A thunderous applause ripped through the auditorium. Sonia and Mohnish rose, clapping hard. Tears flowed freely down Sonia’s cheeks. In moments, the Director and the two actors came on stage. All three bowed low, smiling and looking triumphant. The applause grew steadily in appreciation of the realistic performances and the successful direction. And then Jaya stumbled. Karan held her, as she swayed and lost balance, crumpling to the floor.
“Jaya!” the Director cried.
Anup watched on, a strange smile on his lips. Then his smile faltered and he, too, lost his footing, clutching his throat. Within seconds, his face had changed colour and his eyes took on a look of horror, as he dropped to the wooden stage floor.
“Somebody call a Doctor!”
It took a while for the audience to realise that this was no more fine acting! The clapping echoed into eerie silence, as shocked faces turned to one another throughout the auditorium.
A couple of Assistants urged the audience to leave, and one by one they trooped outside, numb and shaken. What exactly had happened? Sonia glanced at Mohnish, a speculative glint in her eyes. Poisoning? Again!
“Come on!” she urged Mohnish. “We’ve got to go backstage.”
Mohnish followed the detective as they threaded their way through the human traffic. Pushing past the gathering crowd, they climbed up to the stage.
“Make way, please. I’m Sonia Samarth, an Investigator. What’s happened here?” Sonia spoke authoritatively.
Instinctively the knot of people on stage made way and Sonia saw Karan and a woman kneeling beside the fallen couple. The woman was sobbing. A Doctor from the audience was examining Anup. Sonia dropped on her knees and quickly checked Jayas pulse. A very faint pulse. She hastily turned to Anup. Very weak.
“The van’s outside. Let’s take them to the hospital!” someone shouted.
Immediately, Karan and the woman rose. A backstage member tapped on the woman’s shoulder. “Yours.” He thrust a blue-checked handkerchief in her hands.
She glanced at it with wet eyes, then shook her head. “Not mine,” she mumbled, then turned to the flurry of activity.
The two unconscious artistes were carried by the anxious play members.
Sonia stared after the departing bodies, a deep sorrow choking her. Perfect lovers on stage. But parting like true lovers in real life?
Inspector Divekar had taken charge. The Police were bustling around asking questions of the play members, who seemed as nonplussed as the audience at the sudden turn of events. How could a play end in real tragedy? Who had tried to kill Anup and Jaya, and why? For the first time the theatre people had more questions to ask than the Police. Everyone hung around inactively, the sets yet to be dismantled. No one seemed in the mood to wind up the scene.
Sonia stood in the wings, watching the official Police inquiry, a strange reluctance in her heart. She knew that she should begin investigating, interact with the play crew, and assist Uncle Jeevan, if he wished. But she felt hesitant to be a part of this odd scenario. The play was over and its end was far too real, so why did she feel that the playacting wasn’t over?
Karan sat in a corner of the stage, looking stunned. Sonia observed him in silence. He hadn’t changed much. The same, serious good looks that once upon a time had set her shy teenage heart racing. For an instant, the image of herself, sitting for long hours in the library, waiting for a glimpse of him, rose in her mind. The image faded and she shook her head. That was a long time ago and her crush had paled into a vague memory. But her sensitivity towards him hadn’t. With sudden resolve, Sonia moved towards him.
“Sonia?” He recognized her instantly. “What are you doing here?”
“Glad you remember me.” She took the stool beside him.
“Of course I do! Wish we could’ve met in pleasanter circumstances,” he remarked sadly.
“I was here for the play and witnessed what happened,” Sonia volunteered. “I’m sorry it all ended like this.”
Karan nodded, staring dazed at a chip on the stage floor. He wiped the sheen of perspiration on his forehead and shook his head in anger. Then he looked up and there were tears in his eyes. “Why did this happen? Why? We were just beginning the shows for this play and we were booked all over Maharashtra! How can one explain such a tragedy?”
“There was poison in the juice they poured out to each other,” Sonia said simply. “Or perhaps real poison in the bottles.”
Karan looked startled. “But that’s impossible!”
“Where was the juice before the play began?” Sonia asked.
“It was kept ready in the side wings before the show. ” Karan replied, a little more steadily.
“And what about the poison bottles that they used for the last scene?”
“The property man provides the bottles. They are also kept ready, on a stool, just beside the stage, in the side wings, for the scene.” Karan hesitated. “You think someone replaced the coloured water with real poison?”
Sonia shrugged. “Quite possible. But the question remains: Who would want to do such a thing?”
“I don’t know, I don’t understand any of this! Why would someone want to try and kill Anup and Jaya?”
“Usually the motives range from jealousy, professional rivalry to personal hatred. Is there anyone who would fit any one of these motives?”
Karan looked thoughtful.
Sonia knew that jealousy and professional rivalry were the most common features in showbiz. Personal hatreds, chequered pasts, and obsessive fan following resulted in a gamut of reactions and it was very difficult to decode the constant under currents that ran through relationships in the film and theatre world. In short, Sonia was aware that this world would never lack motives for crime.
Karan shook his head stubbornly. “I can’t imagine