When the nanny turned up, she took Locke gratefully. Holding him brought her comfort for a few minutes. She continued to hold him after he nursed, pointing out a seaplane that was landing not far away.
He probably didn’t take in more than its movement and sound, but when she smiled at him, he smiled back and that brightened her spirits.
Their game was interrupted by the buzz of the seaplane’s propeller approaching. She looked up to see it taxiing right up to their yacht.
Javiero appeared. Stewards trailed him with their luggage.
“Get in,” he said.
She hesitated, astonished.
“For God’s sake, Scarlett, trust me this much.”
She did, unquestioning because she didn’t want to damage things between them any more than she had.
They flew over water, heading north as far as she could tell and went over some mountains. They descended far too soon to be in Spanish airspace. The plane skimmed down onto a jewel of a lake surrounded by green hillsides dotted with elegant villas and mansions.
“Where are we?” she asked, her stomach filling with butterflies. She had a good idea, she just didn’t believe it.
Javiero remained grimly silent.
Her suspicion was confirmed when they taxied toward Kiara, standing on the end of a private dock. She held Aurelia’s hand and used the other to shade her eyes. Val stood next to them dressed in his usual black. He wore aviator sunglasses and not one hint of welcome.
Every last ounce of pride.
“Javiero, you don’t have to do this,” she said in a strained voice.
“Who do you want at our wedding, Scarlett? Who is the one person you want there?”
“You,” she insisted.
“When? If I don’t do this, when are you going to marry me? When are you going to trust in what we have?”
She didn’t get a chance to answer. They were close enough that Val caught at one of the uprights on the wing. He used his weight to lever the plane into the dock, then helped the pilot tie off.
Seconds later, Scarlett disembarked into Kiara’s open arms.
“Is everything okay?” Kiara asked anxiously into her hair. She drew back to study her with concern. Her expression softened and she smiled. “You look better. A lot better.”
“You, too.”
Kiara was glowing, her dark eyes full of adoration for the husband who came to stand next to her.
“When Kiara said you wanted to drop in, I didn’t realize she meant it so literally,” Val said.
Scarlett didn’t look at him, unable to bear what was bound to become a smirk or worse. This was her fault. He was going to flay Javiero to pieces. She half wished they could turn around and leave, but there was Aurelia, holding up her arms, wanting to be lifted and hugged.
“You darling. You smell like cookies. I might have to eat you.” Scarlett made chomping noises at her neck so the little girl shrieked with giggles.
Javiero emerged with Locke in his infant seat.
“And you’re still bringing good news and sunshine with every visit,” Val said in a scathing undertone.
Scarlett searched for something to say that might encourage Val to be merciful, but she’d never once conjured that particular magic spell successfully.
“I have to talk to you,” Javiero said bluntly to Val.
“I don’t have to listen,” Val retorted in the annoyingly droll tone he liked to use when he stonewalled. “There’s this thing in modern society called consent.”
Just like that, hackles went up and their stares locked.
“Javiero, I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” Scarlett began, touching his arm.
At the same time, Kiara moved to stand in front of Val. She touched his jaw to force him to look at her.
“Right now would be an excellent time to set a good example for a sugar bowl with big handles.”
Val’s gaze flicked from Kiara to Aurelia, who was reacquainting herself with Scarlett’s lock pendant, something she’d found infinitely fascinating while they’d been in Greece.
“This is my very best behavior, bella. I allowed them to tie up, didn’t I?”
Scarlett bit back a sigh. “Val, I only want to ask if Kiara—”
Javiero cut her off. “I want to talk to Val about more than that. Kiara, would you please take Scarlett and the children to the house? Give us a moment?”
Scarlett hesitated, rife with misgiving. Javiero and Val were holding another staring contest that drew lines in the sand.
“Of course,” Kiara said quickly. “I’m not going to stand here wasting time that I could fill with holding a baby.” She leaped toward Locke, taking him from Javiero. “Come see our home,” she said to Scarlett. As Kiara passed Val, she added ominously, “We’ll wait for you on the terrace.”
The women walked up a line of stepping stones that formed a path toward a modern split-level villa with expansive windows and abundant outdoor living space. There was likely a pool behind the hedgerow. The terraced grounds were blooming. Stretches of lawn were littered with climbing gyms, a playhouse and other outdoor toys.
It was very Val. Lavish and tasteful with a disheveled projection of indolence, yet compelling and appealing at the same time.
“This is nice,” Javiero said.
“I know.”
Javiero bit back a curse of impatience and walked away from the pilot, who was checking oil levels. He turned onto the stretch of pebbled beach and glanced at what he suspected was Kiara’s studio.
“Scarlett is inviting Kiara to our wedding.” Javiero angled himself so Val wasn’t in his blind spot.
“Where?” His voice was crisp. “When?”
“Tomorrow. In Gibraltar, likely, since that’s where I can accomplish it fastest. Do you have other plans?”
“No, but I’d rather fill my pockets full of rocks and walk into that lake than spend a minute with your mother.”
Same, Javiero resisted saying. “She won’t be there. Just you and Kiara and the children.”
“You’re not seriously asking me to be your best man? There are so many things wrong with that, I don’t even know where to start.”