They had waited for years for the opportune moment, for the right person to come along. Truthfully, they were disappointed in how easily everyone had followed along.
Peyton had believed Brokk Foster was destined to die by her hand. When in truth, the Oilean hoped he would have killed Peyton faster. With Peyton dead, the Oilean opened the portal between Daer and Kiero, finally.
They rolled their necks, bones cracking and, in a mist of green light, started to walk, coals sparking in their wake. It was finally time to start their master’s plan and burn every inch of this kingdom to the ground.
Cackling, the Oilean disappeared into the night, leaving the grass singed and smoking where they had walked.
~ The End ~
To be continued...
I am full of gratitude as I write this, but without the following people, this series would be nothing more than a dream in my heart.
First, to my readers. Without your continuing support and enthusiasm for the world of Kiero and Emory’s story, it wouldn’t be out in the world, and for that I cannot express in words how eternally thankful I am—but thank you!!!
To my family and friends, for being my endless cheerleading squad and support—you are amazing!
To Jess, who read the first draft of this novel and shared my love for Kiero and its characters.
To Matt, this year has been one of the hardest, and yet this new edition came out of everything, and you are to thank for being there for me when things looked most bleak. I love you to the ends of the earth.
To Jaime, my publicist, thank you always for being an email away. I value your guidance and friendship and look forward to many more years working together!
To Emerald, this novel wouldn’t be in the shape it is without you, and thank you for being my awesome editor!!!
To Rae - Thank you for your work and being my extra set of eyes for this manuscript.
To Cora Graphics, you always go above and beyond for my dreams with any cover, and Heir of Lies is no exception.
Thank you to everyone at Chapters Indigo for your continued enthusiasm for helping me schedule successful book tours.
Lastly, to Link, Lola, and Leonard, I know you can’t read this, but you are the best dogs in the world.
About the Author
© Tiny Islands Photography
Mallory McCartney currently lives in Sarnia, Ontario with her husband and their three dachshunds Link, Lola, and Leonard. When she isn’t working on her next novel or reading, she can be found daydreaming about fantasy worlds and hiking. Other favorite pastimes involve reorganizing perpetually overflowing bookshelves and seeking out new coffee and dessert shops.
Follow her on Instagram @authormalmccartney.