“Damn,” I said. I grabbed more silver chain, wrapped it around her unchained ankle, and snapped the end to the one on her right ankle. I located the roll of bondage tape and wrapped lengths around her thighs, arms, waist, and torso, the same as the night before.
One at a time, afraid to remove any more silver than one at a time, I drew the medallions from inside her panties and fit them beneath the various sections of tape.
By the time all of the silver was tight against her; her skin was as smooth as ever, with no sign of fur. I retrieved the arm binder and slipped it on her. Finally, I attached the lines from her bindings to the metal bed frame. I rolled her onto her side before snugging the lines tight. I was hopeful that being on her side would be more comfortable, but I didn’t know. Heavy bondage wasn’t in my skill set, yet.
I sat on the edge of the bed, took a handkerchief from my pocket, and dabbed at my nose. It was painful and bloody, but the least of the wounds I’d suffered since Gail had come back into my life. I noticed the scrapped knuckles of my left hand and wondered where I’d left skin. I turned toward Gail, thinking about her split lip, and the bloodstained sheet where her mouth had lain after I’d hit her.
I looked at my knuckles again. The skin was hardly broken, just a small gash where it’d split against something.
Fuck me! Was it against her teeth? If so, the next full moon was going to be interesting.
I briefly considered replacing her bra, but there was no way I was willing to release her to put it on. I slid the top sheet and bedspread completely out from under Gail. The ropes I’d tied to the bed kept me from just pulling it over her so I fanned out the sheet and let it fall gently against her.
She was probably going to be pissed about me wrecking her bra, but not as pissed as she would be if I left her uncovered all night.
I stood and retrieved the Mossberg, the new ammunition, and Gail’s Colt and then retreated to the only corner of the room without a skylight. When everything was set up, I made a pot of coffee and grabbed a pre-made sandwich from the refrigerator. I moved into the corner to eat and wait the night out.
Two pots of coffee and I couldn’t count how many trips to pee, the sky was finally getting light. I checked the time; it was after six. The moon wouldn’t set until just after seven. I wasn’t sure if the sun had anything to do with the transformations, but the last two nights, she hadn’t begun to change until the minutes before moonrise. Yesterday, the moon hadn’t come up for nearly a half hour after sundown and today it was scheduled to set about the same amount of time after sunrise.
I went into the bath again, leaving the door open so I could watch the bed. I used the toilet and washed my face. The mirror showed me how much swelling there was around my nose. It wasn’t as bad as I had expected. The skin around my right eye was bruised, but again it could have been worse. I gingerly felt the edges of my nose and nothing ground together. At least this time it wasn’t broken. It’d probably hurt more tomorrow, but right then I was in so much pain that I couldn’t localize what portion came from my nose.
In the kitchen, I took out a frying pan and a cookie sheet. I sprayed Pam on both and set them aside while I raided the refrigerator for the breakfast supplies we’d bought. After chopping the onions, peppers, and mushrooms, grating the cheese, and starting a fresh pot of coffee, I went to check on Gail.
She still slept, trussed up as tight as I could get her without hurting her. I remembered she used to look so innocent in sleep, but I could hardly think that now with her in heavy bondage and wearing nothing else but her lace-trimmed panties, red this time. Bending low, I pushed back the edge of one eyelid; just enough to see there was still a yellow tint to her hazel eyes.
I kissed her on the forehead and then went to the front windows. Raising the shattered glass and sliding the shutter out of the way, I peered out. A thick fog had come in during the night and while I could see Gail’s van with no trouble, I could just barely make out where the drive entered the forest. The air even smelled damp and from somewhere nearby I could smell honeysuckle.
A moan came from behind me. I went back to the bed and found Gail staring up at me. I sat down on the side of the bed and checked her eyes, there was still a trace of yellow in her irises, but she seemed aware.
“Are you human enough for me to untie you?”
She mumbled something unintelligible into the cotton rope that held her jaws apart. Her forehead wrinkled and from the glare in her eyes; I guessed she was herself again.
I reached behind her head, untied the rope, and pulled it gently forward, keeping my fingers well away from her teeth as I did.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
She worked her jaw and then blinked at me. “How’d last night go?”
“We’re still alive. How much do you remember?” I bent to pull the slipknots attaching the ropes to the bed frame.
“The last thing I remember was feeling the change approaching and telling you to gag me.”
I finished one side of the bed and leaned over her to slip the knots on the far side. “Let me get that arm