are you so observant?”

Dimitri gave him a wry look. “If you want her to be treated with respect, you should try it yourself.”

“I do respect her.”

A knock sounded, then the door cracked open and Gwen peered inside. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes.” Silas rushed over to her. “Come in.”

She hesitated in the hallway. “It’s late. I was about to go to bed.”

He leaned close to whisper, “Is that an invitation?”

She shoved him back, causing the door to swing open wide. She stiffened with surprise when she saw Dimitri. “Oh.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Good evening. I didn’t realize you were here.”

Dimitri sighed. “I have no idea why I’m here.”

“Come sit down.” Silas motioned to the chair next to Dimitri, and Gwen took a seat.

“All right.” Silas paced across the room. What was the best way to break this news? “When we arrested Lord Romak, he tried to bargain for his life by claiming he knew the identity of Lady Gwennore’s parents.”

She sat back. “How would he know that?”

“I’m not sure, but he was murdered before I could find out.” Silas circled around the desk. “Then Brody told me about an envoy from Woodwyn who visited King Leo. The envoy was insisting on taking you back to Woodwyn. After spying on him, Brody learned that you’re actually a princess.”

“What?” Gwen rose to her feet. Her surprised expression quickly turned to anger. “Why didn’t Brody tell me? How dare he discuss this with you and not me!”

Silas winced. This wasn’t going well. “He was concerned for your safety.”

With a huff, she planted her hands on her hips. “I can take care of myself!”

“Gwen, hear me out.”

With a groan of frustration, she sat back down. “Continue.”

“The envoy spoke of you with disdain, so Brody feared that the elves would never treat you well—”

“As if I’m being treated well here,” she muttered.

Silas winced. “There are people here who care about you. And if I hear anyone say anything bad about you, I’m going to clobber him. Dimitri will, too.”

Dimitri looked taken aback for a second, then mumbled, “Right.”

“Now back to the envoy.” Silas perched on the edge of the desk. “He called you a half-breed.”

Gwen stiffened with surprise. “What?”

Silas nodded. “It’s true. You’re only half elf.”

She gave him an incredulous look. “How?”

Dimitri studied her a moment. “I always thought her ears were smaller than the usual elf.”

She shrugged with an exasperated expression. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never met another elf.”

“Most people outside of Woodwyn have never met an elf,” Silas said. “They’re the most reclusive people on Aerthlan.”

“If I’m only half elf, then what is the other half?” Gwen asked.

“I had a theory about it, but I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure,” Silas admitted. “Last night, I asked the priest we captured, and he confirmed it.”

Gwen made the sign of the moons with her hands in her lap. “Who are my parents then?”

“All I know about your mother is that she’s an elfin princess. Your father was Norveshki.”

Gwen’s mouth fell open, and Dimitri sat up.

“Your father died in Woodwyn,” Silas continued. “I don’t know why or how. But he was Norveshki. That’s why you feel at home here. It’s in your blood. And that’s why you can hear the dragons. You inherited it from your father.”

Dimitri looked at her, then Silas. “Her father was…?”

“Your uncle.” Silas nodded. “Lord Tolenko.”

Dimitri dragged in a deep breath, then looked at Gwen again. “She belongs to one of the Three Cursed Clans. My clan.”

“I’m Norveshki?” Gwen asked.

“Yes,” Silas told her. “You’re the daughter of a dragon shifter.”

Dimitri stiffened. “Dammit. Why are you—” He glanced at Gwennore and his eyes narrowed. “You already know about us?”

She nodded. “I figured it out, but I won’t tell anyone. You can trust me.”

“I trust her,” Silas said, giving her a smile. “And as a member of the one of the Three Cursed Clans, she has the right to know.”

Dimitri winced. “But she’s also part elf, and the elves want her back.”

“The priest said she was nothing but a pawn to them.” Silas removed the rolled-up note from his pocket and handed it to Gwen. “This was the message the priest was taking to someone in Woodwyn. When I visited Leo and Luciana this morning, she translated it for me.”

“You saw them?” Gwen unrolled the note and read it, her face growing pale.

“As you can see, you are in danger.” Silas took the note back and slipped it into his pocket.

She gave him a worried look. “You’re in danger, too.”

He leaned over to take her hand. “I can keep you safe here. Leo and Luciana agreed that it’s safer for you to stay here. If you travel, you’ll become an easier target.”

She remained silent.

“I don’t want you going to Woodwyn when they consider you a political pawn,” Silas continued. “You belong in Norveshka just as much as you do in Woodwyn.”

“You’re my cousin,” Dimitri whispered.

“Right. You have family here. And friends.” Silas squeezed her hand. “You have me.”

Dimitri suddenly rose to his feet and headed for the door. “Silas, we need to talk.” He opened the door and strode into the hallway.

What the hell? Silas released Gwen’s hand. “I’ll be right back.”

He stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. “What’s the—” He stiffened with surprise when Dimitri grabbed his shirt collar.

“What are your intentions toward my cousin?” Dimitri demanded.


“Since my father’s death last year, I am the head of the Tolenko clan.” Dimitri slammed him against the wall. “So I ask you again. What are your intentions?”

Silas scoffed. “What happened to being best friends?”

Dimitri twisted the collar in his fist.

“All right, Papa Bear.” Silas lifted his hands in surrender. “Relax. I’ve already told Gwen that I want to marry.”

Dimitri’s eyes widened. “You did?”

“Yes. Unlike you, I’m not afraid of the damned curse.”

The door cracked open and Gwen peeked outside. “What’s going on? I heard something hit the wall. It sounded like a cannonball.”

Silas winced. He wasn’t that hardheaded.

Dimitri released Silas’s collar and smoothed out his shirt. “Just a friendly

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