plan requires you to take down two, Rem. If yousucceed, you will be legendary. And if you fail,” she addedloyally, “you will still be the boldest pilot I have ever met. Andthe bravest.”

“You’re both so brave,” Zia murmured. “Ithought I was too, but I’m so scared, I’m almost numb.”

“Numb is excellent,” Annyak assured her witha wink. “I reached that exalted state several hours ago. Beforethat, I was weeping like a Zellotian whore.”

Rem grinned. “What a team. I’marrogant. Annyak’s a comic. And Quito’s completely unpredictable.No one can accuse us of being dull, right? Meanwhile, those Alluvanpilots are boring. I’ve watched the vid of the first challenge ahundred times and never saw one innovative move on their part. Notone flash of brilliance. They can’t adjust. But we can. Sowe win. Right?”

Zia was about to remind him that the Alluvansdidn’t need to be innovative for the upcoming battle. All they hadto do was mount a textbook attack, and thanks to their superiorfirepower, they would win.

Then a new voice—hoarse but electric—stoppedher by saying, “Captain Stone is correct. Our victory ispreordained because Alluva lacks brilliance. It always has.”

Zia spun toward the wheelchair-boundnewcomer. “General Carrak! You’re alive! I thought they were lyingto me. Pretending you weren’t dead so I wouldn’t fall apartcompletely. But here you are!”

“Did you think I would miss thischallenge?”

Zia studied her hopefully. The general hadmore tubes than ever hooked to her body, yet she looked rested andalert. Was it possible she could take over? Relieve Zia of thisinsane responsibility?

“Thank God, Carrak. You can pilot your owngiant now—”

“And doom Malara? They need you, Quito. Asmuch as I want to participate, I know you are the stronger pilot. Iwould fade within seconds. I would not have the energy to fire,much less to bend and pick up a rock.” Carrak grinned weakly. “Iwas laughing, did you know? When the doctors wheeled me intosurgery? In all my years as a mech pilot, I have never seen a robotthrow a rock at an opponent. It was priceless.”

Still smiling, Carrak turned her attention toAnnyak. “You saved us in the first challenge with your quickreflexes and your courage. It was enough for a lifetime, but we areasking more. Can you buy Captain Stone some time? It is all heneeds. He is the best skirmisher pilot—or rather, the bestpilot, skirmisher or otherwise—that I have ever witnessed.It will not take much, Lieutenant Annyak. Give him five minutes,and he will give us victory.”

“I can do that, General,” Annyakpromised.

Zia glanced at Rem, knowing he had to bepleased by Carrak’s praise. But just to be sure, she added her ownencouragement. “If Annyak can distract the skirmisher, Rem cantopple the first giant. I know that from painful experience.”

“But he must topple two giants,” Carrakreminded her. “That has never been done. Not even by yourgrandfather. And yet, I believe Captain Stone can do it. Do youknow why?”

Zia nodded. “Because he’s the best.”

Carrak quirked an eyebrow. “Do you wish toknow a secret? From the moment I heard that Quito’s granddaughterwas coming to Malara, I could not eat or sleep. Daniel Quito was myhero—the model for all I have ever done. I wanted to meet hissuccessor. I thought it would be you, but now I believe CaptainStone is that pilot. The next Quito—an Earthling so brave, sotalented, he can defeat any pilot Alluva chooses to put againsthim.”

Zia gave Rem a proud smile. “It’s true. Ifanyone can save Malara, you can. And if you can’t, well, that’sjust because the odds were impossible.”

“The odds can be high, but they are neverimpossible.” Carrak pumped her fist to her chest in a confidentsalute. “Go to your mechs. It is time for you to do battle.”

Zia eyed her teasingly. “What? No hug?”

When Carrak drew back, showing a rare momentof confusion, Zia assured her, “Just kidding.” Then she executedher own fist-chest salute with so much pride and flair she almostconvinced herself they had a chance to do this thing and live totell about it.

* * * *

While Annyak met with the doctors for somelast-minute doses of painkillers, Zia and Rem headed into the cargohold where the mechs awaited them.

“Look at them,” Zia whispered, awed by thesight of the silver-and-red Quito giant, which had been buffed to aperfect shine, and the red Quito skirmisher, which had also beenpolished, but wore its irreparable scars and dents proudly. “Inever really thought we’d see this day. But here it is.”

“Yeah. I know it sounds crazy but”—Remshifted his gaze from the mechs to Zia—“I think we can do it.”

“I think so too,” she lied, following hislead.

“You know what to do, right?”

“Grab the attention of the nearest giant,engage him, then retreat before he can hurt me.”

Rem nodded. “Yeah, retreat being theoperative word. You can blast your cannons at him, but always frommaximum range. Stay as far back as possible so he can’t hit youfull force.”

“Got it.”

Rem cleared his throat. “You remember theother part, right? If we don’t win—”

“They’ll want to take me alive so they canshow me off? I’m not worried about that, Rem. Carrak is surethey’ll treat me with respect. Even when they finally—well, youknow, execute me, it’ll be done painlessly out of respect for mygrandfather.” She sighed. “You need to tell them right away thatyou’re Finn Stone’s grandson. He’s a legend too.”

“We’ll see,” Rem said with a shrug.

Zia knew Carrak had prepared him for theworst. According to challenge tradition, the victorious side couldexecute the opposing warriors on the spot, or arrest them andbroadcast their execution later. They could also arrest and executethe commanding officer and all pilots from prior battles in thesame campaign, although Alluva usually spared most of thepilots.

They would not spare an Earthling though.Carrak had no doubt about that.

And they would not spare Carrak either. Shewas too big a prize given her heroic performance during the firstbattle, not to mention her status as the hero of Zellot.

“Listen, Zee . . .” Rem rested his hands onher hips. “I know you don’t want to get into this, and neither doI. But we might never see each other again. So . . . can I kissyou? Just

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