with hunger and a spark of fire I’ve never seen in a man before. A pleasant shiver slips up and down my spine and I bite my lip. It takes a pinch to my arm to stop myself from closing my eyes and falling back into the memory of last night when I first saw my future husband.

I sigh, growing frustrated at yet another wrong turn. This castle is so massive I need a map or at least directions to navigate it. It’s nothing like the palace at home. Where my home was golden and bright, Kane’s is filled with brooding reds and dark wood. I pause to inspect a detailed stained-glass window depicting the rise of the Simeons from the Underworld. Suddenly, I feel a breath of wind brush the back of my neck. I whirl around, eyes wide, and clutch at the window frame.

A man stands in front of me, but I’m not sure man is the right word. His hair is black and falls loosely around his shoulders. From beneath it, I spot the tips of his ear poking through, pointed and sharp. His eyes are a vibrant pale blue, like ice, and are locked on me hungrily. But it’s his wings that catch my attention. Tucked neatly behind his back, it’s easy to miss them, except for the glossy black feathers shimmering in the light. He’s as handsome as Kane but in a more wicked way.

I shrink back instinctively against the window as he studies me. I breathe shallowly, trying to move as little as possible, as if that will keep him from pouncing on me. His eyes trail from my face down my neck and then follows the line of flesh from my collarbone to my navel. I swallow thickly, wishing there had been a more modest gown in my wardrobe. The wine-red gown drapes my figure, clinging to my curves like a second skin.

“Hello Little Pet,” he murmurs. His voice is silky smooth and cold. It sends another shiver down my spine. “Lost?”

I bite my tongue, drawing blood and his pupils widen. I lick my lips nervously. “The King is expecting me,” I say, hinting that my absence will be noticed.

“I’m sure he is,” the man says, cocking his head. “Perhaps I can guide you to him, Little Pet.”

“I’ll be fine.” The words spill from my mouth faster than I intended.

A smile splits his lips and I imagine I see pointed fangs. He holds out a hand and I notice pointed fingernails that could be claws. “I’m Willem, his Second. Allow me to escort you to the dining hall before you keep Kane waiting.”

My brows raise in surprise. I don’t take his hand, but I push away from the wall and nod. “I’m Briar.”

“I know.” His smile broadens.

He turns back the way I came, and I follow him, holding my skirt so it won’t tangle in my ankles. From behind him, I can see his lovely wings more clearly. The feathers are large and shining, ruffling as he walks. At the tips of his wings, there are bony protrusions arcing in the air. I have to resist the urge to reach out and brush my fingers over them. As if he can sense my desires, he glances at me over his shoulder with a smirk.

“Have you ever seen a Reaper before?” He asks, cocking a brow.

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m sorry for staring.”

“If a lovely woman can’t take her eyes from me, who am I to complain?” He purrs, eyes flashing.

A blush creeps up my neck and along my cheeks, and I know by the glint of his teeth he's noticed. He pushes into a door I passed earlier and holds it open for me. Willem bows mockingly as I enter. My eyes skim over his sleek tunic and trousers, perfectly fitted to accentuate his lean figure. The door closes with an echoing thud and I take in the dining hall. It’s a long chamber, with a fireplace on opposite walls, already blazing. The room is hot, and I feel sweat already pricking at my skin. A grand table fills most of the space, with dark and glossy wood. The chairs are red velvet and look plush and comfortable.

I run my hand over the back of the nearest chair, enjoying the smooth softness of the fabric. The room is luxurious in the darkest, gloomiest way. I feel Willem looming behind me, and I turn to face him. Something warns me not to turn my back to him for a second. His eyes take me in, an amused look on his face. He crosses his arms and leans back against a smartly detailed column.

“Where’s Kane?” I ask. The room is empty besides Willem and I, and dark enough it feels too intimate.

“He’ll be here soon,” Willem says.

I walk casually around the table, trying to put distance between the two of us. Willem’s eyes follow me, as if he knows what I’m up to. “Perhaps I should wait outside for him,” I suggest, watching him through my lashes.

Willem is beside me before I can blink and I gasp, startled. “Why, Little Pet? Do I frighten you?” His voice is low, almost like a snarl, but it sends heat washing through me.

I stumble backward. "Is this appropriate?" I ask, voice trembling.

“Does it matter?” His fingers trace my jaw, claws scraping my flesh. He leans close and I’m frozen by the depths of his gaze. He grins, gaze dropping to my lips. I inhale shakily as he lowers his head to mine.

“Enough, Willem.” Kane’s voice booms over us, shattering the tension between us.

Willem pulls away, amusement flashing in his pale eyes. “Nice of you to show up, Kane,” he says.

I pull out of his reach, hands trembling, and move closer to Kane’s voice. I can feel his powerful presence behind me. I stumble into a chair and halt, trying to collect myself. A wave of embarrassment hits me as Willem eyes me. I wonder if he knew

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