to read my acceptance speech for an Academy Award. And since I might forget a few names when I do receive an Oscar or an Emmy—totally dreaming—I thought I’d take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to this novel by way of support, inspiration, influence, or sheer presence in my life and career. It took a village to raise this child of the arts, so to all the following people, I give you my sincerest thanks.

Charlie S. Dannelly II, my husband, my love, my rock, thank you for not judging me as I walked around the house in my pajamas all day, toiling over my manuscript. Your generous, unwavering belief in me is like delicious coffee in my cup. It warms and motivates me, and God knows I couldn’t do without it.

For my parents, Gloria and Frank Spicer, thank you for your love and for teaching me the true meaning of fortitude. By your example I’ve learned to get up when I fall, accept my mistakes, and press on. I can’t thank you enough for getting back up.

Most special thanks to my brother Frank “Pop” Spicer Jr., for your consistent encouragement and for having my back since day one of my journey, and to my fun-loving sister Yvette Spicer-Jackson, for every braid you put in my hair, for every party you’ve thrown on my behalf, and for showing me the ropes by teaching how to—1 up 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9! Pop and Yvette, your influence on my life is bigger than you might realize. There’s a piece of you in everything I do.

For my amazing grandmother, Tomasita Rosario—had it not been for your sacrifice, I don’t know if any of my dreams would have come true. Thank you so much for teaching me how to pray, your greatest gift. I love you, Grammy!

To my precious in-laws, Senator Charlie S. Dannelly and Rose Dannelly, for your love and support and for helping me fall in love with Charlotte, North Carolina.

Darrell Miller, Esq., thank you for taking me on as a client more than twenty years ago. You inspire me.

To my agent, Regina Brooks, and her assistant, Jocquelle S. Caiby, and Team Serendipity Agency, thank you for all your hard work. I’m happy to be your client!

Especially to the incredible senior editor at Penguin Random House, Diane Landolf, thank you for encouraging me to explore the smallest details that made huge differences in every draft. If I’m revered as a rock-star author, it’s because of you.

For my mentors and dynamic authors Jeff Rivera (my cousin), L. Divine, and Cecil Castellucci, thank you all for your awesome advice.

For Team Spicerack Productions Inc., George Blake, Marlene Sharp, Yolonda Brinkley, Sonia Evans, and Angela McCrae, thank you for your constant support. You guys are the best! And my interns Allison P. Jackson (my niece), Morgan Tucker, and Ameerah Holiday, for your noteworthy thoughts. Also to Peggy Iafrate with Strega Marketing for jumping aboard and making magic happen.

For the entire Spicer and Perez family, especially my dearest cousins Patricia Tucker and Barbara Commissiong, with whom I’ve spent fun, unforgettable summers on Long Island. To Eddie Carson, Mark Thomas, Fred Watson, Michael Francis, Monique Perez-Jones, and Tico Perez, you guys made life so much sweeter growing up as a teen from the concrete jungle of New York City. I thank you all for simply being you.

To my brothers Anthony Spicer and Eric Spicer and my sister Elizabeth Spicer-France, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. And, Liz, thank you for Tiger. He’s the best furry writing partner anyone could have.

To my godparents, Eitelle and Franklin Ford—I don’t know where I’d be without your love and support at every stage of my career. To my second moms and spiritual teachers, Odaris Jordan, Joyce Payne, Dr. Virginia Flintall, and Christine LeMaire, your words of wisdom and examples of grace and courage carry me to this day.

For Tony Jackson and Anthony Jackson Jr., Elizabeth Leite, Elza and Clai Rocha, Gail and Amari Sealy, Cynthia and Charles Hernandez, and Lee and Betty Collins, your love and support are a blessing in my life.

For Samm-Art Williams, for deeming me worthy of a shot at Hollywood. I hope I’ve made you proud. Thank you to Dr. Valeria Sedlak, my English professor, and Mrs. Edna Peschel, my seventh-grade English teacher, who gave me words of encouragement that will forever be emblazoned on my heart.

To the late David Walker for starting the National Double Dutch League, and to Lauren Walker and double Dutchers everywhere who carry on his legacy.

To the best of my friends and the worst of my bullies, thank you for bringing out the best in me and giving me reason to spread love through #lovedoubledutch and #iamgirlstrong.

In loving memory of my aunt Jean Francis. Her legacy lives on in everyone who ate at her table.

Above all, to the Almighty Creator, from whom all blessings flow, to You be the glory.

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