“And I believe that we should accept that fact and let go,” Karan continued. “Let go and allow their souls to rest in peace.” “You mean stop investigating the case?” she confirmed.
The Director nodded.
“And you are prepared to live in ignorance as to what really happened, and why, on the first night of your play?” she asked, studying his face closely.
“We have already agreed that Anup and Jaya killed each other. All we’re trying to do now is unearth the motive behind it. I believe that they wished the reason to remain anonymous, otherwise they would surely have left a note of explanation. I admit that I am not immune to curiosity which the lack of details will invariably arouse, but that will have to take a backseat for a bigger cause. We have to respect their silence.”
“I’m surprised at your willingness to let go and that you actually spelled out your opinion,” Sonia admitted.
“I had this gut instinct that you would understand. You would understand the extraordinary cravings and urges of creative people and their need to give vent to them in the strangest of manner.” He was regarding her with an unswerving, intent look.
For a fleeting moment, the expression in his eyes reminded her of Mohnish.
She quickly averted her gaze. Then a faint smile curved her lips. “I’m glad you came here and voiced your innermost thoughts. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you,” he said simply.
“The Constables have been asked to lift guard from Jaya’s and your house. They’ve called off the case,” Karan remarked.
Beside him on the sofa, Deepa was replacing photos in the album. Now she glanced at him. Her face was expressionless.
“The Police are convinced that Anup and Jaya were madly in love and couldn’t live without each other,” he continued.
Deepa winced and closed her eyes.
“I’m sorry, but the unquestionable has to emerge as the ultimate truth. Anup and Jaya chose to depart together. You must accept it and forgive them, Deepa. You must forgive him!”
Deepa opened her eyes. There were tears in them. “Can you forgive Jaya? You loved her, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did. But it was not meant to be. Jaya loved Anup too much to ever really be mine,” Karan murmured sadly.
“And now they’re gone. I don’t understand this. Why didn’t he simply tell me that he loved her so much? Why didn’t he reveal his true feelings to me? I would have released him. It was so stupid to keep me in the dark and take each other’s lives!”
“Perhaps he loved you too much as well? I know you don’t quite believe that at present. But I do. I think, in his own way, Anup did have deep feelings for you. But sometimes passion overrides love and this is how it ends up!” Karan sighed. “Anyway, I want you to know that I’m here for you, whenever you need me.”
He leaned forward and pressed her hand.
Deepa smiled faintly. “Thank you. I know I can depend on you.”
“Perhaps you can even think of taking up acting again? Gradually, of course.”
Deepa nodded. “I may.”
Karan rose and gave Deepa a hug. “Always remember I am a phone call away,” he said solemnly.
She watched him leave and her heart felt as if it would burst! Poor Karan. Poor us, she thought wearily. Forgive Anup for what he had done? For his infidelity? For the travesty of their marriage? For betraying her trust and her love? She wondered. Perhaps one day her undying love for him would heal the deep gash in her heart.
The doorbell rang and Mrs Wakil opened the door.
“Oh, Namaste Deepaji!” The housekeeper looked surprised. “Do come in. I’m just getting the house cleaned up. Some of Jayaji’s relatives are coming down from Kolkata.”
“Thank you. I won’t take your time. Jaya had some of my things in her office. Can I go collect them?” Deepa asked.
“Sure! Go ahead, you know the way.”
Deepa nodded and immediately turned to the room on her left. It was Jaya’s private office, with a separate phone line. She had been here several times with Karan and Anup for script discussions. She opened the door and stepped in. The curtains were drawn, blocking the afternoon light and the heat. The office was cool, spick-and-span, with the table clean and sparkling. Yet Jaya’s presence seemed to fill the room. Even her perfume lingered in the air.
Deepa headed to the phone and stared at it contemplatively. Hesitating just slightly, she switched on the answering machine.
“Hello, Jaya, this is Karan. Meet you at sharp five.”
“Jaya, this is Vijay, don’t forget to get your green chunni”
“Hello, it’s me, Deepa. I’ve called to give you some wonderful news. I’m pregnant! Our ‘project twins’ has finally worked! Anup and I are so happy! But I know that you might be upset. Please, don’t get upset. Anup was never really serious about you. I’m his wife, after all, and that matters. He’ll pay you for your time, though. He’s always done that. And, rest assured, you’ll always remain our friend. Goodbye.”
The answering machine clicked off. Deepa stared at the machine and laughter bubbled inside her. What fools they had been! Walked straight into her trap! Well, serve them right. Especially Anup. Did he really think that he would get away with it?
She put out her hand to erase the message, when suddenly another hand grasped hers firmly. Startled, Deepa gasped.
“Good speech. Id keep that as a memory of good acting!” Sonia said, quietly.
Deepa whirled around to face Inspector Divekar, Sonia, and Jatin.
“What’s happening here!” Deepa exclaimed.
Mrs Wakil slipped into the office with a grim expression on her face. She was followed by a very stunned Karan.
“You’re being arrested for masterminding the murder of Anup and Jaya,” Inspector Divekar announced gravely.
Deepa turned to Karan, flashing him a desperate, entreating look. But the contemptuous expression in his eyes turned her heart to stone. Without a word, he walked out of the room.
“You can’t arrest me, you can’t prove