he says he is, or perhaps something else entirely. I would like to remind the military, our merchant brothers, and all present to please speak when it is your turn to speak. I now have the floor. I would like to also remind all of you of the great threat that was thankfully annihilated by our good allies the BG. Were it not for them defeating the synthetic humanoid invasion, we might not all be here today.”

Computer, Jolo thought, define synthetic invasion, limit results to last five years and involving Federation planets. Digest version.

Instantly text popped up his mind.

Two years ago, in the middle of the Federation’s war with the BG, a new threat to all worlds arose, which was called the synthetic humanoid invasion. Vellosian humanoid synthetic beings were rounded up and accused of a plot against the Federation. This was during the BG and Federation war. The BG and the Federation created an alliance to destroy the humanoid synthetic population. Soon after, the whole planet of Vellos was accused of attempting to create a synthetic army whose mission was to dismantle the Federation and to eliminate the Bakanhe Grana. The BG ultimately destroyed the Vellosian home world and afterwards the Federation peace accord was signed and the current peace became a reality.

The president continued, “It is our task today to decide whether this alien acquisition is, in fact, the man who he claims to be, or merely a synth spy.”

And then began a long line of questioning from each faction. The merchants were concerned because an unauthorized space ship made it past the outer patrols.

“Why did you not respond to the hails?” their leader asked.

“I had no communication,” said Jolo.

“Why did you land on Duval?” they asked.

“My life-support was down. I had to land immediately. Duval was the closest planet.”

“But why not Tichel?”

“I'm not sure,” said Jolo. “It just felt right. I looked out the view port and saw the stars there, and I had a good feeling about it.”

At that, someone from the merchant faction blurted out, “He was attempting to infiltrate the alacyte production operations on Duval. There can be no other explanation.”

Again the room erupted in argument. Next, the Federation doctor who examined Jolo was brought out. He confirmed that all scans of Jolo indicated he was, in fact, human. But then the president spoke up, “Dr. Johnston, are your scans infallible?”

“No, sir, they are not.”

“Could this person here standing before us be a synthetic life form?”

“Well, I suppose, there is a possibility. Towards the end of the war there were rumors of advanced synths that could pass through Federation scans.”

And then the president quickly dismissed the doctor before he could say anything else. “I now would like to call down our esteemed military advisor, Captain Barthelme, of the recon ship Valhalla II.”

Captain Barthelme was brought down to the floor. His face was red and sweaty. The president wasted no time. “Captain please state your name for the record.”

“Franklin John Barthelme, Federation captain, Valhalla II, reconnaissance.”

“Captain, were you not a member of the expeditionary force led by Captain Jolo Vargas in the final campaign in the spring two years ago on Montag in Vellosian space?”

“Yes, that's correct.”

“And did you not fight side-by-side with Captain Vargas against the BG in the final battle on the beach at San Miguel?”

“Yes, that's correct.”

“Can you tell us what happened there?”

“Yes. Captain Vargas was leading a small ground force, myself included, to take out the main power station the BG were using to supply most of their weaponry.”

“And were you successful?” said the president.

“At first, yes. We made it to main power station without much issue, but then a large BG destroyer jumped in at the last moment.”

“And then what happened?” said the president.

“And then we were defeated.” At this point, Captain Barthelme looked down at his shoes and took a deep breath.

“And what did you see right at the end before you blacked out?”

“I saw Captain Vargas.”

“You saw Captain Vargas? And what condition was Captain Vargas in at that moment?”

“It was bad.”

“How bad?”

Barthelme looked up at Vargas with a pained expression. “Very bad,” he said, finally.

“And after you made it out, what was your exact comment to then Commander Filcher?”

Another deep breath from Barthelme. The audience started to grumble. So the president repeated question and waited.

Finally the captain said, “I said that Vargas was dead.”

“Could you repeat that so everyone can hear?”

“I said that Vargas was dead.”

“And how did you know Vargas was dead?”

“I saw his body. He was torn up pretty bad. He wasn't breathing. Those of us who escaped barely got out alive. The med bots brought back the wounded, but Captain Vargas was not among them.”

“So the med bots, who are programmed to recover living comrades and leave the dead, left Vargas on the field of battle?” said the president.


“So you were surprised when you saw him the other day on your reconnaissance mission?”

“Yes, I was.”

“But you think it's Vargas?”

“Yes, I do. I don't know how, but it's Vargas.”

“Thank you for your testimony, Captain,” said the president.

At this point the emperor of the BG stood and strolled into the circle. “Where have you been for the last two years?” he asked Jolo with near perfect core world pronunciation, though slightly marred by a very faint buzzing hiss at the end of each sentence.

“I don't know,” said Jolo.

The emperor was several feet taller than Jolo. And he walked around the man like a shark moving in for the kill. “So you remember nothing in all of that time?”

“That's correct.”

“How convenient. Do you remember who you are?” Jolo did not reply. “Do you remember your crew? Do you remember the name of the ship you were the captain of?”

“I was the captain of the gunboat Jessica. Captain Barthelme was my chief.”

“And do you remember any others? Or is that it?”

“I remember Filcher, he was number 2. And I remember the ensign, Jaylen Voss.” The Emperor looked over to

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