smiled and spoke to Alby, Wyatt and Jaxson. “Please, stand still.” She concentrated, and he almost dropped to the ground in shock as one second he was staring at the group and the next all that remained was the woods. She lit up at his expression. “I can cloak anything for any length of time. I can hide us, if you will have me.”

The group returned and tears slid down his face as he broke down, completely and utterly. The last twenty-four hours choked him, and he just cried, ugly raking breaths dragging in as he caved in on himself. His heart broke as he thought of Emory a world away, and he silently promised himself he would cherish her safety until the day he died. He wouldn’t let her parents’ dream die, no matter how far they had drifted themselves. He saw his purpose sharply then, and he choked down laughter as he shakily stood, taking in the spitfire in front of him. “Yes. We will have you.”

She bobbed her head. “Excellent, as long as you aren’t a group of murderous weirdos, this should be great.”

He really laughed now. “You’re safe from murderous weirdos. We are what is left of the Academy.”

“Like the Academy?”

“The one and only.”

She nodded, lost in thought, before she whispered, “That’s where we should go, probably.” Back to the Academy?

He mulled over the thought before nodding slowly. “It would be the last thing Adair would expect. What do you say, should we go back home?”

Their swearing and catcalls were answer enough as he limped over to Memphis, scooping his friend up, and they slowly made their way back home. Back to the beginning. To the start of something new. As the idea of rebellion burned in his mind, he knew he could never go back to who he had been. As they navigated the woods together, the sigh of the wind calmed his aching soul, he knew he would never forget. And never forgive the Dark King.



Two Years Later

He stared at her lifeless body, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Hours had passed, and Memphis chewed on his fingernails, as a cool breeze filtered in the small room. Bruises flowered her body, her features peaceful as her purple hair contrasted violently with her pale skin. She looked half-starved and moments from death, but to be honest, most did when they were brought in. Alby had found her north, near the Arken mountain range, which was dangerous territory past the raiders. He had nearly slapped Alby for going that far, but staring at her face, he was glad he did.

It has been two years, since that day. He had wiped her memories as their world dove into war and they dove into rebellion. There wasn’t a moment that passed that he didn’t think about her. He always protected them all, overplanning, overcautious. He saved his new family, because it was in his control. One that he had regained carefully, piecing himself back together. Slowly over the years, they built the Academy into a refuge. Hissing, he held his head in his hands, taking in his black uniform and the reprieve they had promised here. What he had promised. By hiding under the ground.

A slight movement snapped his attention back to the young woman, and he tensed as he felt something lightly brush against his consciousness. Freezing he watched her eyes flicker open, revealing the most violet eyes he had ever seen. She croaked, “Where am I?”

He answered her mentally, “What’s your name?”

She cringed, her eyes growing wide. “You’re like me?”

His lips tugged up slowly. “Yes.”

She smoothly replied, “My name is Nyx.” A pause.

“Just Nyx?”

She narrowed her eyes, but with slightly more aggression repeated, “Where am I?”

Clearing his throat, he tried to sound consoling. “Nyx, my name is Memphis Carter. Welcome to Black Dawn Rebellion.”

“A rebellion?”

“We are finding survivors and providing refuge against Adair’s reign.” He chewed his fingernail. Once we find out where he is hiding.

She twisted her face. “And what if I don’t want to be a part of your noble cause, Memphis Carter?”

He straightened. “You are free to leave if you wish to. Though I will admit that would be a first. And how do you know that I am leading this cause?”

She smirked. “You have that air about you.” Furrowing his brow, he remained silent until she croaked, “What’s the catch?”

He smoothly replied aloud, “What do you mean?”

She whispered, “Everyone I know is dead now. But no one, and I mean no one, has ever breathed anything about a resistance.”

He truly smiled now. “That’s because I am a strong believer in staying alive and building strength before going on a suicide mission. No one knows about us unless we find you.”

She smirked, and his heart cracked. That smile that lit up her face reminded him of one he never wanted to say goodbye to. Of a woman a lifetime away. One he may never see again.

She croaked back at him, “Get me some water and food and I may just take you up on your offer, Commander.”

A gentle lightness tugged at his heart for the first time in what felt like a century. “Heal, Nyx, and we will talk more then.”

The first telekinetic he had encountered in years snored lightly as she drifted back into sleep. He sent orders to Bryd and left the room, clicking the door softly behind him.

Brokk was out on a scout, and Memphis walked back slowly to his room, the skeletal remains of the Academy slowly being built back into life. Minutes passed before he opened the door to his bunker. His thoughts churned violently, and he breathed his frustrations out, not thinking about his second-in-command who drifted away from him more every day. And Adair, his ghost army purging their world of life. The Dark King lived up to his name. Untraceable.

Flopping on his bed, he kicked his boots off, absentmindedly grabbing the half-burnt book from his nightstand. It was the only book he had found from his possessions

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