and his joints were becoming stiff and frozen from the dropping temperatures. But there, to his right, a flicker of movement as he bared his teeth. From the night, Bresslin Stratton materialized. Her skin was pale, her hair drawn back. As she locked eyes on them, she smiled softly, her eyes empty with dark bruises underneath them. The Gortach appeared by her side, as well as the sound of hundreds of scraping claws and silver eyes staring back at them. Brokk’s hand started to tremble as Bresslin stepped forward, unsheathing a monstrous sword, the edge dipping in toward the middle of the blade, creating twelve wicked-looking teeth along its edge. His mind unraveled the history from their weapons class. The Curse, it was called. A blade embodied with unbreakable teeth, while also capturing the opponents’ blade, destroying it. The snow crunched under her leather boots.

“Well boys, it seems we find ourselves at a crossroads.”

The rumbling snickers of her army sounded all around them. Memphis tensed against him, and he clenched his teeth so hard, the pressure was overwhelming.

Bresslin raised an eyebrow in mock shock. “Oh, nothing to say? No words of great chivalry? I’m disappointed.”

The snickers transformed into full-blown animalistic chortles as the flush climbed up his cheeks.

Behind Bresslin, the Gortach rumbled, “Why not start with the shifter? He drew his blood and unleashed me. We owe him our deep gratitude.”

She paused. “Is that so?” Bresslin assessed him, and he wanted to fade away underneath her stare.

Jutting his chin out, he pressed his lips in a thin line.

“Well, it does seem to be our lucky day. I assume this is yours, too?” She held up his worn pack, and he swallowed hard.

Her lips split, showing her gleaming teeth in a pointed grin. “Oh, do we ever have much to talk about.” Sauntering toward them, the ice thickened and the snow howled until all they could see was her cunning smile. Her voice drifted on the wind. “The Academy is done. It’s time for you to decide which side you stand on.”

“We are with the Faes.” It erupted from him in a guttural growl, and Memphis rocked uneasyily behind him.

“Really?” She appeared in front of them suddenly, the Gortach trailing behind her. Their reflections flashed in the bright metal, wide-eyed. “And here I was willing to give you two a break to join our ranks, even given your status.” Snickers pushed against them, closer. “You see, boys, I think it’s unfair that such power can be born from nothing. Especially you, Carter. Weren’t both your parents desolates outside the capital? I dare say we took care of them.” No. He watched as those vicious words crumpled his best friend, fracturing his control.

Memphis lunged, screaming, “What did you do?” The edge of the sword found his throat faster than he could register.

Bresslin tutted, her breath hot against his cheek as the Gortach attacked Memphis, his screams bouncing off the ice around them. “Don’t move another muscle, if you want your friend to live.” The blade pressed harder, and swallowing, he felt the small incision cut and heal, cut and heal. His hands trembled as blood trickled down his skin. The Gortach froze as Memphis dove, ice slicing through his clothes. He watched the Gortach’s gaze narrow, and he knew Memphis was throwing every ounce of his ability into the fight. But it wasn’t enough. Roaring, the ancient creature charged and slammed into Memphis, and his friend instantly crumpled to the ground.

The scream tore threw him just as Bresslin’s fist connected with his gut. Wheezing, he doubled over, and she followed, whispering into his ear, “This is just a taste of what is coming.” She slammed the pommel into his temple. He dropped to his knees, as the woods became a blur of colors, ice ripping through his knees. He felt the blade caress down his cheek, trailing down his chest. Memphis was screaming, the sounds like a dying animal. Bresslin smirked. “This seems like a good place to start.” Blade met blood, pain encompassing his world, until it was all he knew, all he could taste and breathe. Losing himself, it consumed his world.



There was something strange hanging in the air. A shimmering, tangible energy that quaked the ground with each step he took, each breath, every longing glance behind him. The tang of magic and promise clung heavily around him, making him tremble with anticipation. He would no longer hide in the shadows. Sweat slid down his nose as he peered around the corner. The hallways were empty, and he had avoided all contact with the patrols so far. At the end of the hall, the smooth oak doors of the Fae’s office stared back at him, that light seducing him, gliding around the frame of the doorway, curling and unfurling with an elegant grace. Stepping forward, he heard his soft footfalls, his breath catching as he closed the space in strides.

“Adair?” Emory appeared behind him, melting from the shadows, worry etched into every feature. She wore a loose shirt and fitted pants. Every day that passed, they were both growing into the people that could carve the world. She stepped closer, every word pronounced, “What are you doing?”

He spun to face her, feeling his lips turn up slowly. She blanched, stopping as she took him in. He slowly tilted his head. “Why, Princess, you shouldn’t grace me with such a late visit.” His voice sounded alien even to him. Smooth, silken, and full of mockery.

Her face darkened, and she stood taller as she strode toward him and struck him fiercely across the cheek. “Listen, whatever you’re going through, whatever this is, just talk to me. Don’t shut down. Don’t push me out. This isn’t you. I want my best friend back, I need him back. Please.” Her chin wobbled, her eyes brimming, and she reached out toward his hand. “I know what the other students say. I know what you have heard. You aren’t like your father, Adair. You

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