snorted. “You’re awfully touchy about this. Fine, he’s your kid.”

“Thank you.”

“But he’s still named after me,” he added quickly.

I threw my hands up in the air, irritated already that I had decided to stop by. “You know, I just wanted to tell you all that my son was born.”

“It’s great, man,” Storm said, walking over to me. He ran his hand over his jaw and leaned in to whisper to me. “You’re uh…you’re not actually naming him Marcello, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head and taking a step back.

“No, really, why?”

“It’s just…” He shrugged sheepishly. “It’s just kind of a floofy name.”

I reared back in shock. “It is not.”

“Yeah, it kind of is.”

“Wasn’t that guy from Under The Tuscan Sun named Marcello?” Sinner asked.

“Yep. That dude was definitely floofy. Floppy hair and all,” Coop nodded.

“My son is not floofy and he’s not some stupid character from a movie. His name means the hammer.”

“So, he’s like Thor,” Burg said.

“Yeah, Thor. That’s right, my kid is like Thor.”

“Uh, not to burst your bubble, but I just looked up the name online,” Cazzo said.


“And uh…It’s also a Spanish name.”

“What?” I stormed around the table and grabbed the phone from him. “No, that can’t be right.”

“It says it right there.”

“Yeah, but it’s only spelled with one L. That’s totally different. Nobody will say it the same way.”

“It’s still the same fucking name,” Cazzo pointed out. “Sorry, man, but you just named your Italian kid a Spanish name. Looks like the little taco lives on.”

“No,” I said, running my hands through my hair. “No, he will not be a taco! He’s Italian.”

“He’s apparently also Spanish,” Storm snorted.

I turned and ran for the door.

“Where are you going?” Storm shouted after me.

“I have to change his name before they file his birth certificate!”

Thank you for reading the second part to Alec and Florrie’s story. I hope it brought out all those pesky emotions that make you love or hate a character. Need more? Click here to get Parker’s book!

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Jack , Cole, Logan, Drew, Sebastian, Sean, Ryan

Not ready for those characters you love to disappear? You can catch them again throughout the Reed Security Series! These men and women are strong, sexy, and willing to fight for those they love. Sometimes, they fall right into love, while others need a little more convincing. Don’t miss out on this exciting series!

Sinner, Cap, Cazzo, Knight, Irish, Hunter, Whiskey, Lola, Ice, Burg, Gabe, Jules, Sniper, Jackson, Chance, Phoenix Rising, Alec, Storm, Wolf, A Mad Reed Security Christmas, Rocco, Coop, TNT, Nightingale

Senator Burke

“Tell Monica to push my eight a.m. back to eight-thirty tomorrow,” I said to my personal assistant over the phone. I climbed the stairs to the private club I belonged to and nodded to the doorman.

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of that immediately. I also need to talk to you about-”

“Not now. I’m stepping into a meeting.”

“I don’t have that in your schedule,” Timothy said in confusion.

“It’s a private meeting. No interruptions the rest of the night. If something comes up, handle it yourself.”

“Yes, sir.”

I turned off my phone and walked through the lounge to the back of the club where my meeting would be held. We had a lot to discuss tonight, and only a short amount of time to get through it all. The security that had been hired when we started this project was already here. They were to sweep the room for listening devices and cameras, along with sticking around and providing security during the meeting. We couldn’t take any chances right now. We were too deep into this and there was no pulling out now.

The head of the biotech firm SynGen was already here. It had taken a lot of money to get her on our side. Helen Taylor was a tough negotiator, but I could tell when I first met her that she could be bought. I had to bring on more senators so that I could afford the funding. Essentially buying her help was not a cheap way to go, but it was our only option. We needed a lab that was privately owned and would be willing to work around certain guidelines that were set forth by the government, the same government that I was working to protect.

The rest of the senators filed in over the next few minutes. A security guard came in and took all our phones and checked each of us for any kind of recording devices. The only thing that was allowed was already pre-approved by security. That was a single laptop. We all had to log into it when the meeting started. Only then could we all be held accountable. It was my insurance policy to make sure that no one got cold feet and decided to turn on us.

“Let’s get started,” I said, drawing everyone’s attention. “I’ll have Ms. Taylor fill us in on how the project is coming along. Then we have some details to discuss.”

Helen nodded to me and stood in front of the rest of us. There were six of us in total. “Thank you, Richard. The project is on target. The trials are going well, and I think we’ll have a viable product in the next month. The researchers assure me that they are working hard on all aspects, but we are running into some complications with the second half of the project. It…may delay things, but there’s nothing

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