he swung me up into his arms. I had a moment of self-consciousness about my round curves, but it was gone the minute he laid me on the bed.

“You taste so fucking good, Katrina.” He settled over me, kissing me again until I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t care. I could die like this and be perfectly content.

He trailed his kisses lower, pulling my dress up, sucking on my nipple through the sheer lace of my bra.

“Oh, God.” I arched, helpless to do anything but feel.

He continued his journey, down over my belly, pushing my panties down my thighs. Somewhere, in the back of my brain, a warning bell was going on off, telling me I should stop. This shouldn’t be happening. Ryder was my best friend’s brother. He humiliated me in high school. He was a player. He had no ambition and nothing to offer me except annoyance and irritation. My hormones told my brain to shut up and enjoy the ride.

He settled his shoulders between my thighs and slipped his hands underneath my backside, lifting my hips to his mouth.

“I’ve wanted you like this forever,” he said roughly. He buried his face in my pussy. I cried out as pleasure whipped up in a frenzy. He groaned, the vibration of it sending shock waves through my entire body. Every neuron inside me was firing. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I never wanted it to stop.

Pre order Trina and Ryder’s story here.

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