breath, let it out slowly, and opened the bedroom door. Both men glanced up from where they sat in front of the fire.

“Morning, boys!” I called with excessive cheeriness. “Did you leave any coffee for me?”

Joe motioned toward the kitchen counter and the Keurig coffee maker. “There are a couple of types of coffee and a few kinds of tea. I knew what Rafe drank, but I wasn’t sure about you.”

“I pretty much drink what Rafe drinks. Black coffee, but I could appreciate an oolong tea in the afternoon.”

“Then you’re in a quandary,” Rafe said. “It became afternoon a half hour ago.”

I set my saddlebags on the floor and put my boots on top of them. I selected a dark roast coffee from the K-cups Joe had set out. A ceramic mug that looked hand-made sat beside the Keurig. Since the men had cups, I knew Joe had set it out for me. I started the brew cycle and then picked up my boots and saddlebags.

“You really shouldn’t have let me sleep that late, Rafe.”

“I figured you wouldn’t sleep this long if you didn’t need it. Besides, there’s nothing pressing today.”

“All right then. I’m going to clean up. Would you be a dream and bring me the coffee when it’s ready?”

“Sure, no problem.”

I hurried into the small bathroom. There was no tub, just a shower stall with a glass door, the toilet, and a single sink with an old fashion medicine cabinet above it. It was just like the medicine cabinet I had grown up with. I relieved the pressure on my bladder and then started the shower. I could tell Rafe had already taken one, or at least washed his hair, because it had still looked damp where he brushed it back. I almost wished he had waited on me. I enjoyed showering with Rafe and having him wash my back and all those other hard to reach spots.

I’d just suds-up my hair when I heard a double rap on the bathroom.

“Come on in.”

I heard the knob turn, and there was Raphael. My mentor, my boss, my lover…make that sex-partner. He held the ceramic mug, and steam wafted from it.

“Want me to set this on the counter?”

“Come on in and shut the door. I don’t want to give Joe a peek-show,” I responded.

Rafe entered and pushed the door shut behind him. “Sorry, I guess I’ve gotten used to it just being you and me.”

“Me, too. You can wait, if you want to,” I said as I dunked my head back under the spray.

I saw Rafe glance toward the bathroom door and then back at me. His eyes roved over my body. I resisted the urge to give my booty a little shake for his pleasure.

Rafe set the mug on the counter, leaned back against the door, and watched me finish rinsing.

I turned the water off, squeegeed excess water from my hair by pressing it flat with one hand and opened the shower door. Rafe had a folded towel and was waiting for me. I stepped onto the bath mat and turned my back to him. He dried my back in long, slow, strokes that started at my shoulders and went all the way down. After two complete circuits, I turned around and put my hands on his shoulders. He repeated those long strokes even slower this time. My skin flushed from more than friction. When he reached the top of his second stroke, I pulled him into my body and kissed him long and deeply.

After a bit, I broke the kiss, but instead of letting go, I buried my face in the hollow of his throat and held him close. He smelled clean and a little like the bar of Irish Spring soap that I’d found in the shower. Rafe usually smelled good, but I missed not smelling him after our bout of sex. It makes me feel good–and maybe a little possessive–when I smell my own scent on him.

Eventually, I let go of him. A bead of water had run down my face and was now cutting a cool streak between my breasts. Rafe dabbed at the bead with one end of the towel and then ruffled my short hair with it.

“Maybe I should have waited for you to take my shower,” Rafe said.

I chuckled as I noticed that the front of his jeans had grown tight. I kissed him lightly on the lips.

“You’re sweet, Boss, but there’s not hardly enough room for two in Joe’s shower, even if they’re real friendly.” I made a show of examining the shower for its size.

Rafe leaned past me to study the compartment. “I’m not so sure. I think we could squeeze in there,”

I chuckled. “Yeah? And then what? There wouldn’t be enough room to get a bar of soap between us.”

“You’ve never complained about that before.”

“That’s because when we finished, we could still wash each other. We’d be bumping into each other and the walls,” I pointed out.

“I’m willing to make the attempt. I’ve had harder–”

I grabbed him playfully and squeezed. “I don’t know. I don’t think it could be much harder.”

Rafe grinned and reached for me. I triggered my shield tat and formed it between us.

“Hey, that’s not why I taught you that,” Rafe complained.

I chuckled and winked slyly. “A girl’s gotta practice, right?”

Rafe grinned and nodded. “Sure, use my own words against me. Okay, come on out when you’re ready. Joe’s starting pancakes and sausages.”

“Great, I’m starving.”

Rafe left, pulling the door closed behind him. I watched the door for a moment and then rubbed my hands softly over my breasts. The feeling of his clothes against my bare skin had left me with more than a little desire for a rematch, too. But there’d be plenty of time later when Joe Leatherhide wasn’t in the next room cooking breakfast. I bit my lower lip, turned to the mirror, and reached for my brush.

Joe was just setting a tall stack of pancakes on the table, and Rafe was taking

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