the art department and whoever it is would never know that I was here, but I want to know who Quinn is talking to. And, admittedly, I want to see his painting.

After I saw his portrait of me the first week I know that he’s good. Really good. He’s definitely who I need to beat if I want to get the internship.

Taking a deep breath, I turn back and cut through curtains to make my way across the art room. Quinn mumbles something but I have no idea what it is. Luckily, the person he’s talking to is a bit louder.

“She’s good, no doubt about it, Quinn. But you know what your parents would say.”

Even though I’m listening hard, and I can make out every word, I have no idea who Quinn is talking to. Shifting my position, I lean forward, trying to hear more.

“But if she’s better…I mean, her painting last week wasn’t terrible. She only lost the bet because we – ”

The other person interrupted him. “You really think that she has the talent that you do? She has nowhere near the training that you do, Quinn. You know as well as I do that this internship is for you, and you alone. The whole challenge to win the internship is a damn charade. If you don’t walk away with it then I’m over. Your parents will see to it and I’ll be a nothing. That can’t happen. You got that?”

My heart is pounding as I lean forward a bit farther. Whoever he’s talking to is really invested in the internship and wants to make sure that Quinn gets it, no matter who stands in his way.

Quinn responds, but his voice is a mumble.

“Listen, Quinn. She has no chance of getting this internship. It’s not the way it’s going to go, do you understand? I don’t give a shit what has to be done, but little Abigail can’t come close to winning it. You want to walk out of here in one piece? Well, newsflash, so do I. My balls are in a bit of a vice right now, so you need to help me get them out, do you understand? Whatever you’re doing, keep it up. Don’t let her feel comfortable. She can’t feel like she has a chance, got it?”

Taking a deep breath, I reach out and twitch the curtain to the side. Now I can clearly see Quinn’s back and, behind him, his painting. It’s on a huge canvas that takes up almost his entire workspace, but that’s not what I’m staring at.

I can’t tear my eyes away from who Quinn is talking to. In fact, if I didn’t see it for myself, then I wouldn’t believe it.

Mr. Stanfield.

Chapter Twelve

Madeline hasn’t said anything since I stopped talking. We came up to my room right after dinner and she started out sprawled on my bed, but as I told her about what I heard in the art room after school she has slowly sat up and is now gripping my arm so tightly that her fingertips are digging into my skin.

“Don’t you have something to say?” I want to pull away, but honestly, this is the most touch I’ve had from someone in a while, and it feels good. I feel grounded.

I need it to make sure that I’m not crazy.

“You’re sure that it was Mr. Stanfield talking with Quinn? And how in the world would he be over if you got the internship and Quinn didn’t?”

“You don’t believe me.” Now I really do try to pull away from my friend, but she just digs her nails in harder.

“No, I do! I just…wow. I mean, this is the type of scandal that could really bring Trinity Prep down, you know? This is nuts! Quinn could get kicked out! You have to tell someone about this!” She sounds really excited now, and I’m beginning to wonder if I made a mistake in telling her what’s going on.

“Like who?” Standing up, I stretch, then go to look out the window. I have a great view of the quad. There’s a lot of students out there right now, but I wanted to come back to my room so we could talk without someone overhearing us. “Who in the world do you think that I could tell about this? And who would believe me?”

She doesn’t answer right away, but she does come to stand next to me at the window. Finally, she speaks. “The board of directors?”

Scoffing, I turn to her. “It’s a great thought, Madeline, but I think that I have to ride this one out on my own. Now that I know what’s going on, I can better deal with it. It sucked before, but now it’s just…” I shrug and turn back to the window. “Now it’s just the shit I have to deal with. I just want to know who Quinn worked with to ruin my painting. He definitely mentioned a “we”, but I don’t know who that would have been.”

We watch the students in the quad in silence. After a moment it becomes clear that they’re doing something. Quinn is easily visible in the middle of the group, along with his two friends, Carter and Trae. They’re bent over something, but I can’t tell what they have in their hands. They all have on gloves, which makes the whole scene even more curious.

“Can you see what they’re doing?”

Madeline shakes her head. Right then, everyone in the quad turns and looks up at the building. Quinn raises his hand and points right at my window. He’s saying something to the group. Even from up here we can hear them laughing, then Carter and Trae take each take the end of something and step forward.

Quinn bends down and nestles something close to the ground.

“Is that a catapult?”

I don’t have long to wonder. Before we can step back from the window, Quinn pulls down on his end of the catapult and then releases. Something is

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