When Rem exited the stairs at level two, hissuspicions proved justified. Gannor and Maryak, always amorous,were locked in a particularly gymnastic embrace.
With no Zia in sight.
“Hey!” Rem growled.
“She’s asleep over there,” Maryak informedhim, coming up for air long enough to point with her toe toward ablanket-covered figure in the corner.
Rem felt his whole body tense, primarily withannoyance, knowing these two had been going at it for hours. Butwith envy too, because quite frankly, they were making him cravethings that he didn’t dare crave.
“You’re a crappy bodyguard, Gannor,” Remcomplained.
“She is safe, is she not?” his friendinsisted. “You did well today, Stone.”
“You really did,” Maryak insisted, sitting upand smiling. “Zia was impressed.”
“Right. Like any of you watched me?” Hechuckled, then walked over to where Zia was sleeping. She looked sopretty. Amazing, really. The sexiest girl he had ever seen, evenwith a Malaran blanket covering ninety percent of her body.
And she wasn’t just good-looking. She was agreat sport, giving him tremendous incentive to do well just toimpress her. He was pretty sure she had been bored to death withanother day at the rec center, watching but not participating. Butshe hadn’t complained once, knowing it couldn’t be helped. Remdidn’t dare leave her at the hotel, or allow her to wander aroundPangua shopping or sightseeing.
He touched her shoulder gently. “Zee?”
“Hmm? Oh . . .” She opened her eyes andsmiled. “I dozed off.”
“Yeah. I don’t blame you. I can’t take itanymore either.”
“What do you mean?” She followed his glaretoward their friends, who were climbing all over each other. “Oh .. . that.”
“Yeah, that.”
“They’re so open about it.”
“Yeah, they’re obnoxious. Especially Gannor.”Rem grinned. “He keeps telling me how the female pilots lined up tosack him after that skirmish we had. And he lost worse thanI did.” Realizing he had just betrayed a confidence, Remadded quickly, “But Maryak is the only one he did anything with.The others were just something to brag about.”
“Too bad there’s only one Earth female here.You deserve a long line of fans too.”
He winced. “I didn’t mean that. You’re morethan enough—Damn. I didn’t mean that either.”
Zia laughed. “It’s okay. They drive me crazytoo.”
She nodded. “I was so desperate to get rid ofthem, I actually got back into the kiddy simulator today.”
He caught the pride in her tone, and guessed,“You kicked its ass?”
“Yep. I’m the proud owner of five uselessdiskettes.”
“That’s great, Zee. How many tries did ittake before you cracked it?”
When Zia raised an eyebrow, Rem said quickly,“Right, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is, you beat it. Nowonder you’re so tired. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. Can we go back to the hotelnow?”
“Yeah, I’m tired too. And we have to be upextra early if we want to catch the first battle cruiser to thechallenge site.” He reached for her hand and pulled her to herfeet. “Is that the real reason you went back in the simulator? Allthe focus this week on the battle inspired you?”
“No,” she corrected him quietly. “I did itfor Carrak. She could die tomorrow fighting for her planet. Theleast I could do was follow one of her orders for a change.”
“She’s the hero of Zellot,” he protested.“She’s not going to lose. At worst it will be a draw.”
“You’re all so sure. Even Maryak, and it’sher mom who might die. I guess I should try to be more positive,right?” Zia raised her voice and called out, “Hey, guys. Rem and Iare leaving.”
“Yeah, don’t get up,” Rem muttered.
“We will see you in the morning. On thecruiser,” Gannor told them cheerfully. “Do not be late.”
“We’ll be early,” Rem assured him. “Right,Zee?”
“You know how I live for this stuff,” shedrawled. Then she grabbed his hand. “Come on, I want to gohome.”
“Farewell!” Maryak told them. “Be vigilant,Captain Stone. You must protect the body of Quito’s granddaughteruntil we see you again tomorrow.” She then erupted into a fit ofgiggles as Gannor began kissing her again.
“Yeah, I’ll protect it,” Rem grumbled, addingto himself with a frustrated laugh, I can’t touch it, butI can protect it. How effed up is that?
* * * *
They had pink salad and grilled benk fordinner, and Zia watched in amusement as Rem consumed his entiremeal and half of hers. She, on the other hand, had no appetite atall. She was too busy thinking about the battle. And especiallyabout Maryak.
“You’re more worried about it than she is,”Rem told her when she raised the issue again. “The only thing onher mind is mauling Gannor.”
Zia smiled at the frustration in his voice.Apparently, all the sacking was truly getting to him, whichsurprised her since he seemed so otherwise focused on the upcomingchallenge.
“You should get some sleep, Rem. It’ll bedawn in seven hours.”
“And we need to be at the launch point insix,” he agreed. “But first, Humber wanted me to brief you abouttomorrow. About what will happen afterward. If things don’t gowell, I mean.”
She winced. It was the first time Rem hadacknowledged the possibility of failure. And the fact that he haddiscussed it with Humber without Zia present sounded fairlyominous.
“It’s all fine,” he continued quickly. “Butif Malara loses, we’ll need to get you out of there right away.Technically, Alluva is only allowed to take certain prisoners—thepilots involved in the actual battle; their commander, who in thiscase is also one of the pilots; and the prime minister. But there’ssomething in the rules about dignitaries, so Humber thinks they’llmake a try for you too. You’re just too high-profile toresist.”
“Do they want to kill me?”
“Not exactly.” He rubbed his eyes, then gaveher a strained smile. “It’s all fine. Humber will have thetransport standing by. We’ll hustle over there and be gone beforeAlluva can react. Jackson and Harada will already be in suspension,so the Malarans will just stick you and me in the escort chamberand blast off.” Rem’s tone grew brisk. “It’ll all go fast, so weneed to be ready. No time for good-byes, or any of that. Okay?”
She could tell he was tired and stressed, soshe just nodded. “I can follow orders. And I will.