I decided to settle on a pair of my jean shorts and an old Georgia State t-shirt. I was in the kitchen placing the last dish into the dishwasher when the buzzer echoed through my apartment, making me jerk in surprise. I was a ball of nerves. Even though the text ensured me I shouldn’t worry, I was. I’d fantasized over this man for so long, and now that I’d had a taste of the real thing, letting go, I knew, would be next to impossible. I wanted it all.
Drying my hands on the towels, I looked around quickly. Satisfied with the appearance, I walked toward the front door.
Peeking out, I got a fluttering feeling when I saw him on the other side, wearing a ball cap I’d seen him wear often and a tight t-shirt, which I was sure accompanied by a pair of jeans. I was practically drooling before I even opened the door. I took in one last calming breath before flipping the lock and pulling open the door. A smile spread out over his lips as he lifted one hand to display the beer and another with a pizza.
“Hope you like mushrooms.” Leaning in, he gave me a quick kiss. “I decided to forego the onion.” He winked at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh when he stepped around.
I watched him walk around my space, my home. I’d always felt like the space was enough, big enough, but with him here, the size of this man made it feel smaller.
“Great place.” Placing the pizza box and the six pack on the counter, he turned around, taking it all in. I’d never had a man at my apartment before, no one other than my family and friends, that was. This was my safe place, the one location I had that was all mine. But having him here actually made the place feel even cozier.
When Landon noticed I was still standing near the door, quieter than usual, I guess he took a few steps toward me and reached out his hand. There was no way to hide the way my hand shook when I placed it into his. So many things were coursing through my mind—fear, excitement, hope.
“Why are you so nervous?” I shrugged and moved closer toward him when he gave me a little tug. “I told you that there wasn’t anything to worry about.”
“I know.” But that didn’t take the fear away.
He led me to the couch. Sitting, he turned his body to the side and patted the space at his side. “C’mere.”
I did, worrying my hands in my lap. He placed his over mine. “Chloe.” When he whispered my name, I looked up and found him looking at me with kindness. One arm stretched out over the back of my couch, he curled one lock of my hair around his fingertip. “I felt like we should clear some things up before we move forward.”
“And that’s not supposed to make me nervous?”
Dipping his chin, he brought his face in closer to mine and kissed me softly. His lips lingered for a few seconds before kissing me a second time. “I want you, Kitten,” he whispered. “I just wanted to make sure you want the same things.”
Leaning back quickly, I wanted to see his eyes fully. “You wanted to make sure I wanted you?” Was he truly that dense? “I’m pretty sure that part has been obvious. Do you not remember the bar?”
He smirked as he took his hand off mine that were still pooled in my lap and glided his palm over my thigh. Chills covered my skin, and a shiver ran through me. “I know you’re attracted to me, Chloe, and I’m sure you’ve picked up I am attracted to you, too. But that’s not what I am referring to.”
I waited, watching him closely.
“I’m talking about more,” he confessed. I had never seen Landon appear vulnerable before. “I don’t want a fling, Chloe. I want you. When I say that, what I mean to say is that I won’t share you.” My heart felt like soaring. “We’ve never talked about where we want this to go, but I think that’s something we should discuss. Because in the future if you show up somewhere I’m at, I don’t want to have to hide away somewhere to kiss you. I want to be able to do that right out in the open. And I want you and everyone else to be okay with that.”
“Are you asking me to go steady, Landon Layne?” I was going for playful, but there was no way to hide the joy in my voice.
“I guess I am.” He chuckled. “But I think I’ll just refer to it as me making sure that you are all mine, Chloe, because that’s what I want.”
“Me, too.” More than he would ever know.
When he leaned in to kiss me, I made the move and crawled over his lap, straddling him. Instantly, he placed one large hand on each of my hips and pulled me in closer. Without even thinking, I shifted my hips forward, and he groaned, kissing me deeper.
“We should eat.” I almost laughed at his weak attempt to deter our make-out session. “It’s gonna get cold.”
“I have a microwave and an oven.” Smiling against his lips, I found the hem of his shirt and began to lift. As I glided my palms over the defined muscles beneath, his deep groan vibrated against my hands. “Besides, right now I’m not really hungry for pizza.”
Apparently the excessive want I’d had for