
Trayon’s tentacles squirmed madly. “I do not answer to the Overlord.”

“Okey-dokey. May the Goddess be with you.” I headed to the food replicator on the opposite wall and ordered my cake.

The Askole warriors broke into what sounded like a bunch of guttural grunts, groans and clucking.

Were they planning their hunt? Who knew? Jake didn’t speak Askole. I typed my order in. A big piece of German Chocolate cake and a glass of milk appeared on a tray. I carried it over a table. Huh? The Askole warriors had disappeared. Should I warn Jake? Nah. I’m just a silly female whose knowledge is of little value. I grabbed a fork and dug in.

“Who you?” A little voice asked.

“What?” I looked around but didn’t see anyone. “I’m CeeCee. Who you?”

A giggle sounded in my mind. “Me Oola.”

“And where’s Oola hiding?”

“On ceiling.”

I looked up.

A furry baby tarantula dropped down on a thin thread of silk and landed on the table. “Me warrior.”

Oh my God, Oola was a Tabor. I had never been a big fan of spiders but who wouldn’t be fascinated by a race of telepathic arachnids. “A very sneaky warrior.”

Eight little eyes peered up at me. “Me hungry.”

I ran a finger over the little cutie’s golden fur. “What are you hungry for?”

“Mealie bugs.”

“Okay. I’ll get you some.” Hopefully, the food replicator was programmed for Tabors too. I walked over and typed in mealie bugs. A minute later a bowl of bugs appeared. I picked it up. Huh? Kinda reminded me of gray termites. I turned around and groaned. Oola was covered in chocolate. “Bad baby. Chocolate isn’t good for Tabors.”

Oola spat out a mouthful of liquefied cake. “Tastes bad.” She jumped in my glass of milk.

“Oh no, no, no!” Was she in her terrible twos? Fishing Oola out, I dried her off with a napkin and said sternly, “No eat human food. Oola eats these.” I placed the bowl of bugs in front of her.

The baby Tabor climbed in and chowed down.

“Where’s your mama?”

“She lost,” Oola replied.

“Is she on this ship?”

“Mama is.” Oola jumped out of the bowl. “Me exploring.

“Are you now?” I bet Shrek would know where her mother was. I held out my hand. “How would you like to meet an ogre called Shrek?”

Oola climbed up my arm and perched on my shoulder. “What ogre?”

“A magical creature that heals people.”

“Me like.”

A glittering blue light suddenly engulfed me. It felt like my molecules were being torn apart.

“No like. Make stop,” Oola cried.

“Jake, I know you’re super busy with important man stuff, but someone just grabbed me with a transporter beam, and I need to know how to stop it,” I said tartly. My molecules abruptly stopped whizzing about. The light faded and I was standing on a raised platform. An Askole warrior stood at a control console. Assuming my bad ass cop’s demeanor, I snarled, “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The Askole warrior totally ignored me and Jake did too.

I yelled at the warrior. “Hey! I’m talking to you.” Before I could step off the platform the blue light blossomed around me again.

Oola clung to my braid. “Want my mama.”

“Where are you CeeCee,” Jake demanded.

“Oh, now you’re talking to me. I think I was on an Askole ship and now my molecules are being spread to God knows where. The transporter beam vanished, and I was standing next to East Mitten Butte. “Oh, wait. Monument Valley.”

Jake growled, “What are you doing in Monument Valley?”

“That’s a question you should ask your Askole friend, Trayon.”


Trayon zoomed up. “Show me your females.”

“Okay.” I pointed to a stone hogan nestled against the butte. “You’ll find a typical Navajo female there.” One that used to be a Marine and could kick ass with the best of them. Forty years ago.

Whoosh! Trayon was a black blur as he zoomed over to the hogan. Gunfire erupted when he kicked the door in.

“You were supposed to knock, you jerk.” I ran toward the hogan. Poof! Jake abruptly appeared and I crashed into him. “You need to wear a damn bell.” Yikes. The expression on his face could give Zarek a run for his money in the scary as hell department.

“Where is he?”

I quickly pointed at the hogan. “Trayon wants a female who can summon lightning.”

“Where did you meet Trayon?”

“In the mess hall.”

“Did you tell him, you’re one of a kind?”

“Do I look stupid to you? Oh wait! I forgot. I’m just a brainless female,” I snapped.

“Want my mama,” Oola wailed.

“Fucking hell! Where did you find a baby Tabor?”

“In the mess hall. Her name is Oola.”

“The mess hall was a neutral zone until you came on board,” Jake grumbled.

“Oh, now it’s my fault there’s a bunch of lunatics running amok on Zarek’s ship?”

More gunfire came from the hogan.

I raised an inquiring eyebrow. “You’re the big, bad warlord. Aren’t you supposed to handle that?”

Jake gave me the stink eye and teleported. The shooting stopped.

Oola perched on my nose. “Him mad.”

“Yep.” I put Oola back on my shoulder. “Stay.”

“Me scared.” Oola shivered. “Wanna hide in hair.”

An image of Jake’s sister Kaylee flashed across my mind. Eight baby Tabors decorated her hair. I sighed. “Okay. Go ahead.”

Oola scrambled to the top of my head and burrowed in.

God, I hoped I didn’t end up with spider poop in my hair. I checked my bracelet, found Shrek’s link, and tapped it.

“How may I assist you CeeCee?”

“I have a baby Tabor called Oola with me. Can you let her mother know she’s safe?”

Shrek let out a relieved breath. “We’ve been searching for Oola for the last hour. Can you bring her to sick bay?”

“Would if I could, but an Askole by the name of Trayon transported us to Monument Valley. He thinks I can lead him to a female with my powers.”

“Does the Overlord know of this?”

“Haven’t a clue, but Jake’s here.”

“I will let Datlow and Tae know.”

“Thank you.” I disconnected the link.

A glittering blue light formed in front of me.

I scowled. I didn’t even have a knife for protection.

The light dissipated

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