Many know the story of the Flying Scot, Eric Liddell, whose Christian conscience would not let him run in the 1924 Paris Olympics on a Sunday. Though he had trained for the 100-meter event, he had to switch to the 400-meter instead—and won the gold! It was all told in the book and movie Chariots of Fire.
What more is there to say? Plenty! Another Eric (named Eichinger) now tells the rest of the story in his fascinating book The Final Race. With gifted pen, he tells of Liddell’s subsequent career as a missionary teacher in China and how his efforts there became a powerful witness to Christianity and culture in the Far East. As a celebrity, doors were open to him, and he faithfully used them to do the work of the Lord in remarkable fashion.
What happened after the Olympics was by far the most significant part of Liddell’s life, and Eichinger nobly rescues it from oblivion, offering a true account, brimming with triumphs, tragedies, love, and violence—all set against the brutality of the Japanese invasion of China at the start of World War II. In these pages, Eric Eichinger has given us the genuine sequel in Liddell’s life, providing a true tale that will grip readers and fire their spirits.
Bestselling author of A Skeleton in God’s Closet
The Final Race is a gripping read of the rest of the Eric Liddell story. This chariot of fire of God’s grace didn’t merely bask in Olympic glory but sacrificed it all to run the race of his life and to share the gospel of Jesus in China. Author Eric Eichinger does a wonderful job showing Liddell’s humanity, his struggles, his tenacity, and above all his persevering faith. It’s a riveting story of the love of Christ leading the way amidst the hurdles of culture and resources, as well as the overwhelming atrocities of war, concentration camps, poverty, and false ideologies. In the midst of it all, Liddell’s life is a compelling story of the love of Christ, a race that he ran to win so that others would be blessed, to give God glory. Truth be told, his service was just a reflection of his Savior, the one he always wants you to meet through it all. Eichinger compellingly brings to life this story that will have you turning the pages in anticipation. It’s a story that surely will bless all who read it.
Executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, Washington, DC, and speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
The story of Eric Liddell after his Chariots of Fire Olympic glory is both inspiring and challenging. Pastor Eichinger takes us on a thrilling yet heartbreaking journey of courage and self-sacrifice. He digs deeper into not only what made Liddell an all-time great on the track but also the difficulties of balancing God’s calling with the demands of responsibility to family. Set in World War II China, The Final Race is a timely reminder that true faithfulness often leads to great sacrifice, but also great reward.
Director of track and field and cross-country, Charleston Southern University; seven time All-American; and head coach of thirty years in the Big Ten
Pastor Eric Eichinger has done a masterful job of introducing us to Eric Liddell’s life after Chariots of Fire. Since he both served as a missionary to China and ran track in college, Rev. Eichinger is able to capture Liddell’s story in a unique and engaging way. Far from picturing the Christian life as one of pure glory and victory, The Final Race reminds us that following Christ means bearing a cross, having to sacrifice what we love at times and even living in uncertainty. Yet in all of this, Liddell’s life points to the reality that God’s grace always prevails and that the blood of Christ offers the only true hope there is. The Final Race is sure to inspire and encourage all of us who have to bear a cross.
Senior pastor, Community Lutheran Church, Escondido, CA
The Final Race recounts the heroic story of Eric Liddell with passion and grit. Author Eric Eichinger shares how Liddell finished the ultimate race of life with commitment, determination, and self-sacrifice. Faith, family, war, romance, struggle, and victory combine to show that Eric Liddell was much more than an Olympic hero. He was a hero who changed lives for eternity.
Author of Hope When Your Heart Breaks and The Life You Crave
Eric Liddell’s life of loving service is a testimony to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His story is worthy of remembrance and celebration, and The Final Race is an enriching and rewarding testament. Like the Apostle Paul before him, Eric Liddell has “run the race,” entering the joy of his Master. This book will help you enter into that race as well. I encourage you to read and be refreshed.
Research fellow, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
The Final Race offers a refreshing, compelling reminder of someone who lived by his principles regardless of circumstance. With this engaging account of Olympic hero Eric Liddell’s life story, Eric Eichinger has given a solid example that should be considered by all endeavoring to live a life of virtue today.
Entrepreneurs and bestselling authors of Whatever the Cost
Like Eichinger and Everson’s remarkable work, I have been captivated by Eric Liddell’s story for over thirty years. It was immensely gratifying to discover that The Final Race holds true to the man’s incredible legacy while crafting a beautiful tale. Highly recommended.
International bestselling author
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The Final Race: The Incredible World War II Story of the Olympian Who Inspired Chariots of Fire
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