asked, looking at the car nervously. “Just in case.”

“No one will find us here.” Amber went to her sister-in-law and put her hand on Margie’s upper arm. “It’s okay. We’re safe.”

Margie glanced at the house and sighed. Was she worried the house wasn’t safe? Didn’t she know he would never suggest his mate enter the building if it was dangerous?

Maybe Amber has kept that piece of information to herself, his dragon suggested.

Maybe you are right. Kelos hoped Amber wasn’t in denial about their relationship.

She probably doesn’t want to get into a discussion about it at this time of night, his dragon sought to reassure him. If Margie doesn’t know about mates, it’s going to take some explaining.

His mate switched her attention to Kelos. “Thanks for letting us stay.”

“No problem. I’ll help you carry the children.” He followed Amber around the car to the left rear passenger door, while Margie went to the right side. The women carefully opened the car doors and unbuckled the children’s seatbelts.

Kelos was no expert on children but he put their ages at around seven for the youngest child, a boy, and nine for the eldest, a girl. Margie was incredibly blessed to have two beautiful children and his need to protect them all strengthened.

“Shall I?” Kelos asked as Amber leaned forward to pick up the child.

“I can manage.” She glanced up at him and gave him a soft smile. “Thank you.”

He hovered at her shoulder. “What can I do?”

“Could you get the bags out of the trunk?” She glanced across to Margie. “We’re not exactly traveling light.”

“No problem.” He stepped backward a couple of paces and popped the trunk. Amber was not wrong, the car had a large, deep trunk and it was packed full of luggage. Reaching out for a couple of backpacks, he slung them onto his shoulders before grabbing a couple of large suitcases. They were heavy.

He glanced up at Amber who had lifted the girl into her arms and cradled her against her shoulder as she turned toward the house. Had his mate packed up her whole life into the car?

“This way.” He strode toward the house but didn’t take them in through the front door. The old timbers which made up the porch were not safe enough for them all to walk on and so he headed for the back door which led into the kitchen.

The door wasn’t locked, there was nothing worth stealing inside the house, and even if there was, the door was not overly secure if anyone wanted to break in. A point he needed to keep in mind if his mate and her family were in danger. Fixing the front porch and the doors…and windows…jumped to the top of his to-do list.

Kelos shouldered the door open and reached for the light switch before changing his mind and walking across the room. Placing one of the suitcases down on the worn linoleum floor, he ducked down and switched on an under-cupboard light that cast a muted light across the kitchen that was less likely to wake the children.

Picking up the suitcase once more, he headed down the hallway to the staircase that rose to the second floor. The stairs creaked under his weight, but it was sound. The two women and their precious cargo followed him up the stairs, although they moved slowly, the weight of the children growing heavy as they climbed. Kelos could have carried one child in each arm with ease but he didn’t offer his services.

They wanted to protect the children and he had not earned their trust yet. But he would.

Chapter Four – Amber

Amber laid Lauren down on the bed, the young girl’s head resting on the pillow as she muttered something in her sleep. Bending down, Amber brushed a kiss across the child’s forehead before she pulled the bedcovers over her. A wave of emotion swept over her. She hated this. Hated the life the children had been thrust into.

She moved away as Margie finished tucking Elliot in and then came around the bed and kissed her daughter goodnight. Only as she stepped away from the bed did Margie’s chest heave and a huge sob rattled through her body. Amber slid her arms around her sister-in-law and hugged her close. “We’re safe now,” she whispered.

Margie nodded and allowed Amber to lead her from the room. As she passed by Kelos, Amber reached out her hand and placed it over his. With a squeeze, she mouthed, “Thank you.”

He nodded and took a quick glance over his shoulder at the two sleeping children before he followed them out of the room. Kelos carefully pulled the door closed behind him but then had second thoughts and left it open an inch. As a child, he’d been afraid of the dark and the unknown monsters that might lurk there. That was before he learned that to some people, he was one of those monsters.

“Shall we go downstairs?” Amber asked as she let go of Margie, who wiped tears from her eyes and kept her head ducked down. The emotional upheaval of the last few days had caught up with Margie. She was done in emotionally and physically. They both were, but Amber couldn’t let herself crash, not yet.

“Yes. Do you want coffee? Tea?” Kelos asked as he walked lightly down the stairs trying to avoid the treads that creaked the most. Warmth bloomed in her belly and spread out through her body leaving her skin tingling. She liked the guy.

Her mate. She closed her eyes and pushed that thought away, not ready to deal with the repercussion of being the mate of a shifter. Not yet.

“Tea would be great,” Amber said. “If it’s no trouble.”

“No trouble at all.” He went to the kitchen and they followed.

“I’ll go and get the rest of the luggage,” Amber offered, needing to clear her head.

“I’ll come with you.” Margie’s voice cracked with emotion.

“I can do it for you,” Kelos offered. “While you make the tea.”

The dim light of the

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