One of Ostabell’s known associates collected information on him. He’s as corrupt as Ostabell so he would never hand it over to the police. But my source has had eyes on it. It’s real and its contents are enough to put Ostabell away for a long time.”

“Why are you so concerned about Ostabell?” Kelos asked. “Tell me what he did to you.”

“My father used to work for him. Not on anything illegal.” Joanna took a swig of her drink. “He saw something he shouldn’t and Ostabell had him killed.”

“And that is why you have an interest in bringing Ostabell to justice.” Kelos’s eyes narrowed. “Why not go in and get this file yourself? The police could issue a warrant and use the information to build a case against Roman.”

“Because we have nothing on the person concerned. He’s squeaky clean on the surface. There are no grounds for a warrant. And even if there were, the file would likely be destroyed before we got a hold of it.” She shook her head and got up from the sofa to pace the room. “There is someone in my department taking bribes. That’s how come your brother and his family were compromised.”

“Can we just backtrack?” Amber said. “Ostabell had your father killed?” The blood had drained from her face and her hand shook as she placed it over her mouth. “We should have gotten Fabian out of there. What if they kill him?”

“That’s not going to happen,” Joanna assured Amber. “My boss has placed officers as lookouts. Officers that are loyal to him and no one else. Fabian is safe.”

“Can you be certain?” Amber asked hotly. “Absolutely, one hundred percent certain.”

“I understand your concerns,” Joanna tried to placate Amber. “I really do. But this file could bring Ostabell down for good.”

“So, this file,” Kelos began. “How do we get into the building to retrieve it?”

“You fly,” Joanne said simply. “We haven’t been able to get a warrant and the offices are on the top two floors of the building so it’s not as if we can get in unseen. Believe me, we’ve tried.”

Joanna didn’t elaborate on the outcome of these attempts.

“You want me to fly across the city, land on the roof of the building, and break into these offices?” Kelos asked.


Kelos nodded. “I simply wanted to be sure we are completely clear.”

“You are actually thinking of doing this?” Amber asked incredulously.

“If it will help your brother and put a bad person in jail, then yes.” Kelos locked eyes with Amber. “It’s the right thing to do.”

“And do you always do the right thing?” Amber countered, her voice high and breathy. She was scared, torn between her love for her brother and her love for the man she’d met only a couple of days ago but knew in her heart she had been waiting her whole life for.

“No. No one always does the right thing.” Kelos went to her, placing his hands on her upper arms as he said, “But this is the only way to keep you safe. To keep your brother and his family safe.”

“If you are successful, the information will shed light on various parts of Ostabell’s business. I also believe there is unequivocal proof that he killed my father and other people.” Joanna took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “If you get this file, the money laundering will be the least of Ostabell’s worries.”

“This could give your brother his life back.” Kelos’s eyes were dark, filled with emotion and she loved him for it. She loved him for the passion and the strength he possessed.

“If you go, I’m coming, too.” Amber looked back at him, her eyes mirroring his own passion and strength.

“Amber, it’s too dangerous,” Kelos told her.

“Then it’s too dangerous for you,” she countered.

“If you go and you are caught,” Joanna began, “it might lead Ostabell back to your brother. Don’t make that mistake.” Her eyes held a haunted expression for a long moment before she blinked and fixed her professional façade in place.

“I can’t let you go alone.” Amber flung her arms around Kelos, feeling a little melodramatic but she couldn’t bear the thought of him being in danger. Not when this had nothing to do with him. “If we’d never met, you would be safe in your cabin, fixing something with a hammer and nails.”

“There is a part of me that could never be fixed with a hammer and nails. That part of me is now whole because of you.” He kissed her cheek and inhaled her scent. “I want to do this for you. I need to do this.”

As he pushed her gently away, she knew there was nothing she could say or do to stop him. “Okay.” Amber didn’t want those last words before he went. “Go. I’ll wait for you.”

“Are you sure?” Kelos asked.

“You know you better than I know you.” She gave him a wry smile. “If you think you’ll be okay…then go. I just wish you weren’t going alone. Someone should have your back.”

“I’ll go with him.” O’Malley appeared in the doorway behind Joanna.

“You don’t have anything to do with this, O’Malley. You don’t have to put yourself in danger.” Joanna turned around to face the bar owner.

“Are you joking?” O’Malley took a couple of steps into the room. “Who wouldn’t volunteer to go on a mission with a dragon shifter?” He gave Kelos a lopsided smile. “I get to ride on your back?”

“That is the only way you’ll get onto the roof of the building,” Joanna confirmed. “And, as I said, there is no way you’ll get in through the main door out front.”

“Then let’s fly!” O’Malley met Kelos with a level gaze. “Don’t worry, before I opened O’Malley’s, I was in the special forces. This cat knows how to walk on his tiptoes.”

“O’Malley, are you sure?” Joanna asked. “You don’t have to.”

“I do.” O’Malley stepped closer to Joanna and took hold of her hand. “I was there when you found out about your dad. I watched you

Вы читаете Kelos Spring Shifter Seasons
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