She treaded water as the current carried her toward the center of the lake. Thank the goddesses she’d learned how to swim on the Isle of Moon. And she no longer had to worry about crashing into any rocks. Glancing around, she spotted the trolls. They had followed her to the lake and were shouting at her, gesturing for her to swim ashore.
Were they hoping to take her captive? She couldn’t let that happen. But the freezing cold was seeping into her bones. If any of her muscles cramped, she could drown. Puff?
I’m coming.
Her heart squeezed at the sound of his sweet voice. He would save her again. Goddesses help her, if he wasn’t a different species, she would date him.
Have you reached the lake? he asked.
I’m in the lake.
What? Dammit, Gwen, get out. It’s dangerous.
I can’t, she replied. The trolls will attack me.
I’m almost there. Don’t get caught in the current.
A little late for that, she thought as the current swept her slowly south. If she just stayed afloat, she would eventually make it all the way to the village of Dreshka. With a gasp, she recalled the waterfall.
She was slowly moving toward it. And the current was getting stronger. Holy goddesses, she could either plummet to her death or be captured by the trolls.
Panic threatened to overwhelm her, but she channeled the frantic feelings into a burst of energy, swimming hard for the shore. The trolls pranced about, shaking their spears. Puff, where are you?
A burst of fire shot from the sky, hitting the shoreline and forcing the trolls to retreat.
Puff! She spotted him, coming from the north and flying straight for her. Good goddesses, he was magnificent. Smoke curled up from his mouth, and his scales shimmered green and purple in the sunlight. He had to be the most incredible creature on all of Aerthlan.
And he was coming for her.
His wings folded in as he dove downward. His forelegs hit the water, skimming along the surface, then he scooped her up as easily as if she were a kitten.
She flung her arms around one of his legs, squeezing him tight.
I have you.
His great wings batted the air, lifting him slowly as he continued to fly south. Just as he rose above the lake, she glanced down and saw the water cascading over the falls. Oh dear goddesses, she’d come too close to dying.
But she was safe now, thanks to Puff. Tears burned her eyes, and a shudder racked her body.
He curled up his forelegs, cradling her against his chest. Are you all right?
“Yes.” She shivered. “No. I’m freezing. And I was so … afraid.” A sob escaped and she burrowed her face against his soft leathery skin. “You saved me. Again. You’re the best dragon in the whole world.”
He held her tighter against him. I was afraid, too.
“Oh, Puff.” She pressed a hand against his chest. “I missed you. It seems like ages since I last saw you.”
It hasn’t been that long. And you had others to keep you company. Like the general.
“He doesn’t come dashing to the rescue like you. You’ve saved me twice now.”
One of Puff’s claws flinched. Then you prefer me? He angled his head downward, his golden eyes gleaming as he looked at her. I heard you wanted to date me.
“Wh-what?” she stuttered. “Who told you that? The general? The man is always joking. You can’t take anything he says seriously.”
A huffing sound emerged from Puff’s nostrils as he shifted his gaze forward. So you ignore what the general tells you? Didn’t he warn you about the dangers of the forest?
Gwennore winced. While it was true that she’d made a mistake, wandering off on her own, she still felt that Silas shared part of the blame. “I wouldn’t have gone if I’d known the trolls were real. Silas should have told me.”
But he warned you about the bears, wolves, and wildcats, didn’t he?
“I don’t want to talk about him,” she grumbled. “He’s always neglecting to tell me important things.”
Another huff from Puff. Maybe he’s trying to protect you.
“Why are you defending him?” She smoothed a hand across the soft leather of Puff’s chest. “No one protects me as well as you.”
His claws tightened, then relaxed. Then it’s true. You want to date me?
“Well…” She winced. How could she let this beautiful dragon down gently? “I am very fond of you, but…”
Have you heard of the rules for dating a dragon? When I take you for a ride—
“Hold on tight and don’t let go,” she finished for him. “And the second rule is about your extra-large heart.” She sighed. “I would never want to hurt you, Puff. Not when you’re sweet enough to come to my rescue.”
Then you should know the third rule, he said softly in her mind. Whenever you need me, you only have to call and I will come.
Dear goddesses, he made her heart ache. What a shame that he was a different species. For he was so much sweeter than that rascal Silas.
Puff’s claws flinched once again.
Sorry. He paused for a moment, then continued, I have to admit to some anger that you ventured away from the castle by yourself. Why did you?
“I wanted to meet the Kings of the Forest. And I did. They’re truly magnificent.” She patted his chest. “Almost as magnificent as you.”
Another huff. The general will be upset, too.
No doubt Silas would want to fuss at her. But she was annoyed with him, too. “You can communicate with him, right?”
“Good. Then tell him I don’t want to talk to him. After all, whenever I’m in trouble, you’re the one who saves me. Not him.”
Puff’s grip tightened as another huff escaped his nostrils. We’re at the castle now. I’ll tell the colonel that you have arrived.
He zoomed down and dropped her with a thud on the lawn close to the southern gate.
Oof. Had he done that because he was angry? Gwennore sat up and saw him flying around the castle, headed back north.