dies with him.”

“Wow, that’s so heartless.”

“Is it? I care about our family. And I careenough about this country to want to protect it from the son of atraitor.” Jared gave her an unexpected grin. “And you did your parttoday too.”


“You boxed him in. Remember? Humber wasn’tgoing to take him to Malara, but you insisted on it. Now he can’tchange his mind without looking like a coward. It’s perfect.”

“As long as you fail the DNA test,” shereminded him. “Otherwise, you might end up going—anddying—too.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll fail the test,” Jaredassured her. “It’s just like Humber said. I’m enough of a Quito tocarry the legacy, but not to carry his DNA. You’ve got abetter chance of matching than I do, and let’s face it—” He startedchuckling, but managed to explain. “You couldn’t be less likeDaniel Quito if you tried.”

“That’s true,” she murmured.

“Thank God for that,” her uncle addedwarmly.

“Right.” She gave him a confused sigh, thenturned to stare out at the orange groves beyond the Atrium. “ThankGod for that.”

* * * *

As Rem strode back toward the parking area,hoping that the last transport vehicle hadn’t left for the hotelwhere the cadets had been lodged, he replayed the scene from theAtrium again and again in his mind. Jared Quito—his swornnemesis—had been offered a chance for glory the likes of which Remcould only dream. To pilot a colossus! It was unprecedented for anEarthling. Not even Daniel Quito had done it—at least, not inbattle. A skirmisher, sure. But a colossus? Never.

“And that effing coward turned it down. Theopportunity of a lifetime,” Rem muttered. “Even Zia showed moreguts than he did. Which proves she really does have more of Quito’sDNA than her uncle does.”

The idea made Rem wince despite the surge ofangry emotions that were battling within him. If she matched—

“She won’t. Look at her. She’s aneffing foghead. And for once, that’s a good thing,” heassured himself. “The only Earthling going to Malara is you. AStone, not a Quito.”

The prospect was intoxicating, although hewas beginning to see the downside. This wasn’t part of his plan forregaining the presidency. It would be much better, strategically,if Jared went and Rem stayed behind to woo the masses.

The perfect paradox, he decided with afrustrated laugh. Whoever goes to Malara becomes a hero, butprobably gets killed doing it. Not exactly the best way to regainthe presidency, is it, genius?

“Cadet Stone! May I have a word?”

Rem spun toward the loud voice and wassurprised to see the Malaran ambassador close on his heels. “Ofcourse, sir. I’m at your service.”

“Yes, I know.” Humber seemed completelyamused. “Can I offer you a ride to your hotel? The embassy is onthe same block.”

“Great. Thanks.”

They continued down the sloped road towardthe parking lot, Rem struggling to match the stride of the powerfulMalaran. Until today, he had never been this close to one of thesehairy allies, and it occurred to him that he was embarking on acourse where everyone in sight would be Malaran. Or Alluvan—anothertechnologically brilliant species with even taller, more massiveframes than the Malarans.

Maybe they’d even issue him one of theirimpressive leather uniforms. Although without a dense layer of furto act as a buffer, it might not be the most comfortable choice fora human soldier.

“I meant what I said earlier,” Humber toldhim as they hurried along. “It is an honor to meet you. I wish yourfather could see you today. He would be very proud.”

“Don’t you mean my grandfather?” Remasked, almost instinctively.

“I never met Finn Stone. But I did attendmeetings with Aengus when he was Daniel Quito’s vicepresident.”

Rem came to a halt, then looked carefullyinto the ambassador’s gigantic green eyes. It had been a very longtime since anyone had mentioned Rem’s father in a context otherthan as a traitor, and he wondered if this was an innocentreference or some attempt at mind grubbing.

“I was very young, just out of school,”Humber explained. “An apprentice to our ambassador in those days.Your grandfather Finn had died ten years earlier, and Daniel Quitohad been elected to a life term as president. But Quito’s healthwas poor, so arrangements were being made for an orderly transferof power.”

Rem nodded. “Yeah, Quito wanted my father tobe the next president. But . . .” He stopped himself from sayingthe obvious—that his mother had been dying by then too, a victim ofthe same pan-plague that had infected Quito. Rem’s father hadwanted to spend as much time with his wife as possible and so, whenQuito died, Aengus convinced Elena Quito to become the nextpresident instead.

Elena and Aengus made an agreement toalternate terms thereafter. Supposedly, each believed that lifeterms were a bad idea for the country and should be done awaywith.

Convenient for her, right? Dad gives herthe presidency, she frames him, and when he’s out of the way, sheaccepts a life term anyway.

“My father would have made a greatpresident,” Rem murmured. Then he asked Humber the obviousquestion. “Do you think my father sabotaged the GARD systemfor profit? And killed that guard? Then lied about it incourt?”

Humber scratched his chin. “We will neverknow for certain. But the Aengus Stone I knew was honorable andpatriotic. I cannot imagine he changed so drastically, even withthe tension that grew between him and Elena over the wisdom of theGARD project.”

“Thanks, sir. Sorry for putting you on thespot.”

If we are to serve together, we should nothave secrets from one another, should we?”

Rem’s pulse began to race. “You’re reallygoing to let me pilot Quito’s skirmisher? Man, that’s great! Iwon’t let you down, I promise.”

“It is a big decision,” Humber told him. “Forme. And also, for you. There will be another presidential electionin less than two years. I assume you wish to survive to see it.Perhaps even to take part in it.”

“Like I would stand a chance?” Rem drawled.“It’ll be another Quito landslide. I just hope they don’t giveJared a lifetime term like they did Elena. Barring that, whenanother four-year term has passed, and the voters realize Ziareally isn’t ever going to want the position—well, that willbe the moment of truth. Either they vote Jared in permanently or Imake my move. Assuming I’m still alive,” he

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