just doing my job.” Joanna met his gaze levelly but there was something in her expression that told him it was more than that. Her emotions ran deep. Very deep.

She wants Roman Ostabell brought to justice. But it’s personal, his dragon said.

“What did he do to you?” Kelos asked quietly.

Joanna’s eyes glittered bright with tears as she shook her head. “I want him brought to justice,” she repeated. “And right now, the only way that is going to happen is if Fabian testifies.”

“This is personal. For you, this is personal.” Amber stepped forward. “I know how you feel. When Fabian called me and said his wife and children were in danger, I felt anger. I wanted this man to pay for threatening people I love. I see the same anger in you.”

“He’s hurt enough people that he should be put behind bars for a very long time. Longer than the sentence he’ll get for money laundering,” Joanna said hotly.

“What else did he do, Joanna?” Amber asked gently. “What did he do to you?”

Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at the kitchen door and then back to Amber. “The police officer inside is coming.”

“Tell me what happened?” Amber reached out and grabbed hold of Joanna’s arm. “Please. We need to know what he’s capable of if we are going to protect Fabian’s family.”

“Joanna, please.” Kelos bent his will on the wolf shifter. His dragon had been around long enough to master the art of persuasion.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Joanna said sharply. “I’ll tell you. But not here.”

“Then where?” Kelos looked frantically toward the house. Joanna was right. The policeman inside was going around the house looking for Fabian.

“My shift ends at ten. I’ll meet you at a bar. O’Malley’s. It’s owned by a cougar shifter so we can talk openly there.” With that, she took a couple of steps backward. “Boost Fabian back through the window. He’ll be safe enough here for now.” She nodded at Kelos.

Do as she says, his dragon told him. She has something to share and I get the feeling that if Fabian doesn’t go back inside, she won’t have a chance to share it with us because all hell will break loose.

“I’ll boost you up.” Kelos grabbed hold of Fabian’s arm and propelled him toward the partly open window.

“I don’t want to go back,” Fabian insisted. “I don’t feel safe here, particularly after what Joanna said.”

“You have to.” Amber placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder and pulled him into a hug. “They are safe for now, but if you disappear, Roman Ostabell will hunt for you all.”

“You said you can keep us safe.” Fabian hugged his sister.

“We’ll come back for you as soon as we can,” Kelos promised. “But Amber is right, we need you to stay put.”

“No.” Fabian shook his head and Kelos gave a low growl of frustration.

“We’re running out of time.” He locked eyes with Amber. He didn’t want to force Fabian back through the window, but he would if he had to.

“Fabian, what if Joanna tells us something that might help put Ostabell in jail?” Amber took hold of her brother by both hands. “Something that would strengthen the case and mean there isn’t so much pressure on you.”

“You really think Joanna has any information that will help us?” Fabian asked. “Because if she does, why hasn’t she told her superior officers?”

“I don’t know. But isn’t it worth hearing what she has to say?” Amber hugged her brother and then shoved him toward the window. “You trusted me with Margie and the kids, now trust me on this.”

Before Fabian had a chance to argue, Kelos manhandled Fabian back through the kitchen window. “We’ll be in touch.” With that he pushed the window closed, grabbed hold of Amber and ran around the side of the house and back onto the street.

“Are we sure about this?” Amber asked as they hurried away from the house.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” Kelos told her. “Joanna has information on this Ostabell guy, and I think we need to hear it. Like you said to Fabian, what if she knows something that might mean Ostabell goes to jail for longer?”

“And what if she has some information that means Fabian doesn’t have to testify at all?” She sighed and slowed her pace as they reached the corner of the street. “I know that’s wishful thinking, but I know how much Margie would love to return to her old suburban life.”

“Are you so sure?” Kelos asked. “You saw the way she handles a hammer. I don’t know if she’s found a new talent. Maybe your brother and his family could make a new life in Bear Creek. I know the kids love it there.”

“You think everyone will fall in love with that mountain of yours and want to stay,” Amber joked.

“Who wouldn’t?” Kelos asked. “Except you.”

“Why except me?” Amber asked as they stopped walking.

“Because you fell in love with me, and that is why you are going to stay.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips. “You know I’m right.”

“Oh, do I?” Amber asked as she slipped her arms around him and leaned against his chest. Her teeth chattered as she hugged him, and his arms tightened protectively around her.

“Come on.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and guided her along the street. “Let’s grab a taxi and go to O’Malley’s. We can get a drink, maybe some food.”

“That sounds like a great plan.” She looked over her shoulder in the direction of the safe house. “You sensed Joanna, didn’t you?”

“I did. I did not know she was a cop, though, I’m not that good.” They reached a busy road and kept a watch for a taxi.

“You mean that even at your age, you haven’t mastered the art of sensing whether someone is good or bad?” Amber asked as a taxi pulled up beside them.

“No, the one thing I have learned is that not many people are good or bad, they are usually

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