“That’s all right, Milton, but thanks for asking anyway. I’m already feeling much better.” I was glad to see a smile on Odell’s face, even though it was a tight one and didn’t stay there long. He moaned and flopped down on the arm of the couch.
“What’s wrong with you, Odell? It ain’t nothing catchy, I hope. Sadie didn’t say, but Buddy said something about he’d heard you throwing up in the bathroom.”
“I was. And from both ends,” Odell rattled. “It must have been something I ate for lunch.”
“I think you’ve been doing too many things and got your system out of whack,” I scolded. “My hard-headed daddy had the same problem for years. Like you, he used to run himself ragged. At least once every two or three weeks, he’d have to leave work and go home and stay close to the toilet. But he hasn’t had that problem at all since he retired.”
“Odell, I think Joyce is right. You been doing too many things,” Milton threw in gently. “If you change your mind about something to drink, send Joyce over to the house and I’ll fix you up. I don’t like to see you looking so . . . um . . . distressed.”
“I feel the same way,” Yvonne added.
I couldn’t deny the worried looks on their faces, especially Milton’s. It was obvious that they were just as concerned about Odell’s well-being as I was. Maybe they were not as crude as I thought they were....
“Thanks,” Odell mumbled.
“Y’all hungry? Can I get y’all something? I’m going to fry catfish for supper and y’all welcome to join us,” I said, looking from Milton’s face to Yvonne’s to Odell’s.
“That’s all right, Joyce. We ate some neck bones at Mosella’s on our way home. But thank you for asking. I love catfish,” Yvonne chirped. I was in a fairly good mood and was glad she and Milton had come to the house. I had promised myself that I’d forget about all the petty resentment I’d felt toward her recently until I heard what she said next. “Joyce, one thing I can say about you is that you sure know your way around the kitchen. But I never met a large woman that didn’t know how to cook up a storm.”
“Thanks, Yvonne,” I said stupidly with my face burning. By now her references to my size didn’t bother me that much, but I was still mildly annoyed, so I had to say something about her that would bring her down a peg or two. “By the way, I can get you some lotion that’ll work much better than what you use on your ashy legs now. And, I noticed the other night when you had on that low-cut blouse that you have some stretch marks on the top of your breasts.” I stared at her ashy hands and legs and frowned. “Maybe I should get you some of that Corn Huskers brand. It’s so strong, it’ll even work on alligator skin. Odell, do we have some in stock at the store?”
“I think so,” he mumbled, scratching the side of his neck.
“I could use some myself. We’ll stop by the store on our way home tomorrow and pick us up a couple of bottles,” Milton piped in. “And we can pick up a few other things. Huh, Odell?”
We chatted about a few mundane things for another twenty minutes or so, but nothing of interest to me. I was getting bored and was anxious for them to leave so I could give all my attention to Odell. When he jumped up and made a beeline for the bathroom, it was a good excuse for me to throw out a hint for them to go home. “If y’all don’t mind, I’d better check on Odell and make him go back to bed.”
“Take your time. It’s fun sitting here chit-chatting, so we’ll wait on you to get back,” Yvonne yipped.
I escorted Odell back to bed and returned to the living room. Another ten minutes dragged by. Yvonne and Milton didn’t budge until they heard somebody drive up and park in front of their house.
“That sounds like Willie Frank’s truck. He said he was coming back tonight.” Yvonne sprung up off the couch like a jack rabbit. “Come on, baby.” She grabbed Milton by the hand, and they rushed out the door. I went to the window and parted the curtains. Right after Willie Frank piled out of his truck, another one arrived. I stayed at the window until Odell came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.
“Sweet Jesus. I thought they’d never leave,” he moaned. I was surprised and delighted to hear how much stronger he sounded now.
“I didn’t either. They always seem to come at an inconvenient time. But you have to admit, they are entertaining.”
“So is a dancing bear.”
“Odell, be nice now. They’re not that bad. If we had had something to drink in the house, I wouldn’t have gotten bored.”
“Well, you can always go over to their house and drink all you want. And with all the activity they got going on, you won’t have to worry about them boring you over there,” Odell teased.
I gave him a thoughtful look. “That’s true. Too bad we can’t go next door tonight. I feel like kicking up my heels for a little while, and that Willie Frank is even more entertaining than Yvonne and Milton.” I let out a deep sigh and felt Odell’s forehead. “How do you feel now?”
“Better still. Not good enough to go drinking next door, though. But why don’t you go? After babysitting me, I’m sure a good stiff drink would do you a world of good.”
“Odell, you stop talking crazy. I’m not leaving you in this house