you compete now?”

He shrugged. “The owner put a team together, using his instructors. We do local stuff, mostly. Sponsored competitions, charity events, instructional workshops for celebs.”

“Sounds exciting.”

“Pays the bills.” He grimaced. “Or it did.”

I listened while I scanned the notes his doctor provided. Two of the four ligaments in the knee had torn. It would have taken surgeries and months of physical therapy for a normal human to come back from this. But Easton wasn’t a normal human. So why hadn’t he healed yet?

“This happened one month ago, you said?”

I checked the date on the report as he nodded.

“You’re thinking what I’ve asked myself every day since,” he said, lowering his voice. It wasn’t necessary. Everyone in the clinic was aware of the supernatural residents in this town. But East didn’t know that, and I wasn’t inclined to offer it up.

I looked up at him. “You don’t know why you haven’t healed.”

He shook his head. “No idea.”

I hesitated. Not many people here knew the real reason Easton had left. Hell, Easton probably thought no one knew. But I’d learned from the gossip train about his dad’s drinking problem, which meant the pack knew it too. And once the powers-that-be heard he was back, there’d be certain expectations. Even as a human, I knew how these things worked. “No offense, but shouldn’t you go see Tobias? Or one of the witches? They’d know better what to do with an injured shifter than I would.”

“I’m not a member of the pack,” he said in a clipped voice.

“But your dad is,” I pointed out.

His mouth flattened, and something hard flashed in his blue eyes. “The pack’s not an option.”

“I see.”

Tension layered the air between us. Finally, he blew out a breath and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. I hated that it still looked inviting. My fingers twitched to reach for it. For him.

“Besides,” he said, that flirtatious gleam returning. “My mom says you’re the best in town. So, work your magic on me, Kitten.”

I faltered at the use of my nickname. My body’s response was an immediate internal YES, GIRL, GET IT that I was not prepared for. My body had always been a fan of Easton Raines. So had my heart. And that was the trouble.

I rolled my eyes, shoving aside the old wound. “You’re still a shameless flirt.”

“You’re still a knockout.”

I laughed, unable to catch it before it slipped out. But it was brittle. Cynical. Some knockout. He hadn’t bothered to stick around after graduation long enough to break up with me properly. Asshole.

East’s eyes sharpened. “Tell me about you. What have you been up to?”

I arched a brow. “You want me to fill you in on ten years?”

He shrugged. “Give me the highlights.”

The highlights? Seriously? After completely walking out on us, this town, and his entire life, this asshole wanted the highlights?

“How about I give your knee a workout instead.”

His lips twitched, and I could practically hear the innuendos blaring from his brain. “Okay, Cat. Work me out.”

Despite my attempts to remain disengaged, heat flooded my face as I pictured what it would be like to get sweaty and naked with Easton. We’d never made it that far in high school. Easton had been too scared of losing control of his wolf, but now. . .

Hell no.

I was not letting my heart get broken twice by the same guy.

Rising quickly, I went to adjust the first machine before the object of my not-so-subtle fantasies could notice my reaction. And here I’d thought cold nipples would be the biggest hardship of my day.

That didn’t even come close. Especially when my nipples were currently hard for completely different reasons. Wait until Rudy heard about this. He was going to have a field day. Probably read my horoscope or birth chart or some shit. Then again, considering my way-too-sexy ex-boyfriend and first love, Easton Raines, was suddenly my newest patient, I needed all the help I could get.



My wolf had chosen Cat Bequette as its mate, and it was killing me. More than once during our appointment, I wanted to blurt it out. Or, my wolf did anyway. But the part of me that was just Easton Raines—the human male who wanted nothing to do with this town and least of all a person who could tie me here—resisted.

Cat had always been a small-town girl. Not in the way movies portrayed where a small town meant a small mind. Cat was all about family and home and roots. She was bonfires and Friday night football and Sunday fried chicken. She felt safe for me when nothing else was. Her parents had fed me and welcomed me as one of the family. It had meant everything, especially when my own house was so damn lonely. Or dangerous. Depending on the day.

Even in high school, I’d known Cat would make a life here. I’d also known I wouldn’t.


Not with so many demons constantly following me around.

And now, my wolf wanted to claim her.

Damn, the Universe had a wicked sense of humor.

But neither part of me could deny Cat was gorgeous—sun-kissed skin that begged to be touched if only to prove it felt as soft as it looked, a quick smile and sharp eyes. Hands that knew exactly how to handle my aches and pains—and damn if there wasn’t a special sort of ache forming in my jeans right now.

How had I ever walked away from her?


Because the idea of mating with a human woman had scared me shitless. It hadn’t been about her. Not really. Back then, staying in town and watching my werewolf father continue to treat my human mother like trash had disgusted me.

My wolf would have killed him.

I’d left to keep from committing murder. Leaving Cat had been the icing on the shit-cake that was my life. Judging by the hot-cold way she was acting, she hadn’t forgotten it either.

“Okay, considering your mobility and pain levels, I’m going to draw up a treatment plan for us to

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