The pricklyGoth was back! Becky couldn’t help but wonder about him. After theday they’d had together, she was even more perplexed. Followingthat fiasco with the dreaded black box, they’d had the best time,kicking back, watching movies. Here he was all snarky and miserableagain.
“Never mind, eh,” Dorian said. “Just enjoy the show,Becky.”
“Yeah, he’s a miserable bastard at times, but he means well,”Kell added.
“Kind of like you in a way, Kell,” Dorian teased, giving Beckya conspiring wink before heading back to the stage.
“Fuck off, you,” Kell scoffed, before sliding into the boothbeside Becky. He watched her fighting back a giggle. “You agreewith him, don’t you?”
“Well, he’s not far off…”
“What do you know about it?” he purred, losing himself in herquirky smile. It’s a good thing they were in a public place at thatmoment. He was having the hardest time fighting the urge to kissthe living daylights out of her. As it was, he couldn’t keep hishand off her lovely little knee.
Suddenly thestrapping Goth was all hands. Becky wasn’t complaining, that’s forsure. In fact, she was loving every minute of his undividedattention.
“All I know is that you’re needed on stage right now,” shesaid, biting her lip, torn between having him near or watching himplay that sexy ass bass of his.
The bar was nowvery crowded, and Crispin and Dorian had both taken their places.All that was missing from the stage was Kelley.
“You just stay right here,” he whispered in her ear. “Where Ican see you.”
“I might have to get up and walk around to stretch mylegs.”
He couldn’tstop himself if he wanted to. “I’ll give you something to stretchyour legs around,” he growled, nipping at her earlobe.
“Kelley?” She gasped, caught off guard. She instinctivelyleaned into his steely warmth, delighting in her body’s reaction tohis suggestive phrasing.
Without so muchas another word, the lusty Goth slipped out of the booth, headingtowards the stage with a cat-like swagger in his step.
Chapter 23
Stay righthere? But how in the world was she supposed to stay put when allshe really wanted to do was hug that stage! It only took a minuteof watching Kelley pound away on that sexy black bass before Beckyabandoned the booth.
Coupled withCrispin’s beautiful voice and hypnotic stage presence, she couldn’thelp but be drawn closer to them, her badass Goth boys. The factthat Dorian insisted on going shirtless, showing off his amazingtattooed chest and gorgeous muscles as he mercilessly beat hisdrums was almost too much for her to bear.
Fully aware ofher proximity, Kelley put a little extra into his performance thatnight. It was impossible to miss her since she was, in fact, theonly one hugging the stage. The thing with younger college boundGoths is while they might come out to watch their favourite bands,they rarely showed enthusiasm, preferring to sit back nonchalantlyin their booths or stand by the bar, looking unaffected. They mayfloat a bit closer. Eventually, they may even sway to a tune hereand there, but that was about it.
On thecontrary, Becky was all smiles, pounding her little fist in theair. She really was like their own little cheerleader. Even Crispincouldn’t fight back the smile that tugged on his lips at the sightof her enthusiasm.
Spellbound,Becky watched and listened as Crispin sang song after song whileplaying lead guitar. As far as she was concerned, he wasawesome.
He’d madesnarky comments about hating doing both at the same time, but shecouldn’t quite understand why. Even now, though, between songs, shecould hear him mutter and swear under his breath. He’d kick atwhatever was around and he was currently holding his guitar as ifhe wanted to strangle the thing.
Eventually,they started to perform a cover of a softer familiar song thatBecky quite liked. She’d heard them play the original version onthe stereo at home. Zoning in on Kelley for the duration of thetune, she didn’t even realize that she was staring.
Damn, did shehave to look so sweet? Trying to maintain his concentration wasnear impossible, especially with her swaying her shapely littlehips in perfect tune to his bass. Kelley wanted nothing more thanto jump down and sway with her.
After that songwrapped up, they did a run through of two heavier tunes. Near theend of the second one, Becky winced at the way Crispin swore andscowled. He must have screwed up somewhere because he waspositively pissed off.
“Fuck this shit!” He yanked the guitar strap off his neck andlooked about ready to smash the helpless thing. Frustrated, Doriantossed his drumsticks to the ground while Kelley just stood thereshaking his head.
Judging fromthe cheers around her, Becky realized that the audience was lovingthe drama. Looking back towards the band, she could kind ofunderstand their appreciation. While it was obvious to her thatthis was not a good thing, Crispin’s meltdown only added to theKingston Quartet’s appeal. They never looked better, or in hereyes, sexier than when they were angry.
Dropping theguitar to the floor, Crispin stormed off stage without a backwardsglance. Seconds later, Dorian ran off in a different directionwhile Kelley hung back looking rather unimpressed with the entiresituation.
Moments later,the DJ took over with the music and everyone dispersed. Standingawkwardly by the stage, Becky didn’t quite know what to do withherself.
Jumping down byher side, Kelley took her by the shoulders, spun her around and ledher towards the bar.
“What was that all about?” she asked as he hoisted her up ontoa barstool.
“Bullshit, that’s what it was.” He swivelled her around so thathe stood between her knees.
“I thought you guys were awesome until that last littlebit.”
He gave her anindulgent smile. He didn’t want to talk about the show. In fact, hewas almost glad they wrapped up early so he could hang out withBecky. “Thanks for cheering us on, though.”
“You’re welcome. My pleasure!” She happily planted her hands onhis broad shoulders and gave them a squeeze. “Thanks for bringingme.”
Signalling thebartender, he ordered them both drinks, a beer for him, anotherginger ale for Becky. “Or would prefer something stronger?” he saidinto her ear.
“I don’t know. I’m not much of a drinker,” she sputtered,squirming at his lingering warm breath in her