a very talented author, but your graphics make me so very happy. All the hugs to you!

Parker, Ava, and Leigh are a trio of awesomeness that I probably rely on too much. These ladies are truly incredible. Not only are they crazy talented and skilled in many avenues, but also have genuine and kind hearts. Thank you for always having my back, and front. So much love to you!

It’s because of people like Keri and Katherine that the book community is such a positive space. These two are so encouraging and sweet and supportive. I’m very fortunate to have them in my life as friends. Let’s hope we’ll be together again next year!

I need to give Ace a massive shoutout for being totally kickass. Not only is she an amazing friend, but she was vital in helping me make Loner even better. We’ll share a Sipping Pretty one day soon!

A big thank you to Lauren for always stepping up to assist me with the multitude of tasks I pile on her lap. Partying with you is always wild. Hopefully we’ll be belly up at the bar together this time next year.

I’m so thankful for Tijuana and MPP. You two are such bright spots in this community. My gratitude will never spread far enough so hopefully endless hugs will do. I’m lucky to call you both friends.

Anne, Nicole, Tia, Ella, Suzie, Michelle, Jane, Meghan, and many more—thank you for the endless support each of you give me. You’re inspiring and encouraging and simply wonderful. I’ve lost count of all the ways you guys lift me up and push me forward. I couldn’t survive the grind without your doses of sweetness. Thank you, thank you!

For my Hotties, you’re the bestest bunch of beautiful support an author could ask for. I’m so thankful each day that I have such a positive group to hang out in. Your cheering and encouragement is priceless. Thank you for always being there.

Harloe’s Review Crew is full of the greatest readers I could ever ask for. The excitement you give me means everything. Thank you for wanting to continue reading my books. I’ll keep writing so long as you want to be on the receiving end.

Candi and Candi Kane PR are the best in the publicist business. This team of professionals works tirelessly to provide the best possible services for their authors. I’m lucky to be one of them! You’re such an incredible lady boss and I love you. Thank you so very much for all you do!

Thank you to all the ladies of Give Me Books. I’ve been working with you guys for almost three years and you always provide amazing release services. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Book Cover Kingdom gets another shoutout for the GORGEOUS Loner cover. As always, you never cease to amaze me.

Thanks to Rafa G Catala, the very talented photographer who shot the very scrumptious image of Christian. Thank you for giving me the perfect cover photo for this story.

A huge thank you to Kiezha with Librum Artis Editorial Services for editing Loner until the pages were polished. You’re amazing at what you do and I’m thankful to have you in my corner!

Stacey from Champagne Book Design once again created the most gorgeous interior for my book baby. I cannot recommend her formatting services enough!

One last thing? If you enjoyed Loner and want to do me a huge favor, please consider leaving a review. It really helps other readers find my books. Thank you for reading!

Harloe Rae is a USA Today & Amazon Top 10 best-selling author. Her passion for writing and reading has taken on a whole new meaning. Each day is an unforgettable adventure.

Harloe is a Minnesota gal with a serious addiction to romance. She’s always chasing an epic happily ever after. When she’s not buried in the writing cave, Harloe can be found hanging with her hubby and son. If the weather permits, she loves being lakeside or out in the country with her horses.

Harloe is the author of the Reclusive series, Watch Me Follow, and #BitterSweetHeat series, Ask Me Why, Breaker, Keeper, and Loner. These titles are available on Amazon.

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