seeing anybody while you’re here? Or are you keeping a low profile?”

“Probably a low profile. I won’t be here too long anyway. I mainly look forward to sleeping in and doing nothing.”

I laugh and slap him on the shoulder. “I understand. You staying with me?”

He nods. “That was the plan. You don’t have a girlfriend, do you? Do I have to worry about late night booty calls and running into some woman in the kitchen at three in the morning?”

I roll my eyes. “When did that ever happen?”

Merrick laughs, shrugging his shoulders. “Just curious.”

“Dude, you know Elijah doesn’t have a girlfriend,” Cillian says, popping up next to us.

“Okay, we’re not talking about this again,” I say, walking away.

“Ah, come on, man,” Cill calls out. “I’m just giving you shit. You can stay a bachelor your whole life if that makes you happy.”

Truth of the matter is, I’m not happy living the bachelor life. I thought I had found a woman to spend my life with, but she broke my heart and took off. Of course I’d love to have someone to share my life with, but I’m starting to think it’s not in the cards for me.

* * *

Back at home, Merrick takes a shower and I pour myself a drink and relax in the den. I think back on my relationship with Jenn and wonder if there was anything I could’ve done differently. It’s not because I’m full of myself and think I’m perfect, but I honestly don’t think I could’ve done anything to save our relationship. The issue we had was completely hers. However, her reasoning has stuck with me, and I think that’s affected how I’ve approached relationships since then.

“Care if I join you?” Merrick asks, appearing in the doorway wearing a plain white T-shirt and black joggers.

“Course not. Drink?”

“Yeah, I’ll get it.”

As he pours himself a vodka tonic, he says, “You seem deep in thought. Anything going on?”

“Not really,” I reply.

“Sounds like bullshit, but okay,” he says, dropping into the chair across from me.

I smirk. “I’m fine.”

“Sure. Just like I’m fine.”

I raise an eyebrow. “So, you gonna tell me what’s going on?”

He takes a sip and shakes his head. “Just tired.”

I bring my glass to my lips and swallow down a mouthful of bourbon. “Well, aren’t we both just full of shit today.”

Merrick chokes out a laugh. “How about we talk about our problems tomorrow. Tonight can be about anything else.”

“Deal. I wish I could take time off while you’re here, but the school year just started.”

He waves his hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be here when you get off.” He takes a sip. “Another year dealing with young adults who think they know everything. You’re not annoyed yet?”

I chuckle. “I dealt with you and your brothers. You little shits thought you knew everything, thought you could get away with everything, and didn’t take me seriously. At least my students take me seriously.”

Merrick smirks. “Sorry, bro.”

I shake my head. “My students don’t come home with me, so at least there’s a break.”

He waggles his eyebrows. “You could bring a student home with you. They’re adults.”

With a roll of my eyes, I say, “Against the rules, Merrick. Plus, they’re all so young. I mean, they’re younger than you.” I shake my head. “There’s no way.”

“Some of those chicks are probably hot. Come on. Be honest.”

Nova immediately comes to mind. Yes, there have been pretty women in my class, but I’d never consider Nova pretty, she’s more than that. And the fact that I keep thinking about her is probably a problem.

“Uh-oh,” Merrick says with a stupid grin. “There is someone.”

I get up to refill my glass. “No, there’s not.”

“What’s she look like?”

With my back turned to him, I say, “There is no she.”

“Liar,” he says behind a chuckle. “You got the hots for a student.”

“School just started,” I state, turning around to face him.

“And? What’s her name?”

“You’re still a little shit,” I tell him.

“Hey, man. I’m not judging you. You’re attracted to who you’re attracted to.”

I make my way back to my chair. “And you? Are you into someone who’s not into you? Is that why you look so down?” I ask, taking the focus off me.

Merrick’s shoulders drop and his brows pinch together. “You can’t be with someone when you’re doing what I’m doing. We’re in a new city every other day. There’s groupies running in and out of hotel rooms. There’s no privacy, no quiet time.”

“You’re young, though. Enjoy this while you can. You won’t always be a young, hot rock star with lots of money and opportunities. I understand wanting to settle down, but you have plenty of time. Don’t let it stress you out.”

“Yeah, but…” he trails off, taking another gulp of his drink then shaking his head. “Yeah, you’re right. Never mind.”

My brows stay furrowed as I watch Merrick with his clenched jaw and eyes filled with frustration. There’s more he needs to get out, but he’ll do it on his own time. He’s always been one to keep things to himself unless absolutely necessary. He’s sort of like me, I guess.


“Oh, shit. You have Professor Kingston?” Ayanna exclaims as we stand outside his classroom.

“Yep,” I reply, raising my brows as a smile stretches across my face. “Hot, right?”

“Yes! I was so mad I didn’t get into his class. I got old Mr. Johnson.” She makes a face. “The rumor mill says he’s been dating another professor.”

“Which one?”

She shrugs, looking past me and hoping to catch a glimpse of Professor Kingston. “I don’t know. But maybe it’s not true. You know, sometimes people just talk shit. A few girls have tried shooting their shot with him, though.”

“I’m going to assume nothing came of it.”

“You’d be right. As hot as he is, he seems to be a bit…stuffy. Or maybe I should say a straight arrow. You know? He’s not about to break any rules.”

I glance over my shoulder and find Mr.

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