“And a great mind grub,” Zia agreed. “Ifyou’re ready to go again within weeks, maybe even days, they’llthink they underestimated you.”
“Exactly!” Humber beamed like a proud parent.“Very good, Zia.”
She smiled and looked out the window again.“I’ve seen five configurations so far, but never three giantstogether.”
“It is unheard of,” Humber confirmed. “Theyare too valuable, and also less maneuverable. Even a one-on-onechallenge between giants is disapproved because giants, for alltheir power, are not quick.”
Rem was nodding in agreement. “Forone-on-one, it’s always a skirmisher. They’re really the mostversatile of all the mechs, right, Humber?”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Zia drawled.“You’ve got a bad case of colossus envy, Captain Stone.”
“Your grandfather toppled a colossus with askirmisher, remember? I’m sure he’d agree with me,” Rem said,teasing. He sat back, ready to enjoy her sexy pout of disapproval,but his attention was diverted by a glint of light in a stand oftall, black-leafed trees.
A huge blue colossus thundered into view, andRem murmured admiringly, “I take it all back. You’re right, Zee.That’s the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh!” Her eyes sparkled with delight. “He’sso beautiful.”
“That one is a she,” Humber said with alaugh. “It is Carrak—the one I mentioned. She is making anentrance, as you say on Earth.”
“That means my mech is a ‘she’ too,” Zia saidwith a grin. “Right?”
“Maybe we should just call it an ‘it,’” Remsuggested warily. As bizarre as it seemed, he couldn’t imaginingreferring to Daniel Quito’s robot—either of them, actually—as agirl. Ships and air vehicles? Sure. But a mech? A giantmech? It seemed like blasphemy.
“Look! She’s waving, just like I did.”
“Except she’s trying to wave. You weretrying to walk,” Rem reminded her with a chuckle.
“The point is, she’s saying hi to us.” Ziawaved back through the huge window. “The hero of Zellot. I like heralready. What’s she like, Humber?”
“You will see.”
Rem caught the undertone of warning. “Ahard-ass? She’d almost have to be if her job is trainingpilots.”
“Yes,” Humber agreed. “And she is very goodat it. Would you like to meet her?” Without waiting for a reply, heinstructed the pilot to land the craft at a nearby building. Thenhe said to Zia, “Remember who you are. That is my advice toyou.”
“That’s what Commander Logan said too,” Ziatold him solemnly. “I’ll remember. I promise.”
Humber arched an eyebrow at Rem. “For you, myadvice is different. In Carrak’s eyes, you are just a pilot. Do nottry to convince her otherwise.”
“Just a pilot? That’s fine with me,” Remassured him.
“An Earth pilot.”
“Yeah. I get it.” He chuckled, then addedunder his breath, “Bring it on.”
“I can promise you,” Humber said, chucklingtoo, “Carrak will do just that.”
Zia was finding it harder and harder to staymad at Rem. He was being so charming, and his eyes were soblue—almost electric. These new Malaran experiences were fun ratherthan threatening, simply because he was there to share them withher.
And that press conference was two wholeweeks ago, she reminded herself mischievously. Even if youslept through it, that’s still a long time to hold agrudge.
Not that she intended to backslidecompletely. Despite the lingering memories of their makeoutsessions—real and suspension-imagined—she had learned her lessonabout all that. His vendetta against her mother was aninsurmountable obstacle to any sort of romantic future. But theycould be friends of a sort, at least for their time on Malara.
She especially liked the way he stuck closeto her side as they threaded their way down the stairs from theroof of the military building until they reached an open areafilled with comfortable furniture and vid screens. Noting thatthere was also a food service bar along one side, she surmised thatit was a recreation center for the personnel at the practicefacility.
As Zia and her entourage entered, four youngMalarans in leather vests and pants who had been sprawled on thefloor, chatting with one another, jumped to their feet. Their furwas various shades of gray, not quite as dark as that of the youngDr. Annur. The two males were over seven feet tall, and the twofemales were only a few inches shorter than that. Aside fromHumber, Zia hadn’t really met many Malarans up close, and she wassurprised by the expressive, almost eager faces of these four.Apparently, the overly reserved manner developed later in life forthese mammals.
They saluted her as Annur had done, bypounding their fists against their chests. Then one of the femalesrushed forward and said, “This is a great honor! Have you come topractice with us?”
“Sure,” Rem agreed quickly, but Humber cuthim off, saying, “This is their first day on our planet. I amproviding a brief tour, and then they must return to their hotel torest. You could offer them refreshments if you wish.”
“Right away.” The female gave a slight bow,then detoured over to the bar.
“You are Daniel Quito’s granddaughter,” oneof the males said to Zia, his voice filled with reverence. “We aregrateful to you for making this long journey in our time of need.You will inspire us to fight well and to win decisively.” To Rem,he added as an afterthought, “You are welcome here too.”
“Thanks,” Rem said. “Are you all pilots?”
“Yes. They say you are one too. Even thoughyou have never actually piloted a mech. Perhaps Carrak will allowyou to play with one of the damaged prowlers.”
“Thanks, but I brought my own skirmisher,”Rem informed them with a laugh.
The Malaran pilot arched a skeptical eyebrow,then turned back to Zia. “I am Gannor, the best of all Carrak’sstudents. It is my great hope that she will allow me to train youpersonally.”
“I’m going to train her,” Reminterrupted, and Zia flushed at the annoyance in his tone.
Gannor laughed. “And who will trainyou? Remember, please, that even Quito the Great neededlessons from a Malaran.”
Zia felt a surge of loyalty for Rem. “Quitothe Great didn’t win three Medals Exemplar like Captain Stonedid.”
Gannor’s eyes danced. “Your female protectsyou, Captain. That is good.”
Rem gave a good-natured laugh. “She’s hardlymy female. And just for the record, the