unladylike noise. “The only reason he even takes them on his appointed days is because he knows it pisses you off. He doesn’t have to worry about winning the Father of the Year Award.”

“He can’t stick his nose in my business any more, either,” Julia said, aware how defensive she sounded.

“Yeah?” Claire studied her face. “How’s that working out for you?”

“Fine.” Her voice was flat and they both knew she was lying.

Julia worried all week, imagining any number of disasters. Every time the telephone rang, she expected it to be Charles ready to pounce on her for something. Or Luke changing his mind. Or Harry telling her Charles changed his mind. Not to mention the fact time dragged interminably as she counted off the days, one by one. She and Claire spent two days brainstorming the Hot Ticket campaign, an exercise which thankfully forced her to focus. The rest of the time, however, her mind was like a restless nomad, wandering into dangerous territory.

She was a bundle of nerves counting off the days.

Monday night, she packed and unpacked at least three times, then decided to take a bigger suitcase and throw everything on her bed into it. She simply couldn’t make a choice. She read the twins a story after dinner, tucked them into bed, and went to bed herself.

The next day couldn’t come soon enough for her.

Chapter 7

Luke waited for her at the baggage carousel, ruggedly handsome in his charcoal suit with a dark overcoat folded over one arm. A warm smile creased his face and his eyes danced as he spotted her. She simply couldn’t help herself. She threw herself into his arms.

“Hey,” he greeted in a soft voice. “I’m glad to see you, too.”

He held her so tightly she thought her breath would leave her. He felt so good to her, and his scent wrapped itself around her in a delicious cloud. She’d remembered it every day since the last time she’d seen him.

“I’ve probably embarrassed you in front of the entire city of Boston.” She laughed, pulling back.

“Maybe only half of it,” he joked. “Don’t worry. They’ll tell the other half.”

Driving away from the airport, she couldn’t get enough of looking at him, staring at his face, memorizing it. Although aviator sunglasses now hid the warm brown eyes and thick lashes she remembered, her gaze took in every line of his face, the strong jaw, and broad forehead. Sunlight glinted on the faint threads of silver in his thick brown hair. He was freshly shaven, and she inhaled the spicy scent of his aftershave.

He reached a hand over to her and she took it, lacing her fingers through his. It felt so good being with him again. Just his nearness made her feel warm and giddy, almost like a teenager. She could hardly believe she was finally here, sitting next to him, touching him.

He squeezed her hand. “I’ve missed you, Julia. Tell me you missed me a little bit.”

“You know I have. More than a little. I feel like it’s been forever since we were…together.”

“Well, I have a little surprise planned for later I hope will make up for it.”

“Oh, good.” She sat up straighter. “I love surprises. What is it?”

He laughed the full-throated laugh she loved so much. “If I told you now, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”

And no matter how much she begged and teased, he just smiled and shook his head.

They headed away from Boston, the crowded city soon falling away to a suburban landscape. The landscape was pure New England winter. Pristine white drifts mounded against mostly brick houses and decorated the bare branches of the trees. The brilliance of the sunlight glinted off the surface, making everything look

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