Huh. No, she didn’t know that. She smiled up at him, working at his buttons until they were all undone and she had a view of his chest and abs all the way down to his belt. She slid her hands under the edges of his shirt and caressed those exquisite muscles.
“Then I guess we’ll just have to be quiet,” she said softly.
Mac leaned forward and nibbled at the lines of his pecs. A low rumbling growl slipped out of him.
She pulled away to give him a reproving look. “What part of quiet didn’t you understand?”
He slipped his fingers in her hair, urging her to go back to what she’d been doing. “Quiet, right. Got it.”
When she kissed, nibbled, and licked her way down his chest and stomach, Gage did a better job of holding his tongue—but just barely. Still, she had to smile a little as she unbuckled his belt. If he’d had a problem staying silent for the first part, this part was really going to be tough on him.
Once she had his belt undone, she struggled to work his jeans and underwear together down over his hips. He helped some, but let her work for it, which she appreciated. Anticipation always made things better.
When Mac had everything down around his thighs, she nudged him back so he was perched on the edge of his desk. She wanted him to be able to lean back and relax because she was going to make sure he never forgot what he meant to her.
His cock was already hard and jutting out eagerly before her. She ran her hands up his thighs until she reached the base of his cock. Then she carefully curled one hand around his shaft and tilted her head up to look at him.
“Quiet, remember?”
He gazed down at her with heated eyes. “I’ll try.”
That was good enough for Mac. She dipped her head and wrapped her lips around him. Gage didn’t exactly remain silent, but the groan he let out wasn’t much more than a deep sigh. She doubted even a werewolf would be able to hear it unless he was standing right outside the door.
She worked her mouth up and down his shaft, moving her hand in smooth counterpoint to the rhythm of her tongue. Gage tasted so damn good it was difficult not to cut loose with a few moans of her own. She could do this all night, letting him come in her mouth, then getting him hard so she could do it all over again. The thought alone made heat pool between her thighs.
Gage slipped his fingers into her hair, guiding her movement, urging her to go faster…deeper. But just when liftoff seemed imminent, he used that hand in her hair to bring her to a slow halt, then tug her mouth off his cock.
She started to complain, but he’d already tugged her to her feet and urged her back against his desk before she had the chance. He had her shoes off before she even found her voice.
“Um, I was still working down there.”
He gave her a sly look as he yanked open the buttons on her jeans and pulled them off. She had to grab hold of the edge of his desk to keep from being dragged off with them.
“Maybe,” he agreed. “But it’s my turn now.”
Gage tossed her pants and panties over to the couch that lined one wall, leaving her leaning back on his desk wearing nothing but her top. He reached around her and shoved stuff aside, then urged her back. When he dropped to his knees between her spread legs, his eyes were once again gold. Was he flipping them back and forth to freak her out?
Maybe, but that wasn’t the effect it was having. In fact, it was just plain turning her on.
“Remember,” he said in that low, rumbling growl she was already coming to love. “No screaming.”
He lowered his head and nibbled his way down her inner thigh, and for one crazy moment, Mac wondered if Gage’s teeth were sharper when his eyes were gold like they were now. If he nipped her hard enough, would she turn into a werewolf, too?
But those thoughts disappeared the second his warm mouth came into contact with her pussy. If his teeth were any sharper or longer than normal, she didn’t notice it when his tongue slipped into her folds.
She tried hard to keep her head up so she could watch him go down on her, but as tantalizing as the view was, she couldn’t do it for very long. As Gage’s tongue glided up and down her folds over and over, then finally focusing on her clit, she got so dizzy she had no choice but to drop her head back and give herself over to the pleasure.
Right then, she was far beyond worrying about whether Gage’s pack heard her, but she bit down on her knuckle anyway, hoping it would muffle her moans.
Mac gripped the edge of the desk with her other hand and lifted her head. The sight of Gage lapping at her pussy—his glowing eyes locked with hers—was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen. She forced herself to keep watching him as he made love to her with his mouth, drawing her orgasm out longer and longer until she was sure she would scream.
Only when her whole body was shaking and spasming like she was holding a bolt of lightning did Gage finally let up and move his mouth off her clit. Even then, he continued to slowly lave his tongue across her folds, making little sparks dance in her vision.
She dropped her head back to the desk and gasped for air as Gage went back to nibbling on her inner thighs. At some point he stopped that, too, but she didn’t know what he was up to until she heard his jeans hit the floor.
She looked up to find him grinning at her.
“I love watching you come, did