of us thought beyond the first show for the invitees.”

The Director nodded. “That’s true. We were all too engrossed in trying to make it a hit. I can’t see what could have resulted in something so drastic.”

“But something must have occurred. You do realise that?”

“I don’t understand.” Deepa looked puzzled.

“Look, I know this may come as a shock to you. But have you considered the possibility that the two - Jaya and your husband - may have been involved?”

“Involved?” Deepa repeated stupidly.

“Having an affair,” the Inspector persisted grimly.

“You must be mad! My husband and. and Jaya? What nonsense! They were excellent actors, so they could project that passion and… love onstage. But don’t get fooled by those emotions. They weren’t real. My husband loved me! How could you even dream of accusing him of having an affair! And with Jaya, of all the people! We were all friends. Close friends!”

She was so agitated that Karan murmured, “Calm down, calm down.”

“How can I calm down! These people are suggesting atrocious things!”

“We’re trying to find a reason for their murder, Madam,” Inspector Divekar interjected gravely.

“Well, that is not the reason! You’ll have to look for something else! Perhaps this lady who kept calling up Anup at odd hours. She fed him a lot of crap about a lot of things. He told you about her, didn’t he, Karan?”

“Yes, he did mention some woman who wanted to meet him and kept telling him stories against Jaya, which of course he didn’t believe. Or so he said,” Karan confirmed.

“Did he mention this woman’s name?”

“No, she never revealed her name. All she said was that she was from Jaya’s past. But she hasn’t called up lately, as far as I know,” Deepa replied, then continued. “But there’s also the angle of money. Anup did speak occasionally of his debts, which were piling, and Jaya…” She paused abruptly and stared at the solemn, sympathetic faces gazing at her. “You don’t believe me, do you? You think I’m hunting around for reasons, to avoid the real issue. You are convinced that Anup and Jaya…”

“There were rumours, Deepa.” Karan spoke quietly. “I didn’t want to tell you, because I thought, then, that they were just rumours. But now I’m not so sure. Jaya and Anup did spend a lot of time together, during rehearsals and otherwise. It’s not impossible!”

Deepa swept wild eyes from face to face as the thought registered. Then she covered her face with her hands and began sobbing. Karan flung a consoling arm around her. Inspector Divekar flashed Sonia a glance.

“No, it can’t be true! Anup could not have cheated on me! I gave up everything for him. My acting career, my family - he knew I loved him like no one has ever loved him. He cannot have betrayed me!” Deepa’s cries were heartrending.

An awkward silence ensued, filled with the sobs of the distraught woman. Gradually, her sobbing petered out. She seemed to appear calmer as she dabbed at her eyes with a blue handkerchief. At length, she gazed up at the Inspector. “But I still don’t understand. If they were in love and… and having an affair, why would they kill each other?”

“That is something we are going to find out,” Inspector Divekar replied. “I have just one last question for you, Deepaji. Have you any idea how or when Anup got hold of the cockroach poison?”

Deepa nodded. “I think I can make a guess. I had bought cockroach poison yesterday and left the bottle on one of the tables in the hall. Last night I was surprised to hear that the stage bottles were not used at all. But it did not strike me until this morning that perhaps Anup had used the bottle I had purchased. I searched for it this morning, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I even asked my maid if she’d picked it up, but she said she hadn’t seen it.”

“Thank you, Deepaji, I think that’s all for now. If we need to talk again, we’ll get in touch with you.” Inspector Divekar rose and the others followed his example. “Karan, can we talk outside?”

“Yes, of course.” Karan readily led the way outdoors, to where the Police Jeep and Sonia’s van were parked.

“About what you told Deepa - do you really believe that Anup and Jaya were having a serious affair?” the Inspector asked.

Karan nodded. “I didn’t want to believe it at first. I’d kept hearing the jokes being cracked behind their backs, how they went off together in separate cars but then met at a hotel in the city. But gradually, when I saw things for myself - little things, the intimate looks, the way their hands brushed, the manner in which they talked - I didn’t like it at all. Apart from the fact that I was. interested in Jaya myself, I was worried Deepa would get wind of it. She’s very sensitive and caring and she’s treated all of us like family the last few months. I didn’t want her to be hurt or even hear the rumours, specially if they were true. I knew it would break her heart. She loved Anup deeply. But if Anup and Jaya were having a fling - or worse, if it was serious between them - it would destroy Deepa emotionally. But yes, Inspector, I do believe now that the two of them were having a passionate affair behind all our backs. It explains why Jaya insisted on Anup being present for all the sessions, including her dress rehearsals. It also explains why she was so upset just before the play. She was seen leaving his makeup room and she was very, very angry. She even told me that she would never work with Anup again. I thought then that they’d just had a friendly tiff. But obviously it was much more serious. Serious enough, perhaps, for her to take his life!”

“You think it’s possible? That Jaya could’ve intentionally poured poison into Anup’s glass?” Inspector Divekar questioned.

Karan shrugged.

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