With him, I feel like I’m perfect. He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever known. I didn’t know men like him could exist outside of romance movies. But here he is. A brilliant mind wrapped in a god-like body. He’s confident, not cocky. He’s gorgeous, yet humble. He’s honest without being rude. He puts me on a pedestal without knocking himself down in the process.
And now, as we lie in bed on Sunday morning, knowing I’ll be going home tonight, the energy has shifted.
“You could stay for dinner, you know,” he says, holding me from behind.
“Do your brothers know about me? Us?”
I feel him nod. “They do.”
“What about their girlfriends?”
He’s quiet for a minute. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s okay,” I tell him, turning around to face him. “I’ll have to go home eventually, and there’s been no sign of Mario. Maybe he changed his mind.”
Elijah’s brows furrow. “You can always come back whenever you feel like it.”
I smile and give him a kiss. “I know. I’m gonna miss you, too.”
“I suppose moving in together right now wouldn’t be the best idea.”
I step back and stare at him. “Not right now? But…”
He cracks a grin. “What? You think you staying here for a handful of days wouldn’t spark thoughts of living together?”
“Well, I may have thought about it once or twice, but I didn’t think you did.”
“I love having you here. You’ve brought an energy to the house that I can’t imagine leaving. I love that it isn’t quiet here anymore.”
“Are you calling me loud?” I ask, feigning insult.
He pinches my ass while giving me a smirk. “You’re full of life, and you’ve gotten me to step out of my comfort zone with food, music, and reading material. You’ve breathed life into me, Nova. Of course I’d want to keep you around.”
His words inject me with such an intense sensation. I feel treasured and appreciated. I feel wanted and needed. I feel loved.
“Elijah,” I whisper.
Our eyes connect, and questions, thoughts, desires, and then reality pass between us.
“I know,” he says softly. “I know this is new. I know we face challenges. And I know we still have a long time to wait before things could ever be normal.”
“Would you wait?” I ask. “Until I’m done with school?”
“There’s no amount of time I wouldn’t wait.”
“I can’t imagine not being with you. This has to work.”
“Let’s just take it one day at a time,” he says, rubbing his hand down my back. “Who’s to say you’ll still be willing to put up with me in two weeks’ time.”
I swat at his chest even though I know he’s joking. We laugh and move on, not dwelling on all the ways this may not work. We only think about how we feel in this moment, and we hope for the best.
“Let me make sure you have something to think about when you go home,” he says, crawling over top of me, then lowering himself down my body until he’s hidden under the sheets.
“Oh,” I gasp. “Oh, yes.”
After Nova leaves, the house immediately feels different. I miss her presence and the sound of her laugh. I miss watching her dance her way through the kitchen, playing with Sugarfoot, and making fun of me for not watching certain TV shows.
I miss the way she makes me feel. I know people say I’m stiff or wound too tight. I get that I’m known as the responsible one, and that it’s mainly because I never let loose and have a good time without overthinking.
But with Nova, I don’t feel like any of those things. Responsibility went out the window when I decided to sleep with my student and invite her to stay at my house. I’ve never felt more laid back than when we’re lounging on the couch watching a movie and throwing popcorn into each other’s mouths. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way, and now I don’t want that feeling to go away.
So, even though I know she can’t move in with me, I still want her around as much as possible.
Sunday dinner comes and goes. Once everyone is gone and I’ve cleaned the kitchen and taken a shower, I climb into bed with my phone in hand.
Before I can send her a text, one comes through.
Nova: My bed sucks. I miss yours.
I laugh, then send a reply.
Me: You just miss my bed?
Nova: Nah. I miss your kitchen, too. And Sugarfoot.
Me: Very funny.
Nova: Aww. Just kidding. Of course I miss you.
Me: I miss you, too.
Nova: See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. <3
Me: Good night, Nova.
* * *
Monday after school, I’m in my office since it’s my designated office hours where students can come talk to me regarding any issues they’re having with the work, questions about assignments, or concerns about their grade.
The door is open as I work on grading tests, and after a few students have come and gone, I spot Lorraine walking by my door. She backtracks when she sees me, lingering in the doorway.
“Hey, Elijah,” she greets, this time without the flirty tone.
“Hi. Still working, huh?”
“It never ends.”
I chuckle. “No, it doesn’t. And midterms will be coming up soon.”
“Don’t remind me,” she says, rolling her eyes. “All right, well, I better get going. Talk to you later.”
“Bye, Lorraine.”
It isn’t but a few minutes later when Nova knocks lightly on the door. “Hey. I saw Professor Drakulich leaving. She wasn’t trying to get in your pants, was she?”
I laugh. “No. I’m actually surprised at how normal and quick the conversation was.”
She grins. “Good. So, it’s office hours, and I