to her chest and looked back at Erik. “You… But you are human.”

Erik stood up, holding his hands up. “She told me it was the only way to help you. And… I mean, it was nice.” His knees went weak and he fell onto them. The hard stone was unforgiving. His vision blurred and returned, thoughts swirled in his head.

Hel snapped and his mind cleared. “That’s better. Now, I think, since I got to witness such a beautiful scene, that Göll should share her secrets.”

Erik stood, looking at Göll with curious eyes. She looked at Hel and back to Erik, desperation plain on her face.

Göll shook her head. “I have no secrets.”

Hel rolled her head in annoyance. “Come on. Tell him why you are the only ale-bearer who still finds chosen? All of them with a particular name.”

“…Haki.” Erik whispered the name.

Göll came to him. “It was not… A seeress told me. She said that I would one day deliver to Valhalla a great warrior. One who would be remembered above all others ever brought to Odin’s hall.”

“Me? It can’t be.”

Göll would not meet his eyes. There was something she knew that Erik did not, that much was clear. He looked to Hel.

She raised her silver eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, me? Fine, if Göll wants to be bashful around the man who literally gave her a second chance at life.” Hel came to the front of the stone table. Erik looked up at her, waiting. “There is a story. It says that when Odin tossed his eye down a well, he gained more than wisdom.” She continued past, waving for them to follow. “He remembered all of the ages. Every Ragnarok. And he came to fear them.” They climbed the stairs, Hel happy to let her story sit until she was back at the surface. She continued as they moved down a hallway. “The other gods, they have come to fear Ragnarok as well, hearing Odin’s stories of the horror that awaits them. He wishes to break the unerring cycle of time.”

They came into a grand hall, filled with light. Vár stood in the middle of it, looking at them silently. Hel walked to her and turned.

“He gathers power to himself, desperate to avoid his fate.” Hel smiled. “Let’s tell another story, Vár.”

Vár nodded. “It’s time he knew.”

“Another story, then. One Göll hasn’t heard either. Odin came to the norns when he had chained mighty Fenrir. And he said ‘What is there left? What could bring me to ruin?’” Hel smiled. “’A son by your own seed,’ they said. ‘A boy called Haki will bring Ragnarok.’”

Erik’s eyes widened and Hel began to laugh.

“No… it can’t be me.”

Hel’s laugh became an insane cackle. She drew a deep breath, satisfied with herself. She smiled down at Erik.

“Oh, it is.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “And you will need help.”

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chapter|1 1

chapter|2 13

chapter|3 22

chapter|4 31

chapter|5 41

chapter|6 51

chapter|7 61

chapter|8 73

chapter|9 82

chapter|10 91

chapter|11 103

chapter|12 112

chapter|13 119

chapter|14 129

chapter|15 139

chapter|16 147

chapter|17 157

chapter|18 167

chapter|19 176

chapter|20 186

chapter|21 196

chapter|22 205

chapter|23 213

chapter|24 223

chapter|25 232

chapter|26 241

chapter|27 250

chapter|28 258

chapter|29 269

chapter|30 280

chapter|31 293

chapter|32 303

chapter|33 312

chapter|34 321

chapter|35 330

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