“Now imagine what I’m going to do to you with my cock,” he whispers. “And then see how much longer you can tell yourself that you’re not going to beg me for it. You’ll beg me to fuck you, Abigail. I know your body now, better than you do, and I can make you come again, but only if you do what I tell you to do.”
I don’t realize that I’m crying until I feel the tear drip off of my chin and land on my hand. Hurriedly, I wipe them away. “And what’s that? What do you want me to do so badly? Wasn’t this enough for you?”
He laughs, the sound booming around the art room. “You think that this is all that I want from you? Poor thing. I want to take you and break you, Abigail. If you don’t think that you can handle what I’m going to do to you, then leave. But either way, I’m going to tear you apart. Then, when you realize that you can’t live without me, I’m going to take the internship and leave.”
He stands back up and walks off before I have a chance to respond. I hear his footsteps echoing away from me and then he slams open the door to the art room, letting in a shaft of light.
Too quickly, he’s gone, and the light with him.
Sitting on the floor, I try to figure out what the hell I’ve just done. Quinn wants my virginity, which he hasn’t taken yet, but he almost did. Hell, I was almost ready to give it to him just now.
But he’s evil.
I shouldn’t feel this way about him.
Finally, I stand, sliding my hand along the wall for the light switch. When I find it and turn it on, I stand blinking in the light before walking to look at my painting.
I still have time to get some work done. Painting is going to be the only thing that’s going to help me get my mind off of Quinn.
And what he did to me.
Whipping back the curtain to my area, I’m looking forward to seeing my painting. I know that I have a lot of work left to do, but this week has been good for me. I’ve gotten a lot done and I’m happy with the progress that I’ve made. Also, I know that this is the only thing that will be able to take my mind off of what just happened with Quinn.
He’s all-consuming.
I used to only think about my art, but since he came into my life, he’s taken that spot. I can’t stop thinking about him. I can’t stop imagining his body on mine.
It takes me a moment to come out of my haze and look at my art.
As soon as I look at my canvas, though, my heart sinks.
“No.” Nobody is here to hear me, and I say it louder. “No, no, no!” I’m yelling now, and I run over to my canvas, my heart pounding again.
My canvas is ruined. All of the hard work that I’ve put into it – all of the hours and the study and the technique, all gone. All ruined.
All wasted.
Someone has slashed through the canvas, cutting holes all the way through it. It’s barely hanging on the frame, shredding so completely that it’s impossible to see what I was working on in the first place.
Who the fuck would do this?
There’s only one person I can think of who is this honestly evil.
He was just in here.
I turn and run out of the art room, not even worrying about stopping to turn off the light. Quinn has a huge head start on me, and I’m not sure where he’ll be hiding.
What rock he’ll have found to crawl under.
Doesn’t matter. I’m going to find him, and I’m going to send him to hell, where he belongs.
Chapter Sixteen
I can’t believe that I can see him across the quad.
If I were him, well I would have started running as soon as I’d gotten out of the art department. But, as I have to remind myself, Quinn doesn’t think that anything bad could ever happen to him. He’s untouchable.
Not any longer.
I run, pumping my arms to cross the quad faster. Even from here I can see that he’s talking to Carter and Trae. They’re laughing. Something he’s telling them is hysterical, and my stomach twists as I think about what it could be.
Even though they were a long way from me, I’m gaining on them. He may think that he can…attack me like that and then ruin my painting and get away with it, but he has something else coming.
But was it really an attack?
The thought makes me slow my pace as it drifts through my head.
I mean, honestly, I enjoyed it. How fucked up does that make me?
Shaking my head, I kick the thought out. That’s something that I can worry about later. Right now, though, I need to catch up with him and see what the hell he thought he was doing. He’s the one who ruined my painting, I have absolutely no doubt.
“Quinn!” To my surprise, he spins around to look at me. He has a look of disbelief on his face, like he can’t believe that I chased him down through the quad. Trae and Carter turn too, their faces full of glee.
Like they know what’s coming and they can’t wait to see it all play out.
“You asshole!” I run straight up to him, pounding on his chest with my fists. Most people would step backward, but not Quinn. Maybe he really is a god – an untouchable god forged in hell and sent here to torment me. My fists make satisfying sounds as I hit him, but it has no effect.
“What’s got your panties in a twist, little Abigail?” Reaching up, he grabs my wrists seconds before I was going to pound him in the