“It means nothing to me if you are not happy.” He lowered his head and was about to kiss her lips, but she turned her head to the side and his lips grazed her cheek. Surprised, he jerked his head back. “Have I upset you?”
“No.” She tilted her head to one side. “I’m not upset.”
“Then what?” he asked. “Because you look upset.”
“I don’t ever want you to sacrifice what you want, and what makes you happy, for me.” She frowned, her forehead wrinkled as she studied his face. “You might feel this bond between us stronger than me, but I don’t want to live in a one-sided relationship.” She placed her hand on her heart. “If we’re in this relationship, we’re in it as equals.”
“I understand.” He gave her a lopsided smile.
“So, you’ll promise me?” Amber asked.
“Promise…” Kelos shuffled his feet, his jaw flexing as he mulled over his answer.
“It’s not difficult. If you want me to be happy then you must promise that you won’t ever sacrifice what you want just to make me happy. Okay?” She might live to regret this, but she couldn’t live with someone who put her feelings and emotions above his own.
“Equals.” He held out his hand for her to shake. They were about to make a deal. One he would stick to even though he would agree to anything to make his mate happy. There was something to be said for the strength of a promise made by a shifter mate.
“Equals.” She slid her hand into his, closed her fingers around it, and then pulled him toward her.
Lowering his head, he claimed her mouth, his tongue sliding along her lower lip as he sought access to her mouth. Amber pursed her lips, her teeth parting as she sucked on his tongue. Beneath her sweater, her nipples hardened, and heat spread through her veins until it was as if she were on fire.
She wanted him. She wanted to tear his clothes from his body and throw him down on his pile of treasure and make love to him. But Margie was home alone with the kids and no matter how many times Kelos reassured her he would get back to the cabin fast if anything happened, she couldn’t relax. And she wanted to be very relaxed with her mate.
“Shall we go home?” Amber asked as their kiss broke. She shone the flashlight up at her face like kids do when they tell ghost stories in the dead of night. “I love your treasure, but I do not love this cave.”
“If that’s what you want to do.” He took one last look at the pile of gold and jewels before he led her toward the tunnel. She followed, having lost her bearings, she might wander around in circles for hours before she found her way back out again.
“Thanks for sharing this with me.” Amber let go of the tension in her body as they exited the tunnel and quickly crossed the cave that led to the entrance back into the clean, clear air.
“My pleasure.” He stopped before he left the cave and held out his hand for the flashlight. “When we have more time, I’ll teach you how to find the cave alone.”
“You trust me?” Amber said in surprise.
“With my life,” he told her, as the cave went dark and he placed the flashlight on a small shelf carved out of the stone. “This bond works both ways.”
“Only one of us has a hoard of treasure and can sprout wings and fly over the mountains.” She hooked her arm through his as they exited the cave in the dark. Her eyes had become accustomed to the dim light of the flashlight and now it was if she wore a blindfold. She needed Kelos to guide her.
“True. But you have a heart bigger than the biggest pile of dragon treasure I’ve ever seen.” He helped her as they descended from the cave entrance onto the valley floor.
“Have you seen many piles of treasure?” Amber asked. “I never thought as to how many other dragons there are in the world. I kind of assumed you were one of a kind.”
“I am one of a kind.” He grinned and she could just about make out the flash of white as the moon glinted off his teeth.
“Does that mean you are alone?” How lonely his life must have been if he truly was the last dragon. And what about their children…if they had any? Would their children be the last of their kind? It made her sad to think of dragons dying out. Now that she knew they existed, she wanted there to be more.
“No. There are other dragons. Some here in Bear Creek.” He couldn’t see her shocked expression, but he must have sensed her reaction. “Although, I have little to do with them. I like to keep myself to myself. The bear shifters and cougars are much more entertaining. Dragons have a dry sense of humor and often lack the ability to have fun. They particularly lack the ability to laugh at themselves.”
“You are not selling me on the whole dragon shifter thing,” she admitted.
“There is one dragon shifter I would like you to meet. He is the son of one of the last dragons I knew as a friend. His name is Lorcan.” Kelos stopped walking and turned to face her. They were in the spot where he had landed, and she suspected he was waiting to shift. Another ride on a dragon. She could not wait.
“So, if we do have children, they won’t be alone.” Amber took comfort in that.
“If we have children.” He paused, staring at her intently through the darkness. “I thought you said you didn’t want children.”
“I didn’t,” she admitted. “But now…especially now that I’ve seen all your treasure, I think I might just change my mind.”
He laughed. A deep belly laugh that reverberated off the high cliffs surrounding