promise of a crown. He swallowed hard, the tightness in his throat searing. It was time. The Academy was no longer his home, and he intended to show the world its secrets.

The edges of his vision were tinged red. Adair was frozen, staring at his door with wide eyes. Time seemed to collapse on itself, his hands shaking violently at the deep red slash across his bedroom door and the insults cut into the wood. Traitor. He stepped closer; the red paint looked like blood in the dimness of the quiet hallway. Follow your father to his death. His bruised hands brushed the knife marks, his tears quietly trickling down his face. Monster. A strangled noise slipped from him, and he looked around wondering which classmates had done this. How long they had thought this. Just waiting for the opportunity where no one would do anything about it. When hate would override humanity. Get out.

It was amazing the power that words held. Wielded within yourself, by other people, it didn’t matter—when you started to believe them, the poison spread. Grabbing the door knob, he took a deep breath, twisting it a little too hard. Then everything was chaos. Sharp sirens rang through the intercom, and dull flashing light coursed down the hallway. Doors slammed open, like a beating drum, as students poured out, their confusion clear. Over a decade of familiar faces, staring at him cruelly as they passed, their snide smirks and cutting judgments making his ability course through him like a shield, tempting to crash through every single mind. Just for a second, they could feel how he felt.

“Out of my way! Now!” Roque barreled down the hallway, pure panic etched across his face. Practically pushing students out of the way, Emory chased at his heels, shooting him a glance as she passed him. He didn’t think, his feet carried him after them, fear making everything vivid, and growling, he ran, dreading the worst. At the end of the hallway, the doors exploded open. Nei stood in the last of the daylight with dried blood stains over her fighting gear, Memphis, Brokk, and Alby supporting themselves beside her. In the distance, a bloodthirsty howl echoed. Roque ran to his wife, not caring there was an audience as he grasped her face in between his hands. “What happened? Nei!”

“Sarthaven has fallen.” It was a choked whisper, but it sent ripples throughout the students and remaining teachers.

He stopped, making himself flush against the hallway as he watched Emory collide into Memphis, hugging him tightly, and then Brokk.

Roque paled. “Cesan?”

Nei nodded, her voice growing stronger. “And Bresslin. Our company was lead into a trap. I was the only one to survive. The city itself, Roque... is overrun by dark creatures that he is controlling. They are killing desolates and anyone who defies them.” Silence rang out. Her hands shook as her voice cracked. “We were followed.” Roque snapped his attention past her, to the towering forest bathed in golden light. Another howl sliced through the air.

“Where’s my dad?” Marquis pushed through the throng, his emerald hair standing on end as he stared at Nei, his voice cracking. “Where’s Tadeas?” Their heads bowed, not meeting the prince’s gaze, and he shook his head growling. “No. no.” There was a clambering of hooves in the distance, and Marquis snapped his head up, pushing past them. He followed him, as if in a trance, coming to the entranceway. On the horizon, a horse galloped toward them, frothing at the bit. Tadeas clung onto the reins, his pale green hair unbound. Behind them, a creature born from darkness followed them. Hunting them. Its long black body twisting and moved at such a pace, Adair couldn’t fathom. It roared, catching up to the King of the Shattered Isles.

Nei was shouting commands, the remaining teachers of the Academy filing up beside her, the senior students jumping in line, abilities cracking to life. Marquis was saying something to him, but he was entranced by the monster and he couldn’t look away. It was like a siren call. You. He started walking slowly down the steps, the voices of the Academy fading away. I see you. His ability snapped to attention, flowing into his heart, into his mind. The creature twisted to the left, forcing Tadeas to turn sharply. Herding him toward the forest.

He was running now, sweat running down the back of his neck. Throwing his body weight, he hurled himself over the rock ledge as his ability exploded through him, rippling out from him. Right into the monster’s mind’s eye. The creature stopped, twisting violently toward him. It bared its teeth almost in a sickening smile at the new challenge. He dove deeper, into the sinew on the creature’s bones, breaking and shattering every iron it had in its consciousness. It charged toward him, the ground shaking from the force. Gritting his teeth, he ripped against the resistance so that he could attain control, but he slipped and was slammed back. You cannot win against me.

With furrowed brows, Adair threw everything he had, barreling down, latching on, and tearing. The creature roared; he was almost to him. He could see his gleaming orange eyes, saliva dripping from its teeth. Tadeas galloped past him as Adair held his ground. It snapped. He plunged, transporting as he was suddenly in control of the monster’s body, looking at himself, pale and bloodied in front of him. From this perspective, the world was a bleak place, no color, no light, only the bloodthirsty yearning for destruction. He willed the monster to stop, his sides heaving, as he took in the charging lines of the Academy. Nei lead the assault, the ground churning from her anger, Brokk shifting back into his wolf form, Memphis and Emory running down the hill. And Marquis holding back, staring at the creature, knowing that he had beaten them all to it. Students spilled out—fire and ice, lightening and gas cracking to life as abilities

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