
In an instant the reporters were on theirfeet, impatiently waving their hands, but the press secretarystepped up to the microphone, edging Rem aside. “We need to keepthis moving, folks. Lift-off is less than two hours away. Andthere’s someone else I’m sure you want to say good-bye to. So letme present Earth’s most precious natural resource, Captain ZiaQuito.”

Still stunned, Zia waited until Rem hadreturned to his seat, not wanting to come within spitting distanceof him, at least for the moment. Then she walked up to the podiumand flashed a wistful smile at the audience, who were clappingloudly. “Hi, everyone.”

The reporters shouted “Hi, Zee!” as thoughthey were each on a first-name basis with her, which was more orless true. She’d been interacting with the vid services since shewas six years old. Answering their questions, posing for pictures,enjoying the attention without really needing it. And the reportersloved her for it, especially because, on a slow news day, theycould always count on her to do something mildly scandalous orfogheaded.

But when current events grew volatile orgrim, she usually faded into the background, making this a slightlynew experience for her and for OmniVid and company. Today,she was an active part of history. And worse, her mother had justbeen attacked—obliquely maybe, but not even “ZeeZee” Quito couldhave missed what Rem Stone had really meant by his remarks.

Taking a slow, steadying breath, sheaddressed them sincerely. “As you know, I’ve never been much forpolitics, and I’m not going to start now. The only piece of historyI care about today—the only piece I’ll answer questions on—is ourdebt to Malara. They saved us fifty years ago, and now we have achance to reciprocate. So, if you want to ask about that, feelfree.”

Predictably, the OmniVid reporters were quickto raise their hands, but she followed Rem’s example and called onsomeone from the local vid service first. “Harry?”

His expression was somber. “The Vekzori arestill active on Malara. Given the fact that they killed your fatherand tried to kill your mother, aren’t you worried about runninginto them?”

“I’m not afraid of sniveling cowards. Nextquestion?”

The reporters seemed shocked by herbluntness. Then an OmniVid reporter called out, “Do you trustJeremiah Stone?”

“Yes,” Zia replied. “And so should you. He’srisking his life for you, isn’t he? Next question?”

“He says there’s no romance,” the reporterpersisted. “Is that true?”

“Yes. Can we change the subject, please?Allison? Did you have a question?”

The only fashion reporter in the audiencegave her a grateful smile. “Tell us about your experience with thegiant last night. What were your feelings when you put the helmeton?”

Zia’s pulse quickened. “Honestly? I felt likemy life was just beginning. Like it finally had a purpose. Ofcourse, my mother always said I’d do anything to avoidschool, so that’s probably part of it too.”

Everyone laughed, and Zia’s stomach finallyunclenched.

Then her least favorite OmniVidrepresentative stuck his hand in the air, and she was tempted tocut off further questions. But she had just said she despisedcowards, so she gritted her teeth and gave the man a nod.“Yes?”

“You mentioned your mother. Don’t you thinkCaptain Stone’s remarks here today were a direct attack on her? Itwas her eyewitness testimony that convicted Aengus Stone,wasn’t it?”

“You know,” she murmured, looking out overthe sea of faces. “I’m pretty disappointed in all of you today.”When they began shifting and shuffling, visibly guilty, she laughedand explained. “Not one of you mentioned my new uniform! Andyou call yourself vidhounds?”

They chuckled, and a few even called outcompliments, referring to her as Captain ZeeZee. Not exactly theexit she wanted to make, but better than a public grudge match withRem, so she forced herself to keep smiling.

“I’d better run. I’ve got a date with agorgeous guy, and considering that he’s sixty feet tall and made ofsteel, I really don’t want to keep him waiting.”

* * * *

The cheers and good wishes resounded in herears as she gave her uncle a final hug—a long one so that the vidswould be happy. She hugged the vice president too, even though shebarely knew the guy, who spent most of his time on the EastCoast—an arrangement begun by Elena to thwart opportunities forassassinating both leaders at once. Apparently today was worth therisk.

She had been hoping to avoid Commander Logancompletely, but he had other ideas, taking her by the arm andinsisting on escorting her to the launch site.

“I don’t want to argue,” she told the big manquietly.

“Neither do I. So just promise me you’ll becareful. Wear your oxygen mask religiously, and do whatever CaptainStone tells you to do.”

“What?” She stopped walking and stared up athim. “Didn’t you hear what he just said to OmniVid? He has anagenda, just like my uncle says.”

“That agenda will protect you. If anythinghappens to you on Malara, his career—not to mention his politicalambitions—will be finished. Rem knows that, so he’ll make sureyou’re safe.”

“But how can I trust him after that stupidstunt?”

“He’s Finn Stone’s grandson. He’ll do theright thing even if it kills him.” Logan touched her cheek. “Youhave to trust him, Zee. He’s all you’ve got. We don’t havean ambassador on Malara, thanks to their crappy air. And Humber hasmore of an agenda than Stone. So you’ve got no choice. It’s Rem orno one.”

Zia looked straight into Logan’s dark browneyes and silently acknowledged the truth: she should have welcomedhim along as a bodyguard. Now it was too late.

He seemed to read her thoughts. “You’ll befine. Just wear your mask and stay close to Stone. And trust yourinstincts—you’re Daniel Quito reborn, remember? He’d be so proud ofyou, Zee.”

She bit her lip, then gave him a halfheartedsalute, thinking he’d laugh at the gesture. But to her surprise hereached for her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it.

“For luck,” he explained, his voicehoarse.

Confused but also touched, she nodded.“Thanks. I promise I’ll wear my mask. And I’ll be back soon.”

“It shouldn’t take long for a Quito and aStone to kick Alluva’s ass,” he agreed. “I’ll expect a full report,Captain.”

“Right.” She edged away from him and towardthe launch bay door. “Thanks, Commander.”

Unbelievable, she added toherself.

The last thing she had expected from SeanLogan was a show of unqualified support, and

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