She hesitatedat first, blinking her eyes at the enigmatic Goth, unsure of how totell him the truth. Instinctively, Crispin leaned in closer,silently encouraging her to speak.
“They saw me naked,” she whispered, almostinaudibly.
“Pardon, did you say…”
“Yes, naked,” she repeated a tad louder, turning a bright shadeof red.
“What? Who?” he asked, looking around himself.
She tugged thetea towel from her shirt and looked down sheepishly at herself.“Somebody… took my pyjamas off and dressed me in this t-shirt,” shewhispered, averting her eyes from him.
At thatstatement, Crispin simply froze. His mind racing with opportunity.Here was something he could definitely use to his advantage. Hewould use her humility to send her on her way. That was it! Ofcourse, he’d have to tread carefully.
“Yes… well, I suppose I can understand how you’d be upset aboutthat,” he said, biting his bottom lip to keep from laughing. Theexpression on her face was priceless. “You see this is just anexample of the very thing we discussed at the trial the other day.It just simply wouldn’t do for you to remain here. Especially now.You must feel so uncomfortable.”
He watched asshe nodded in silent acknowledgement, her bottom lip doing thatmiserable little trembly thing. Not able to stand what that did tohis insides, he quickly threw in, “Now, sweetheart, I’m sure it wasall purely medicinal in nature. You can rest assured that nothinguntoward was done to your person.”
“Who?” she asked, not meeting his eyes.
“All I can tell you is that it was definitely not me,” hestated confidently. “In fact, I came nowhere near you.” Except, ofcourse, for the odd time with a glass of water, but she didn’t haveto know that.
In the verynext moment, the unmistakable sound of Kell and Dorian’s returnrattled through the old house. “Aw… here come the culprits now,”Crispin said with a sigh of relief.
Becky instantlyhiked up the quilt around her. Crispin caught her flinch when sheheard their voices downstairs. How curious, suddenly it wasn’t himthat caused her to react thusly. He could hear them now, clamberingup the stairs, curious to visit their sickly houseguest.
“I don’t want to see them,” she squeaked as Crispin stoodup.
“Come on now, you don’t mean that. They’ll be hurt,” Crispinsaid with a sly smile. His plan wasworking! How opportune a situation! “But,of course, I understand. I’ll let them know how you feel.” Exitingthe room, he caught his concerned housemates just outside herdoor.
“Hey, how’s she doing?” Kell asked, frowning at the unexpectedsight of Crispin leaving her room.
“Better… at least physically,” Crispin said, blocking thedoor.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kell asked.
“Move out of the way, Crisp,” Dorian said, raising a piercedeyebrow.
“I don’t think so,” Crispin said, simply crossing his arms andsteeling his stance.
“Move or prepare to be moved,” Kell growled angrily. “I swearif you’ve done anything…”
“You see, that’s where you’re wrong, Kell,” Crispin sneeredback. “I’m afraid it’s you two who have done it this time. So muchso that our little Becky refuses to see you at thismoment.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Kell said with a baffledfrown.
Crispin took adramatic breath in and out, slowly shaking his head in disapproval.“Come, let’s discuss this in your room, Kell.”
“Crispin, I don’t have time for your shit right now. Just outwith it, man!”
“Fine, have it your way.” With a resolute sigh, Crispin leanedin and whispered very quietly, “Seems our little houseguest isupset with you both.”
“Upset? Why?” Dorian asked, devastated.
“I’m afraid she has taken issue with the fact that one or twoof you may have taken an unsolicited peek at her girlie bits whileshe was unconscious.” Crispin barely got the words out beforegiving into the giggles.
“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” Kell scoffed, giving his head a shake.“Is that all this is about?”
“But we had too,” Dorian said defensively. “Well, Kell didanyway. It couldn’t be avoided, could it?”
“Nevertheless, she does not want to see or speak to either ofyou lotharios,” Crispin said, unsuccessfully stifling his humour.
“This is ridiculous!” Kell shoved Crispin out of theway.
Crispin didn’tput up a fight. Instead, he carried on chuckling all the way intohis room. When he got there, he couldn’t help but fall into hisbed, still in fits of laughter. He hadn’t laughed this much inyears. He would never admit it out loud, but it felt damn good, notvery Goth of him, but so what.
When Dorianattempted to follow Kell into Becky’s room, Kell turned and frownedat him. “Better let me handle this.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea, Kell.” Relieved of the uncomfortabletask, Dorian ran a hand through his floppy mohawk and left him toit.
Withoutbothering to knock, Kell opened the door a crack and poked his headinto her room. He found her lying in bed with the quilt tucked highunder her chin, her eyes downturned, a disapproving pout on herface.
“Hello,” he said, entering the room without waiting to beacknowledged. He then sat down at the edge of the bed and noticedthe half eaten bowl of soup on the tray. “You had something to eat?Did you get it yourself?” he asked, both curious and relieved. Shehadn’t eaten much at all this past week. He had started to worrythat she might never recover.
She gave herhead the tiniest of shakes. “Crispin….”
Kell raised hiseyebrows at the news. Well, who would have thought it? He must beup to something. It wasn’t like Crispin to be so… selfless. “Areyou feeling better?” he asked, attempting to place his hand overher forehead.
Becky flinchedaway from his hand and met his eyes with a look of mistrust. Howdare he act like everything was okay between them? How dare he lookso handsome, sitting there in his dark militia inspired Goth gear?“A little bit, yes,” she replied, grappling the rolled up piece ofpaper in her hand.
“What’s that you’ve got there?” Kell asked, curious.
“A list of rooms for rent,” she said, handing it to him.“Crispin was nice enough to find them for me.”
Ah ha, now thatsounded like Crispin, Kell thought, taking the list from her andhaving a quick glance. He raised an eyebrow at some of the proposedresidences. He recognized some of the addresses. Not exactly idealsituations for a girl like Becky. Besides, he and Dorian