I helped John to sit down on the opposite end of the sofa. Lewis moved to join him, not saying a word, just hugging his partner.
I grabbed the other throw and handed it to them, placing a hand on each shoulder. Not saying anything, there was nothing to say. Mick was an amazing man, who had selflessly given his life for us and our group. Words could never express the sympathy I had for John or the appreciation I felt for Mick.
But there was a time and place for those comments. Right at that moment I knew that John just needed Lewis to hug him tight throughout the night; giving him comfort that nobody else could.
I moved silently throughout their home into the large kitchen/diner. Picking up two bottles of water from the worktop I was a little surprised to see that they were flavoured water. Good old Mick. Nothing but the best for him and now for our good friends. Both the bottles were still, Lemon and Lime flavoured. I wasn’t sure if John and Lewis would like it but then again we couldn’t really afford to be picky these days; any water as long as it was clean was good.
Placing the bottles on the small wooden coffee table in front of the sofa, I earned small smiles from both men.
“I’ll see myself out, goodnight both. Should you need anything, you know where we are” I whispered.
Whispers of thanks from both of them saw me out of the door.
I strolled home, the sun was starting to come up. I looked forward to getting into my bed. It had been a long ass night.
I climbed the steps to the trailer and opened the door as quietly as I could.
Nia and Will were both propped against each other sleeping. They were sat on the sofa that was my pull-out bed.
I decided to sleep in Will’s bed for the night, or day as the case was. The front door clicked loudly behind me, causing me to cringe. I didn’t want to wake them, they too had experienced a long couple of days.
Too late, they both woke up, stretching and yawning. Both blessing me with small smiles, when they laid eyes on me.
“Sorry” I scrunched up my face trying to look sorry.
“Nah man, that’s ok.” Will grinned.
“We were trying to wait up for you. I’ve left a few blankets and pillows just there for you.” Nia smiled and pointed to a pile of dark coloured bedding on the chair opposite.
“Thanks” I yawned, desperate to snuggle up warm and close my eyes.
“Mick?” Will asked.
“No” that’s all I needed to say.
They both looked down to the floor, feeling the loss of Mick.
“Hey, you two. Get to bed and let’s get some proper rest”
Nia nodded, she got up sluggishly. Giving me a hug before slinking off to her room without another word.
“You stay with John and Lewis?” Will asked also standing up. His top and joggers creased badly from falling asleep in them.
“Lewis went inside to put Cory to sleep. I stayed outside the gates with John waiting to hear off Mick. We fell asleep sat on the ground. I just took John home and made sure he was ok” I explained.
“You’re a good man G” Will hugged me tightly too.
“Where are Annabelle and the other women I saw you saving?” I’d completely forgotten about them with all of the drama regarding Mick.
“They are ok, a little shaken up but they will bounce back”. For now we’ve put them in with Sheila and Brian” he smiled a tight smile.
“I’m so glad that Annabelle is safe, Will, but I can’t believe that Amy is gone” my old friend guilt was clawing its way back into my stomach and chest, causing me to feel nauseous.
“Hey, don’t even think about blaming yourself for that one ok? If we had given in and opened that gate then who knows how many of us would still be standing here right now” Will looked me in the eye “Would you have wanted to subject Nia, Amelia and the others to a man like Jed? It would be Deacons place all over again. We fought so hard to leave there.”
“I know, I know. I would never want anyone to go through that again. Thank you Will” I let out a huge sigh. Just because I understood why we didn’t open the gates to save Amy, didn’t mean that I had to like it.
“You’re Welcome G. Now get some rest. We shall meet with everyone tomorrow afternoon to plan our stay here”
“Good night Will” I replied hugging him again, clapping his back a few times.
He gave me a warm smile before also heading to his room.
I watched after him for a little while, feeling grateful that I still had people left in this world who I loved and who loved me. I was wrong to try to push them away. I should have been pulling them closer, making every second count, because these days we never knew when it would be our last.
Another long yawn showed me just how much my body needed to rest. I stripped down to my navy t shirt and orange boxer shorts. Pulled out the sofa bed easily and grabbed the navy cotton blankets, quilt, along with the fluffy pillows dressed in a bright yellow that Nia had left out for me.
Lying back, I was surprised at how comfortable the sofa bed was, that added with the warmth of the blankets and quilt and the softness of the pillows had me drowsy once more. Only then realizing just how tired and worn down I really was.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the good things in my past. Meeting Kelly, getting married, the births of our children.