“No, not even if I thought so. You see, as it happens, I’m a bit of a cynic myself, Herr Dietrich.”
“Cynicism is a very respectable school of philosophy. For the ancient Greeks there wasn’t anything shameful about saying you were a cynic. In my humble opinion there’s nothing wrong with a good dose of cynicism, Herr Ganz, and you’ll soon find out that Diogenes is the patron saint of the claims adjustment business. As long as my department continues to think that way then this remains a profitable company. But please don’t think we’re hard-hearted. We’re not. We’re actually performing a valuable public service. That’s the way I look at it. By not paying out on fraudulent claims we keep premiums low for honest customers. But right now I’m short of good men with keen noses for dishonesty. I need a claims adjustor who can think the same way as I do.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed my prominent ears, Herr Ganz,” said Dietrich. “My nickname around this office is Dumbo. You know, like the little elephant in the Walt Disney cartoon? Most people think my ears are funny. And this is all right with me because, like that little elephant, these big ears are my fortune. They’re why I’m running this department. Now I certainly can’t fly, but I do have the advice of Timothy Q. Mouse, who whispers things that only these big ears can hear. Ideas that go straight into my subconscious mind. You see, Timothy says when he thinks there’s something wrong with a particular claim. Dr. Merten tells me you were once a very good detective. In what is now East Berlin. Which is why you can’t provide a written reference.”
“That’s about the size of it, Herr Dietrich.”
“So it’s fortunate that Dr. Merten is prepared to vouch for you personally. In my opinion that makes you a very good risk. A very good risk indeed.”
“I’m grateful for his confidence in me.”
“Did you enjoy police work?”
“Most of the time.”
“Tell me about the part you didn’t enjoy.”
“The hours. The money.”
“Not enough?”
“Not nearly enough for the hours. But I knew it would be like that when I started so I was prepared to live with that. For most of the time. Expecting a wife to live with all that was something else.”
“Would you call yourself a trusting sort of man, Herr Ganz?”
“Well, now, here’s the thing about trust. There’s nothing to it. Trusting people is simply a matter of ignoring your best instincts and all your experience and suspending disbelief. The fact is, the only way you can ever be sure if you can rely on someone or not is to go ahead and rely on them. But that doesn’t always work out so well. People usually behave like people and let you down and that’s that. Of course, if you know they’re going to let you down then you won’t be disappointed.”
He grinned and made a noise deep in his large belly I assumed was something like approval.
“Tell me, Herr Ganz, are you fit?”
“Sure,” I lied. “Just don’t ask me to dance around a streetlight with an umbrella.”
“Dangerous things,” he said. “Every year almost a hundred people in West Germany are seriously injured as a result of someone who was careless with an umbrella.”
Suddenly I had a glimpse into the hazardous world he inhabited, in which everything a human being did came with its own inherent risk. It was like having a conversation with an atomic scientist: Nothing was too small to be significant. “Is that a fact?”
“No, it’s a statistic,” he said. “There’s a difference. You can’t always put a price on a fact. So. I have another question. Just how cynical are you, Herr Ganz?”
“I have twenty-five years’ experience of living in a tub on the streets of Berlin. Is that what you mean?”
He smiled. “Not quite. What I mean is, give me an example of how you think.”
“About what, for instance?”
“I don’t know. Tell me something about politics. Modern Germany. The government. Anything at all.”
“You know it could just be that I’m a bit too cynical for your tastes, Herr Dietrich. With my mouth I could be talking myself out of a job here.”
“You can talk quite freely. It’s how you think I’m interested in, not what you think.”
“All right. Try this on, sir. We live in a new era of international amnesia. Who we were and what we did? None of that matters now that we’re on the side of truth, justice, and the American way of life. The only thing that’s important in Germany today is that the Americans have a canary in the European mine so that they’ll have enough time to get out if the Russians decide to come across the border. And we’re it. Tweet, tweet.”
“You don’t think the Amis will defend us?”
“After what we did? Would you?”
Herr Dietrich chuckled. “You’re the man for me, Herr Ganz. I like the way you think. Skepticism, yes. This is essential in the claims-adjustment bureau. Don’t believe what you’ve been told to believe. Expect the unexpected. That’s our motto. I pride myself on being an excellent judge of human nature. And it’s my opinion that you’re my sort of man, sir. When can you start work?”
“What’s wrong with February first?”
“All right then. Now you’re talking. But first I have to ask Herr Alzheimer to approve your appointment. He’s the chairman of the board but he takes a special interest in my department, so he’ll want to meet you himself. Is that agreeable to you, Herr Ganz? Are you prepared to endure a moment of scrutiny in Alois Alzheimer’s office?”
I was on my best behavior so I said it would be an honor and Dietrich must have believed me because he picked up the telephone and made a call. A few minutes later we were walking upstairs into a more rarefied atmosphere. Certainly the gray carpets