with a grin and a wink in London’s direction.

An hour later, we’ve commandeered a booth thanks to Midge’s eagle eyes spotting a group of girls leaving it. And thanks to Royce bringing over a tray of green Halloween themed shots, followed by a second round of drinks, we’re all feeling pretty good.

The girls get up to dance a couple times, leaving Royce and Cillian to bombard me with questions about what I’m going to do regarding Nova.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” I tell them.

Royce is about to say something when his eyes land on someone over my shoulder. His lips stretch into a smile as he elbows Cillian and jerks his head to the left.

“Well, Professor,” he drawls. “Look who just walked in.”

I twist my body slightly, glancing over my shoulder in the direction of the door. I immediately spot Nova with a few other people I don’t recognize.

“And my, oh my, what a perfect costume,” Cill states.

My mouth drops and my cock jumps. Nova’s wearing a black, white, and gray plaid skirt that stops mid-thigh. Attached to the skirt is a pair of suspenders over a small, white shirt that ties together just below her belly button. My eyes trail down her legs where she’s wearing white thigh-high tights, and a pair of black heels.

As much as I want to continue watching her, I turn around and look at my brothers. When they see my face, they both start cracking up.

“You gonna be able to keep your hands off her tonight, Professor?” Cill jokes.

“Enough with the professor shit.”

“Looks like she’s on a date,” Royce murmurs.

I sneak another peek and find a guy I’m assuming is Lorenzo with his hand on her back, leaning in and saying something in her ear. His face is painted but I recognize the way he interacts with her.

“He’s in my class, too,” I tell them.

Their eyebrows shoot up. “They dating?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so, but I don’t doubt he wants to.”

“Well, good luck with that,” Royce says, sliding out of the booth. “You definitely can’t be seen doing anything with her. Not if other students are here.”

“You see my issue, then.”

“You won’t always be in these situations,” Cill offers. “Don’t get discouraged now.”

“I’m gonna go find London,” Royce says before taking off.

“Royce has that apartment above the bar,” Cill says, waggling his brows. “You know, I’m sure it’ll be easy to disappear for a little bit.”

“Thanks,” I reply dryly, knowing that will not happen.

But now I can’t stop thinking about how much I want it to.


“Let’s see if we can squeeze in and get some drinks,” Ayanna says loudly, trying to be heard over the music in the bar.

“You didn’t have enough to drink at our little pre-game party?” Luca asks, drawing her into his side.

“We walked all the way over here from that parking lot. It had to have been two miles. I walked off all my liquor.”

Luca laughs then turns and shakes his head at me and Lorenzo. “It was like a block and a half.”

“In heels it feels like two miles,” I say, siding with Ayanna.

“We should’ve dropped you ladies off here,” Lorenzo says. “I think we were just thinking about where to leave the car overnight, since we’re probably gonna be catching a Lyft back home.”

“You can make it up to me by buying me my first drink.”

He smiles. “Deal.”

“You too,” Ayanna says, tugging Luca’s hat down.

Ayanna and Luca came dressed up as Hugh Hefner and a Playboy bunny. Mostly because Luca didn’t really want to dress up, so he threw on a robe, found a cheap sailor hat and fake pipe. Meanwhile, Ayanna’s wearing a black halter-style corset, a bow tie, tuxedo tails hanging down past her ass, a tulle overlay skirt, and of course the bunny ears and tail to finish it off. She added black pantyhose and long black gloves, simply because it’s getting colder outside.

I showed up to her room without a costume, because I forgot to look for one online, and couldn’t find anything in the stores. So my school-girl costume was made of things she and I found in her closet and drawers.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I announce. “I’ll be right back. Just get me whatever Ayanna gets.”

Lorenzo nods, and Ayanna and Luca are too busy kissing face to know I even said anything.

It takes a good ten minutes before I’m making my way back to the bar. There was a line of about ten girls in the bathroom, and the crowd on the dance floor isn’t easy to get through, so I skirt around the edge, trying to find a path with less people. My eyes land on a man leaning casually against the wall, but when I do a double-take, I realize it’s Elijah.

“Oh my God,” I say with wide eyes. “What’re you doing here?”

He smirks. “I believe we met here. It’s not so weird that I’d be here tonight, is it?”

I glance around. “Kind of. It’s a Halloween party.”

“Am I too old?”

I roll my eyes. “No.”

“This is my brother’s bar,” he says. “He forced me to be here.”

“Oh.” I think back to the night at the pizza place. “Does he have bright green eyes?”


“I think he’s the one who gave us the flyer. I thought he looked familiar.”

“Yeah, he recognized you.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Oh yeah? You guys talkin’ about me?” I joke.

“Maybe,” he says, surprising me.

My heart thumps against my ribcage, and since I don’t know what to say, I switch directions. “Superman, huh?”

“Only by night.”

I let out a giggle before letting my eyes trace the room, checking to see if my friends can see me. “You staying for a while?”

“Probably.” His eyes travel down my body, making my stomach do a somersault. “Nice costume.”

“You like it?” I flirt. “I can wear it when we study tomorrow.”

His eyes flash with desire. He continues to look composed, but his hungry gaze swallows me up and sets me

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