hassles. And now I’m going for a walk with Tina. Is there anything you need?”

“No. I plan to finish these right away. Ganesh Pandit hasn’t turned up in two days. There’s no message from him, either”

“Why don’t you replace him?”

“I know, sometimes I really do feel I ought to sack him, but he’s been with me for a year now and I’ve never had any reason to complain about him before. Besides, who else will come all the way to Kelshi? Anyway, you go have your walk, but be back in time to receive Jeetu,” he reminded lightly.

Sheetal touched his face tenderly. “You don’t need to feel jealous of him, honey. I love you and always will!”

Pankaj chuckled. “I’ll remember that”

He watched her leave the room and was aware of the strong emotion of love in his heart. He really did love her!

An hour later, he glanced up from his accounts, to the wall clock, and frowned. Pankaj rose and gazed out of the window. The sea was faintly visible through the slanting rain. Sheetal ought to have been back ages ago, he thought. Worry began to gnaw at him. Where was she? Had she and Tina stopped somewhere and got caught in the rain? No, she wouldn’t waste time when there was a guest for dinner. Perhaps they were just huddled under some tree in the rain. He’d just go and fetch them.

Ignoring a shiver of anxiety, he pulled on his shoes and swung on a rain jacket. Carrying a torch and an umbrella, he trudged out into the dark. Half an hour later, he had not found either Sheetal or his daughter. He walked the whole stretch of the beach, struggling against the wind and rain, calling out to them till his voice had gone hoarse.

The village! They must’ve gone to the village, he thought desperately. Sheetal probably required some ingredient for dinner and had got caught in the rain! Oh, why had he mentioned the dratted Jeetu! Sheetal would probably leave no stone unturned to cook up the perfect dinner for her good friend! Dusk had fallen and his torchlight was like a beacon, penetrating a narrow path through the pelting downpour. Crossing the wooden bridge, his feet slipping dangerously over the uneven logs, he ran as fast as the rain permitted to his car. For a moment, relief swept over him. She hadn’t taken the car! On the other hand, it meant they were out there somewhere on foot, perhaps drenched and cold. Poor Tina must be terrified in the dark. He had to stop thinking of the worst! He turned the key in the ignition. He knew that he was incapable of thinking at all, at the moment. All he knew was that he had to find them!

Minutes later he was at the tiny village square, which looked as inhabited as a ghost town! The shops were shuttered and the people were in their houses, as the driving rain and wind rattled wooden doors. The canals were overflowing, and for a long moment Pankaj stared in dismay at the bleak, dark landscape, his heart sinking into his boots. There was not a soul around! No one to answer his inquiries about his wife and daughter. Then a logical thought forced itself through the haze of confusion. If Sheetal was really stuck somewhere in the village, she would try to reach a phone to call him. His mobile hadn’t rung. That meant that his wife had no access to a phone. Which surely could mean that she wasn’t here in town. And which meant… Sudden bloodcurdling images flooded his brain. His heart began pounding madly.

Don’t panic, he admonished himself, in vain. Sheetal is with Tina. They are together. Very likely they strayed away farther than they intended. They’ll be back any moment. They may be at the house this very instant.

He reversed the car and drove wildly through the wet streets. He must be calm, he told himself as he parked the car and headed for the bridge. Fighting the slapping rain, he almost ran all the way back home.

“Sheetal! Tina!” he shouted, taking the steps two at a time.

But the silence inside resounded like an intruder. He must stay calm. Hed wait for a while, then hed call the police. He sat at his study table, his head in his hands. What had happened! Where were his wife and daughter? It was totally unlike Sheetal to behave irresponsibly. They must be in trouble. Had some animal attacked them? Had they gone too far out into the sea? Freezing hands seemed to clutch his heart, squeezing it so tightly that he couldn’t breathe.

He snapped up the receiver and quickly dialled Sonia Samarth’s Office number. If there was one person who could help him, it had to be her! The line was engaged. Damn it!

At that very moment, Sonia was busy making some calls of her own. Nidhi was polishing off her evening meal of fish and cat food, while Jatin watched like an indulgent parent.

He glanced at his watch. Seven. His Boss never seemed to pack up for the day. He must bring the long working hours up in the next staff meeting. Especially since they now seemed to intrude into his hours with Naina!

Sonia replaced the receiver and the phone instantly rang.


“Miss Samarth? This is Pankaj Naik,” the breathless voice said.

“What’s the matter?” Sonia asked at once.

“They’ve vanished.”

“Some more of your antiques?”

“Sheetal and Tina! I don’t know what to do. She told me they were going for a walk about two hours ago. They’re still not back! What if something terrible has happened to them?”

“Please, Pankaj, take it easy. Weren’t you supposed to be having a dinner party tonight?”

“Yes. Jeetu was supposed to come to dinner. And Sheetal seemed kind of nervous about it. I don’t like any of this at all! I don’t know what’s happening - ”

“Pankaj, you must do something for me. Go to Sheetal and Tina’s rooms. Find out if their

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